## Supported Make Commands The following opperations are supported by [Make](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makefile) command. Prepend the following commands with make. These commands should be run in `cello` directory, for example: `/cello $ make all`. ### all Default to run the testing cases. ### build-js Builds js files for react. ### check CI checking. Runs the following commands. This runs the following commands for you. ```bash $ tox $ make start && sleep 10 && make stop ``` ### clean Cleans up the environment and removes temp files like .cache, .tox, .pyc. It runs the following commands for you. ```bash $ rm -rf .tox .cache *.egg-info $ find . -name "*.pyc" -o -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf "{}" \; ``` ### doc Starts a doc server locally. It runs the following commands for you. ```bash $ pip install mkdocs $ mkdocs serve ``` ### help Show help. ### image-clean Cleans up all cello related docker images. It runs the following commands for you. ```bash $ docker images | grep "cello-" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rmi -f $ docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q) ``` ### log Shows logs of specified service. To view logs from `Dashboard` service, use: `make log service=dashboard`. ### logs Shows logs of all services. ### setup-master Sets up the master node. Run on Master node. It runs the following command for you. ```bash $ cd scripts/master_node && bash setup.sh ``` ### setup-worker Sets up the worker node. Run on Worker node. It runs the following commands for you. ```bash $ cd scripts/worker_node && bash setup.sh ``` ### redeploy Redeploys specified service(s). To redeploy `Dashboard` service, use: `make redeploy service=dashboard`. ### start Starts all services, include nfs server. Runs following command for you. ```bash $ docker-compose up -d --no-recreate ``` ### restart Restarts all services. ### stop Stops all services and removes stopped service containers. Runs the following commands for you. `docker-compose stop`, `docker-compose rm -f -a`. ### watch-mode Runs watch mode with js files for react. ### npm-install Installs modules with npm package management. ### start-nfs Start NFS server manually. ### stop-nfs Stop NFS Server manually.