# Dashboard for User By default, the user dashboard will listen on port `8081` at the Master Node, and operators can login in with default `admin:pass` credential. The left panel gives quick link to various functions, including `Chain`, `Invoke`, `Smart Contract`. | Name | URL | Function | | --- | --- | --- | | Login | `/#/user/login` | User Dashboard Login Page | | Chain | `/#/chain/index` | See a high-level overview on all chains | | Chain Info | `/#/chain/info/$id` | See special chain info | | Create New Smart Contract Template | `/#/smart-contract/new` | Create new smart contract template | | Smart Contract Template List | `/#/smart-contract/index` | See all smart contract template uploaded by user | | Smart Contract Template Info | `/#/smart-contract/info/$id` | See special smart contract template info | | Running Smart Contract | `/#/smart-contract/running` | All running smart contract list | | Invoke & Query | `/#/smart-contract/invoke-query/$id` | Invoke&Query smart contract | ### User Dashboard, Apply & Use Chain User can login user dashboard, and apply & use chain. ![Login Page](imgs/user-dashboard/login.png) #### Chain List Page In this page will display all applied chain by user. ![Chain List Page](imgs/user-dashboard/chain_list.png) #### Chain Detail Page In this page will show the basic information for chain, such as (block height, number of channel, number of installed/instantiated chain code, recent block/transaction), operation history. ![Chain Info Page](imgs/user-dashboard/chain_info.png) #### Smart Contract template list page In this page will list all uploaded smart contract template by user, and support multi version for smart contract. ![Smart Contract template list page](imgs/user-dashboard/smart_contract_template.png) #### Smart Contract template detail page In this page will show the detail of smart contract template, include (multi version, deployed smart contract, deploy operation) ![Smart Contract template info page](imgs/user-dashboard/smart_contract_template_info.png) #### Smart Contract Operation Page In this page use can invoke/query smart contracts which has been deployed. ![Smart Contract Operation Page](imgs/user-dashboard/smart_contract_operation.png) #### Running Smart Contract List Page In this page will list all deployed smart contract, include (success/failed). ![Running Smart Contract List Page](imgs/user-dashboard/smart_contract_running.png) Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.