dashboard_operator.md 3.3 KB

Dashboard for Operator

By default, the operator dashboard will listen on port 8080 at the Master Node, and operators can login in with default admin:pass credential.

The left panel gives quick link to various functions, including overview, system status, Hosts, Active Clusters, Inused Clusters and About.

Name URL Function
Overview /index See a high-level overview on system status
System Status /stat See statistics on the system
Hosts /hosts Operate on the hosts managed by the system
Active Clusters /clusters?type=active Operate on existing running chains in the pool
Inused Clusters /clusters?type=inused Operate on user occupied chains in the system


Dashboard Overview

The default overview page show the overall status of the system, e.g., how many hosts are deployed within the system, how many clusters are running on those hosts. And there are status numbers for both hosts and clusters.

System Status Page

dashboard status

The system status page shows the host and cluster statistics in terms of types and active/inactive in the system.


dashboard hosts

In Host page, you can manage all the existing hosts in the pool, and add new hosts. The host shows its Type (e.g., SINGLE for Native Docker, or SWARM for Docker Swarm), Status (active or not) , Chains (How many chains running in the host), Cap (Capacity) and Log Config (level, receiver). Those non-schedulable host will have a grey line

In the Action dropdown menu, you can

  • Fillup: Fill a host with chains till it's full capacity.
  • Clean: Clean all unused chains at the host.
  • Config: Set configurations of the host, e.g., name or capacity.
  • Reset: Reset everything on the host, useful when u meet problems of running chains on the host. Notice a host can be reset only when there's no inused chains on it.
  • Delete: Remove the host from the pool, then the system will not care about it.

Add Host

You can click the Add Host button to add more hosts into the pool.

dashboard add-host

Active Chains

The Active Chains page shows all existing running chains in the system, with their Name, Type, Status, Health, Size and Host. Those inused chains will have a grey line.

dashboard clusters

In the Action dropdown menu, you can

  • Start: Start a chain that is not running.
  • Stop: Stop a running chain to stopped status.
  • Restart: Restart a chain.
  • Delete: Delete the chain.
  • Release: Release a user-occupuied chain back to the pool, which will be deleted later.

You can click the Add Chain button to add more chains into the pool if there are non-full hosts.

dashboard add-cluster

Inused Chains

Filter out those running chains that are occupied by users.

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