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Run everything on one clean Ubuntu server

As a developer, you might like to run everything on one machine by following the steps below to stand up a fabric network. At present, Ubuntu servers are the target operating systems that Fabric uses. For any other operating system, you may have to resolve some issues related to installation commands. The following steps work on Ubuntu 17.04 server. If you are using a different version of Ubuntu server, the steps should be very similar other than some dependency differences; for example, earlier Ubuntu server versions do not have git installed, so you may have to install git as well.

Please follow the below steps to stand up an all-in-one fabric system

Install dependencies and clone cello

Use a clean Ubuntu system, login as a user who can do sudo su without prompting password, and run the following commands to install necessary dependencies, grant current user docker permissions and clone the cello project into the current user home directory::

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip libssl-dev libffi-dev -y
    sudo pip install 'ansible>='
    sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
    cd ~ && git clone

Setup ssh key pair and key ssh login

    mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cd ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t rsa -f fd -P ""
    cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

The above commands create a key pair named fd and If you choose to use other names, you will need to make sure these names are used in ~/cello/src/agent/ansible/vars/vb.yml and bc2nd.yml file in steps below. Files vb.yml and bc2nd.yml use fd and as the default value for ssh key pairs.

Log out, log back in and setup ssh agent

    eval $(ssh-agent -s) && ssh-add ~/.ssh/fd

The above command create a ssh-agent so that you do not have to provide ssh keys in your current session when you try to establish a ssh connection, Notice that this only establish a ssh-agent for current session. If you log out and back in, you will have to run the above command again.

Create runhosts file

Create a run directory ~/cello/src/agent/ansible

    mkdir -p ~/cello/src/agent/ansible/run

Create file ~/cello/src/agent/ansible/run/runhosts.tpl with the following content

    cloud ansible_host= ansible_python_interpreter=python
    $ip private_ip=$ip public_ip=$ip inter_name=fabric001




Change your working directory to ~/cello/src/agent/ansible and run the following commands to create runhosts file for your environment.

    ipaddr=$(ip -4 addr show | awk -F '/' '/inet / {print $1}' | grep -v '' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2;exit}')
    sed "s/\$ip/$ipaddr/g" run/runhosts.tpl > run/runhosts

Stand up the fabric network

Then run the following two commands to stand up fabric network. If you are using different user id, then you will need to change the ssh_user in both vb.yml and vb2nd.yml file in ~/cello/src/agent/ansible directory to match your user id::

    ansible-playbook -i run/runhosts -e "mode=apply env=vb" initcluster.yml --skip-tags="resetconn"
    ansible-playbook -i run/runhosts -e "mode=apply env=bc2nd" setupfabric.yml

Destroy the fabric network

To get rid of the fabric network, you can simply do the following:

    ansible-playbook -i run/runhosts -e "mode=destroy env=bc2nd" setupfabric.yml
    ansible-playbook -i run/runhosts -e "mode=destroy env=vb" initcluster.yml

Notice that the commands are in reverse order of the commands in previous step.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.