/** * @Description:英文模块,按照页面的路径区分常量 */ export default { empty: '', menu: { home: 'Home', aiModel: 'LibraAI Model', aiModelSubVertica: 'LibraAI Model', aiModelSubWater: 'LibraAI Water Management Model', libraCarbonNeutral: 'Libra Carbon Neutrality', libraCarbonNeutralSubDevelopment: 'Carbon Asset Development and Trading', libraCarbonNeutralSubTrading: 'Carbon Trading', libraCarbonNeutralSubSustainable: 'Sustainable Development', news: 'News', about: 'About', water: 'LibraAI + Water Affairs', fire: 'LibraAI + Fire Control', carbon: 'LibraAI + carbon neutra', sustainable: 'Sustainable', asset: 'Carbon Asset Development and Trading', trading: 'Carbon Trading', contractBtnVal: 'Contact Us' }, footer: { descTop: 'Follow Sequoia Libra on official WeChat account and video channel', descBottom: 'To stay updated with the latest information on AI and dual carbon initiatives', officialAccounts: 'Official Account', channels: 'Video Channel', contactUs: 'Contact Us', adress: 'No.3714, Floor 101, Building 19, District 16, 188 South Fourth Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing', copyright: 'Copyright © Sequoia Libra Technology Group Co., LTD', aiModelTitle: 'LibraAl scale model', aiModel: 'LibraAl Large scale model', carbon: 'Libra carbon neutral' }, home: { bannerTitleTextTop: 'Intelligent Future', bannerTitleTextBottom: 'Unlimited Possibilities', bannerTips: 'scroll down to continue exploring', introTopTitle: 'LibraAI Model', introTopSubTitleOne: 'Sequoia Libra delves into verticals such as water management, firefighting, carbon neutrality, etc., focusing on developing the next generation of vertical models. Creating LibraAI+ water management, LibraAI+ firefighting, LibraAI+ carbon neutrality products', introTopSubTitleTwo: '', introTopContent:'LibraAI, a billion-level water management model, integrates "intelligent robots" to introduce an AI product capable of multimodal human-machine interaction. It serves as the "smart brain" for water management decisions, empowered by a comprehensive model ecosystem and full technical support.', introTopIconOne: 'Intelligentization', introTopIconTwo: 'Unmannedization', introTopIconThree: 'Professionalization', introTopIconFour: 'Customization', introMiddleTitle: 'LibraAI Water Management Model + Inspection Robot', introMiddleSubTitleOne:'The LibraAI Water Management Model and Detection Robot have been deployed in five major sewage treatment plants, including Xinyi and Hulan, reducing water quality alarms and cutting electricity and chemical costs by 30%.', introMiddleSubTitleTwo: '', introMiddleContent:'LibraAI Water Management Model + Inspection Robot empowers the water management industry, offering users features such as comprehensive parameter detection, expert Q&A, alarm decision-making, predictive alerts, intelligent dosing, and precise aeration. Through automated parameter testing and operational capability enhancement, it drives efficiency transformation in water plants.', introMiddleIconOne: 'Process Automation', introMiddleIconTwo: 'Precision Detection', introMiddleIconThree: 'Data Assetization', introMiddleIconFour: 'Decision Intelligence', introBottomTitle: 'Libra Carbon Neutrality', introBottomSubTitleOne:'The LibraAI Water Management Model and Detection Robot have been deployed in five major sewage treatment plants, including Xinyi and Hulan, reducing water quality alarms and cutting electricity and chemical costs by 30%.', introBottomSubTitleTwo: '', introBottomContent:'Fuxi Carbon Benefit serves as a one-stop trading platform for carbon assets, aiming to facilitate convenient and efficient trading of diverse carbon asset products for more enterprises and individuals. Utilizing AI+ satellite remote sensing DMRV technology, we establish high-quality carbon emission reduction project standards, reducing project investment risks.', introBottomIconOne: 'Government resources', introBottomIconTwo: 'Innovative technology', introBottomIconThree: 'Trading platform', introBottomIconFour: 'Industry chain', newsTitle: 'News Center', partnersTitile: 'Partners', }, model: { bannerTitleTextTop: 'LibraAI Model', bannerMiddleTextTop: 'Empowering Enterprises Innovating the Future', bannerBottomTextTop: 'The large model drives industrial transformation, reshaping enterprise productivity', tabBasics: 'Basic Data', tabOperation: 'Operational Data', tabIndustry: 'Industry Knowledge', tabProject: 'Engineering Case ', firstPlateTitle: 'Why Choose LibraAI Model?', firstPlateSubTitle: 'Empowering Industries with Intelligence, Defining a Tailored Intelligent Assistant for Every Enterprise', firstPlateOne: { title: 'Data, ', subTitle: 'Foundation', content:'Collaborating deeply with experts from multiple universities, we inject billions of specialized data and enterprise practice data to build vertical large models, providing accurate and comprehensive expert-level Q&A services.' }, firstPlateTwo: { title: 'Application, ', subTitle: 'Customization', content:'Offering flexible application and customized services, we deliver personalized model experiences through diverse parameter settings, and provide dedicated model solutions tailored to specific business needs.' }, firstPlateThree: { title: 'Scenario,', subTitle: 'Optimization', content:'LibraAI model focuses on water management, firefighting, municipal services, carbon neutrality, etc., providing diverse functionalities including expert Q&A, predictive alerts, decision support, and intelligent work orders.' }, firstPlateFour: { title: 'Security, ', subTitle: 'Protection', content: `By employing a private deployment architecture, along with data encryption technology and multiple measures such as access control, we ensure the security of enterprise data and mitigate the risk of data breaches.` }, secondTitle: 'Customized Exclusive Large Models for the Water Management, Firefighting, Municipal Services, and Carbon Neutrality Sectors', secondSubTitle: 'Empowering Industries, Six Core Abilities to Facilitate Efficient Enterprise Development', secondPlateOne: { title: 'Multi-turn Dialogue', subTitle: '', content:'Capable of contextual understanding, flexible responses, and follow-up inquiries, delivering high-quality multi-turn Q&A across various professional domains' }, secondPlateTwo: { title: 'Text Generation', subTitle: '', content:'Enabling automatic text creation that is applicable to multiple domains with flexible language styles, meeting users\' diverse text generation needs' }, secondPlateThree: { title: 'Language Understand', subTitle: '', content:'Possessing powerful language understanding, accurately comprehends user input, and provides natural, intelligent multilingual interaction' }, secondPlateFour: { title: 'Knowledge Q&A', subTitle: '', content:'Equipped with Q&A capabilities in water management, firefighting, municipal services, and carbon neutrality, offering detailed, professional, multi-level, and personalized responses' }, secondPlateFive: { title: 'Logical Reasoning', subTitle: '', content:'Accurately understand user intent, perform reasoning analysis based on input data or information, and provide precise inferences and in-depth answers' }, secondPlateSix: { title: 'Multi-Modal', subTitle: '(Coming Soon)', content:'Supports text-to-image generation, transforming creative ideas into visuals with simple commands' }, thirdPlateTitle: 'Product Solutions', thirdPlateOne: { title: 'LibraAI Model', content:'Build an expert-level smart assistant based on an enterprise-specific knowledge base to provide professional Q&A across various fields' }, thirdPlateTwo: { title: 'End-to-End Detection Intelligent Assistant', content:'The LibraAI Water Management Model with detection robots and smart equipment enhances precise detection and efficiency for enterprises' }, thirdPlateThree: { title: 'Alarm Prediction Application', content:'24/7 monitoring and analysis of operational data, forecasting water quality trends, alerting abnormal indicators, and effectively preventing risks' }, thirdPlateFour: { title: 'Smart Work Order Application', content:'Supports custom report generation, display, and analysis, aiding key metric understanding and precise decision-making' }, thirdPlateSix: { title: 'AI Agent', content:'The LibraAI large model empowers smart offices, providing functions like intelligent document generation to enhance office efficiency' }, }, water: { aiModel: 'LibraAI Model', bannerTitle: 'LibraAI Water Management Model', bannerSubTitleTop: 'A billion-level water management model deeply integrated with intelligent robots,', bannerSubTitleBottom: 'empowering the realization of AGI in the water industry.', firstBlockTitle: 'LibraAI Water Management Model Integrated Solution', firstBlockSubTitle: 'The LibraAI water management model, a deployed vertical solution, integrates efficient code, multimodal understanding, and prediction models. Combined with "intelligent robots," it introduces an AI product capable of multimodal human-machine interaction. Supported by a complete model ecosystem and full technical backing, it acts as the "smart brain" for water management decisions, enhancing intelligent water management through AI.', firstBlockTabItemOne: 'Government', firstBlockTabItemTwo: 'Enterprise', firstBlockTabItemThree: 'Testing Agency', secondBlockTitle: 'LibraAI Water Management Model Integrated Solution', thirdBlockTitle: 'LibraAI Water Management Model Integrated Solution', modelLeft: { title: 'Computing Power', gpu: 'GPU Scheduling', training: 'Elastic Training', inference : 'Inference Acceleration', acceleration: 'Distributed Training Acceleration', computing: 'Distributed Computing', domain: 'Domain-specific Optimization', }, modelRight: { title: 'Big Data', knowledge: 'Water Knowledge', data: 'Operational Data', production : 'Production Data', work: 'Work Information', case: 'Engineering Case', regulations: 'Regulations', }, secondTitle: 'End-to-End Intelligent Inspection Product', secondSubTitleTop: 'Utilizing "robotics" and "artificial intelligence" technologies as the foundation, and adhering to national standards, we conduct precise detection of various water samples, including wastewater and surface water at different stages of the sewage treatment plant process, including inflow and outflow', secondSubTitleBottom: '', productOneTitle: 'Intelligent Laboratory Robot', productOneSubTitle: '', productTwoTitle: 'Activated Sludge Smart Detector', productTwoSubTitle: '', productThreeTitle: 'Activated sludge Bio-microscope System', productThreeSubTitle: '', productFourTitle: 'Intelligent Coagulation Dosage', productFourSubTitle: '', coreTitle: 'Core Functions', coreSubTitle: 'The LibraAI Water Management Model integrates industry-specific knowledge on a scale of tens of billions, providing users with six core functionalities to facilitate comprehensive data value excavation across the entire water management chain, precise control over all aspects of processes, and intelligent decision-making across all business applications', coreSubTitleBottom: '', }, // 碳中和 - ccer ccer: { bannerTitle: 'Carbon Asset Development and Trading', bannerSubTitleOne:'Providing project owners with end-to-end carbon asset development consulting, from project identification to emission reduction verification. We connect exchanges, emission-controlled enterprises, and project owners, facilitating secure, convenient carbon trading participation, ensuring timely fulfillment and value realization', bannerSubTitleTwo: '', bannerSubTitleThree: '', bannerBtnVal: 'FUXI CARBON', tabsItemCcer: 'CCER Development', tabsItemVcs: 'VCS Development', tabsItemTrading: 'Carbon Trading', serviceTitle: 'Our Services', serviceSubTitle: 'For the development of carbon asset projects, Sequoia Libra provides you with one-stop full process services from development issuance transaction', serviceItemOne: 'Responsible for completing the project design document (PDD) writing', serviceItemTwo: 'Assist the project owner to complete the project publicity and approval', serviceItemThree: 'Assist project owner to complete project registration', serviceItemFour: 'Responsible for calculating and issuing emission reduction accounting reports', serviceItemFive: 'Assist project owners to complete emission reduction publicity and verification', serviceItemSix: 'Assist the project owner to complete the emission reduction registration', serviceItemSeven: 'Assist project owners in completing transactions by listing projects on the Fuxi Carbon platform', descTitle: 'China Certified Emission Reduction(CCER)', descItemOne: 'CCER (China Certified Emission Reduction) is a nationally verified voluntary emission reduction unit, quantifying and verifying greenhouse gas emission reduction effects, registered in the National Registry System for Voluntary Emission Reduction Trading. CCER can be exchanged with carbon quotas equivalently. Nationwide and local pilot emission control enterprises can purchase CCERs to meet national emission control requirements and can also be used for carbon neutrality by enterprises and large-scale activities', descItemTwo: '', descItemThree: '', projectTitle: 'Projects that CCER can develop', projectItemOne: 'Afforestation carbon sink', projectItemTwo: 'Mangrove construction', projectItemThree: 'Grid connected solar thermal power generation', projectItemFour: 'Grid connected offshore wind power generation', flowTitle: 'CCER project development process', flowEvaluation: 'Project evaluation', flowDesign: 'Project design', flowPublicity: 'Project publicity', flowApp: 'Project approval and registration', flowAccount: 'Emission reduction accounting', flowEmi: 'Emission reduction publicity', flowreg: 'Emission reduction verification & registration', flowtran: 'Project transaction', }, vcs:{ serviceTitle: 'Our Services', serviceSubTitle: 'For the development of carbon asset projects, Sequoia Libra provides you with one-stop full process services from development issuance transaction', descTitle: 'Verified Carbon Standard(VCS)', descItemOne: 'The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) administered by Verra is the world\'s largest voluntary carbon reduction mechanism. VCS projects are managed by a non-profit independent association, requiring voluntary carbon reductions to be genuine, measurable, permanent, independently verified, and unique. VCS is currently one of the most mature carbon offset standards and the most widely used carbon reduction measurement standard worldwide. The project types under VCS are similar to those under CDM, but VCS has gained broader support from the carbon reduction industry.', descItemTwo: '', descItemThree: '', projectTitle: 'Projects that VCS can develop', projectItemOne: 'Improving agricultural land management projects', projectItemTwo: 'Grassland sustainable management', flowTitle:'VCS project development process', flowTitleOne:'Selection methodology', flowTitleTwo:'Project description and publicity', flowTitleThree:'Approved the project proposal', flowTitleFour:'Certified emission reduction', flowTitleFive:'Verified Carbon Units(VCUs)', flowContentOne:'Project owners must choose a VCS methodology that is appropriate for their project or develop a new methodology for their project through the VCS Methodology development process.', flowContentTwo:'Owners need to open an account in the VCS Registry and submit the project proposal to the VCS Project development list for publicity.', flowContentThree:'Owners need to hire a VVB to validate their project interpretation.', flowContentFour:'Project owners need to monitor and record emissions reduction data and produce monitoring reports. And verified by a third party.', flowContentFive:'The owner submits an application for emission reduction. Emission reductions are issued at the discretion of the owner to hold, sell or write off.', }, // 碳交易 carbon:{ projectTitle:'Trading product', iconTitleOne:'CEA', iconTitleTwo:'CCER', iconTitleThree:'VCUs', iconTitleFour:'REC', iconTitleFive:'CER', descTitle:'Transaction subject', descItemOne:'Emission control enterprises', descItemTwo:'Project enterprise', descItemThree:'Investment institution', descItemFour:'Individual', saleTitle:'Buyer and seller transaction difficulties', saleItemTitleOne:'The carbon market lacks transparency', saleItemTitleTwo:'Lack of expert guidance in carbon trading', saleItemTitleThree:'Lack of full process legal support', saleItemContentOne1:'Market transparency is low, buyers and sellers can not achieve accurate matching, easy to miss trading opportunities;', saleItemContentOne2:'The quality of carbon reduction projects varies, making it difficult to ensure their authenticity and reliability.', saleItemContentTwo1:'Due to the high volatility of carbon price, it is difficult for buyers and sellers to accurately predict the future changes of carbon market.', saleItemContentTwo2:'The implementation rules of the country and the pilot are inconsistent, and the enterprise may not be able to fulfill the agreement on time due to lack of guidance;', saleItemContentThree1:'There are many intermediaries and agents in the carbon trading market, and it is difficult to guarantee the transaction security during the negotiation process.', saleItemContentThree2:'Lack of professional legal guidance, unable to provide timely professional solutions after the breach of contract;', ourTitle:'Our advantage', ourSubTitleOne:'Provide comprehensive customized trading services for buyers and sellers in the field of carbon trading', ourSubTitleTwo: '', ourItemOne:'Domestic and foreign project resources', ourItemTwo:'Massive buyer and seller resources', ourItemThree:'Project authenticity assurance', ourItemFour:'Customized Trading strategies', ourItemFive:'One-stop convenient trading', ourItemSix:'Professional legal support', platformTitle:'Platform function', doubleTitle:'Carbon business training', doubleSubTitleOne:'To foster more talents in the carbon business, the Fuxi carbon platform has launched the Fuxi Academy module, led by industry experts and senior instructors. It offers 50+ premium courses in the carbon business field, accurately match your needs, and help personal career development', doubleSubTitleTwo:'', doubleItemOne:'Power generation industry carbon emissions accounting introduction', doubleItemTwo:'Carbon emission accounting in cement industry', doubleItemThree:'Carbon emission accounting in steel industry', doubleItemFour:'Carbon emission accounting in electrolytic aluminum industry', doubleItemFive:'Product carbon footprint accounting', doubleItemSix:'Eu Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Introduction (Industry-wide)', salesTitle:'Flash Sales', }, // 可持续发展 develop:{ bannerTitle: 'Sustainable Development', bannerItemOne:'Faced with climate change and trade barriers, Sequoia Libra offers comprehensive sustainable development services with AI+ carbon neutrality technology. We help companies understand their carbon emissions, strengthen carbon management, save energy and resources, improve supply chain sustainability, and enhance corporate social responsibility and environmental contributions', bannerItemTwo:'', bannerItemThree:'', tabItemOne:'Enterprise Carbon Consultation and Planning', tabItemTwo:'CBAM Solution', tabItemThree:'LCA Product Carbon Footprint Evaluation', tabItemFour:'ESG Solution', subTitle:'Enterprise Carbon Consultation and Planning', subTitleContentOne:'Based on an AI+ carbon accounting model, enterprises can understand their carbon emissions, including the quantity and sources. This aids in recognizing their impact on climate change, prompting environmental concern and importance within the enterprise. By formulating sustainable decarbonization strategies, companies can establish a positive social image, enhancing consumer recognition and trust in the enterprise.', subTitleContentTwo:'', subTitleContentThree:'', iconTitle:'Our Services', iconItemOne:'Corporate Carbon Accounting', iconItemTwo:'Dual Carbon Pathway Planning', iconItemThree:'Cost Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement Strategy Formulation', iconItemFour:'Net Zero Emission Offset', iconItemFive:'Carbon Management Capacity Building', flowTitle:'Collaborative Decarbonization Processes', flowTitleOne:'STEP1: Identify Accounting Boundaries and Emission Sources', flowTitleTwo:'STEP2: Data Collection and Organization', flowTitleThree:'STEP3: Calculate Carbon Emissions', flowTitleFour:'STEP4: Generate Emission Reports', flowTitleFive:'STEP5: Establish Decarbonization Roadmap', flowTitleSix:'STEP6: Sustainable Development Improvement', flowStepOne:'Based on internationally recognized accounting guidelines such as the GHG Protocol, ISO 14064, and relevant domestic industry guidelines, accurately identify the accounting boundaries and emission sources of enterprises, including those in the eight major emission-intensive industries', flowStepTwo:'Through modular data collection forms, ensure the accuracy, completeness, and transparency of data, saving you valuable time and enhancing your dual carbon management capabilities', flowStepThree:'Calculate emissions for all emission scopes according to relevant accounting methods, and intelligently analyze and compare emissions across categories and dimensions', flowStepFour:'Generate carbon emission reports based on calculation and analysis results. The report includes detailed data on accounting boundaries, data sources, calculation methods, carbon emissions, and analysis results', flowStepFive:'Utilize AI+ Dual Carbon Large Model to formulate scientific decarbonization targets for you, decomposing them into actionable indicators to adapt to various stages of sustainable development goals, and gradually achieve near-zero emissions across the entire supply chain', flowStepSix:'By tracking the progress of your enterprise\'s sustainable development and continuously refining your strategic goals, we ensure the competitiveness of your business. Through reducing carbon emissions and adopting decarbonization plans, we support your enterprise\'s green transformation', CBAMSubTitle:'CBAM Solution', CBAMSubTitleContentOne:'With the implementation of the CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) legislation, an increasing number of exporting enterprises need to provide carbon emission information for their exported goods to EU importers. These enterprises also face pressure in terms of data accounting and subsequent carbon costs. Sequoia Libra provides you with end-to-end CBAM accounting and reporting services, helping you accurately calculate the carbon emissions of exported goods and formulate corresponding decarbonization strategies to reduce your carbon costs.', CBAMSubTitleContentTwo:'', CBAMSubTitleContentThree:'', CBAMItemTitle:'End-to-End CBAM Services', CBAMItemOne:'CBAM Commodity Review', CBAMItemTwo:'CBAM Reporting Planning', CBAMItemThree:'CBAM Research and Accounting', CBAMItemFour:'CBAM Data Reporting', CBAMItemFive:'CBAM Policy Consultation', CBAMItemSix:'CBAM Capacity Building', CBAMItemContentOne:'Understanding the current status of the enterprise, conducting a review, and identifying commodities affected by CBAM', CBAMItemContentTwo:'Develop CBAM Reporting Plans and Data Monitoring Schedules', CBAMItemContentThree:'Confirming production processes and accounting boundaries, calculating carbon emissions for CBAM commodities', CBAMItemContentFour:'Assisting Enterprises in Filling Out CBAM Communication Templates', CBAMItemContentFive:'Providing In-depth CBAM Policy Interpretation Consultation, Keeping Up-to-date with Policy Trends', CBAMItemContentSix:'CBAM Course Guidance to Help Enterprises Forge Low-Carbon Development Paths', CBAMUnderstandTitle:'Understand CBAM', CBAMUnderstandItemOne:'What is CBAM?', CBAMUnderstandItemTwo:'Transition Period', CBAMUnderstandItemThree:'Implementation Period', CBAMUnderstandItemContentOne:'The CBAM, or Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, also known as "carbon tariffs," is a climate trade policy of the European Union. It aims to prevent carbon leakage, ensure the effectiveness of EU climate policies, and avoid the decline in the competitiveness of EU industries. It does so by imposing carbon taxes on imported high-carbon products.', CBAMUnderstandItemContentTwo:'The transition period begins on October 1, 2023, and ends on December 31, 2025. During the transition period, the European Union requires importers to report quarterly on the embedded greenhouse gas emissions of comprehensive commodity categories.', CBAMUnderstandItemContentThree:'From January 1, 2026, the formal implementation stage of CBAM certificates will commence. As of now, CBAM-authorized declarants will need to purchase CBAM certificates corresponding to the embedded carbon emissions of imported goods.', CBAMSixTitle:'The six industries covered by CBAM are', CBAMSixItemGang:'Iron and steel', CBAMSixItemShui:'Cement', CBAMSixItemLv:'Aluminum', CBAMSixItemHua:'Fertilizers', CBAMSixItemQing:'Hydrogen', CBAMSixItemDian:'Electricity', LCATitle:'LCA Product Carbon Footprint Evaluation', LCATitleOne:'Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a powerful method for understanding the environmental impacts of a product throughout its entire life cycle and value chain. The life cycle includes stages from initial raw material procurement, design, manufacturing, use, to final disposal and recycling. Sequoia Libra\'s product carbon footprint evaluation is based on AI+ dual carbon large model, which integrates global carbon emission factors to provide more accurate data for assessing and comparing the environmental impacts of products.', LCATitleTwo:'', LCATitleThree:'', LCAFlowTitle:'LCA Full Process Services', LCAFlowItemOne:'Data Collection and Accounting', LCAFlowItemTwo:'Product Carbon Footprint Certificate', LCAFlowItemThree:'Product Carbon Label', LCAFlowItemFour:'Product Decarbonization Strategy', LCAFlowItemContentOne:'Create production process diagrams, collect data, and conduct lifecycle data accounting', LCAFlowItemContentSubOne:'', LCAFlowItemContentTwo:'Provide exclusive carbon footprint certificates for your products, detailing all relevant information', LCAFlowItemContentSubTwo:'', LCAFlowItemContentThree:'Align with global trends with green, low-carbon product labels to boost competitiveness', LCAFlowItemContentSubThree:'', LCAFlowItemContentFour:'', LCAFlowItemContentSubFour:'Based on the product\'s lifecycle carbon data, provide effective decarbonization strategies', LCALifeTitle:'What are the Steps of LCA?', LCALifeItemOne:'Identify the Accounting Boundaries', LCALifeItemTwo:'Data Collection', LCALifeItemThree:'LCA Carbon Footprint Accounting', LCALifeItemContentOne:'Determine the functional unit of the assessed product, such as a glass or a mobile phone. Then select the assessment scope of the product lifecycle, from cradle to gate or from cradle to grave, to determine the assessment scope.', LCALifeItemContentTwo:'Identify the inputs and outputs involved in each stage of the lifecycle, including raw materials, energy, waste emissions, etc. Obtain relevant data by contacting suppliers, manufacturers, or consulting carbon emission factor databases.', LCALifeItemContentThree:'Based on the collected data, calculate the greenhouse gas emissions generated at each stage, assess the environmental impact of different stages, and then derive the carbon footprint results of the product. Subsequently, propose corresponding improvement measures.', LCAFootprintTitle:'Methods for Calculating Product Carbon Footprint', ESGTitle:'ESG Solution', ESGItemOne:'ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, representing an investment philosophy and corporate evaluation standard that focuses on a company\'s environmental, social, and governance performance rather than traditional financial performance. In recent years, various ministries and regulatory agencies in China have issued multiple rules and guidelines to standardize and improve the disclosure of ESG responsibilities by listed companies. Companies with strong ESG performance tend to have higher investment returns, lower risks, and better resilience during crises.', ESGItemTwo:'', ESGItemThree:'', ESGItemTitle:'ESG Consulting Services', ESGConsultItemOne:'ESG Strategy', ESGConsultItemDescOne:'Comprehensive evaluation of company performance in ESG aspects, aiding long-term sustainable financial returns.', ESGConsultItemSubOne:'', ESGConsultItemTwo:'ESG Disclosure', ESGConsultItemDescTwo:'Enhance ESG disclosure transparency, aiding investors and stakeholders in better assessing long-term company value and risks.', ESGConsultItemSubTwo:'', ESGConsultItemThree:'ESG Climate Risks', ESGConsultItemDescThree:'Help companies evaluate green transition and climate risks, integrating them into sustainable development goals.', ESGConsultItemSubThree:'', ESGInfosTitle:'The benefits of corporate disclosure of ESG reporting information', ESGInfosSubTitleOne:'ESG disclosure by companies helps build a sustainable corporate image and brand, uncovering their own long-term sustainable development potential. It enhances their business value and valuation, making them more attractive to external investors.', ESGInfosSubTitleTwo:'', ESGInfosContentTitle:'ESG Report Information', ESGInfosContentOne1:'Strengthening environmental and social risk management to enhance corporate sustainability capabilities.', ESGInfosContentOne2:'', ESGInfosContentTwo1:'Meeting government and industry association regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance and systematic demonstration of ESG performance.', ESGInfosContentTwo2:'', ESGInfosContentThree1:'Focusing on the growth of internal employees attracts and retains talent.', ESGInfosContentThree2:'', ESGInfosContentFour1:'Establishing a responsible corporate brand and image enhances the company\'s reputation.', ESGInfosContentFour2:'', ESGInfosContentFive1:'Selecting responsible suppliers helps uphold customer rights and enhance satisfaction.', ESGInfosContentFive2:'', ESGInfosContentSix1:'Continuously contribute to the community for mutual benefit between the company and society.', ESGInfosContentSix2:'', }, // 新闻动态 news: { bannerTitle: 'News Updates', bannerSubTitleOne: 'Insight into the industry, leading the change', tabsItemCompany:'Company News', tabsItemDomestic: 'Domestic Updates', tabsItemForeign: 'International Updates', }, // 关于我们 about: { bannerTitleOne: 'LibraAI model + intelligent robot, more professional, more intelligent, more efficient', bannerFirstSubTitleOne: 'Combining LibraAI model and intelligent robots, we are developing innovative, leading applications in the water management sector.', bannerFirstSubTitleTwo: '', bannerTitleTwo: 'To address climate change, carbon accounting, carbon management, carbon trading, and carbon reduction', bannerSecondSubTitleOne: 'Using "AI + remote sensing," we are developing the Fuxi Carbont Platform for carbon asset management, trading, and development, supporting carbon peak and neutrality goals.', bannerSecondSubTitleTwo: '', companyProfileTitle:'Company Profile', companyProfileContentOne:'Sequoia Libra Technology pioneers vertical models and water management robots in water management, municipal services, fire protection, and carbon neutrality. Using its LibraAI model and inspection robots, it provides "AI operational body" solutions, integrating software and hardware for enhanced productivity. The company aims to transform the water industry into a high-end, intelligent, and green sector.', companyProfileContentTwo:'The Group collaborates with top scholars and experts from China, the USA, and Europe to establish an Industrial Technology Research Institute, advancing AI large model applications in vertical sectors.', companyProfileContentThree:'Group Headquarters: Beijing, specializing in advanced technology research and development.', companyProfileContentFour:'Branch Office: Harbin, specializes in operations, product promotion, and marketing.', founderTitle:'Founder Introduction', founderName:'Dr. Yitong Piao', founderJob:'Founder and CEO of Sequoia Libra Technology', founderDescOne:'Piao Yitong holds a bachelor\'s from Harbin Institute of Technology, a master\'s from UC Berkeley in Environmental Engineering, and a PhD from Stanford University in Civil and Environmental Engineering.', founderDescTwo:'Founded Sequoia Libra Technology in 2021 ,actively responding to national policies like "New Productivity" and "AI+," focusing on intelligent water management transformation. In 2024, we launched LibraAI, a billion-level water management model empowered with robotics for automated detection, intelligent dosing, and precise aeration. This innovation propels the water industry into a new era of artificial intelligence, supporting AGI in water management.', teamTitle:'Team Introduction', teamDesc:'Sequoia Libra\'s team comprises AI, robotics, environmental engineering, ecology, carbon neutrality, energy, finance, and legal experts, with over 95% holding advanced degrees. Focused on water services and carbon neutrality, we drive smart transformation in the environmental sector, integrating AI and robotics to reshape natural ecosystems and meet industry needs.', businessTitle:'Sequoia Libra\'s business domains', businessItemOne:'LibraAI + water management', businessItemTwo:'Water inspection robots', businessItemThree:'LibraAI + fire protection', businessItemFour:'LibraAI + carbon neutrality', businessItemFive:'LibraAI + municipal services', businessItemSix:'Carbon asset development', businessItemSeven:'Carbon trading', businessItemEight:'Sustainable development', advantagesTitle:'Core advantages', advantagesItemOne:'Innovative a technology', advantagesItemOneContent:'Integrating AI and robotics, we developed a billion-level water management model with robots for an unmanned smart factory.', advantagesItemTwo:'Professional service', advantagesItemTwoContent:'We provide customized water management models and robots, along with consulting, support, integration, training, and after-sales service.', advantagesItemThree:'Outstanding team', advantagesItemThreeContent:'partnering with 15 prestigious universities globally, led by 9 experts in AI and robotics, our team includes over 95% with advanced degrees.', advantagesItemFour:'Excellent culture', advantagesItemFourContent:'With integrity, teamwork, learning, innovation, excellence, and social responsibility, we deliver outstanding solutions.', contactTitle:'Contact Us', contactAddressBj:'Beijing (Headquarters)', contactCompanyBjName:'Sequoia Libra Technology', contactCompanyBjAddress:'Address: Room 503, 5th Floor, Block D, SOHO 2, No. 9 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing', contactBjPhone:'Tel:010-63366692', contactBjEmail:"Email: info{'@'}slibrai.com", contactAddressHa:'Harbin (Branch Office)', contactCompanyHaName:'Harbin Sequoia Libra Intelligent Technology', contactCompanyHaAddress:'Address: Building 9, No. 158 Chengze Road, Songbei District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province', contactHaPhone:'Tel:010-63366692', contactHaEmail:"Email: info{'@'}slibrai.com", }, dialog: { title: 'Contact Us', content: "To learn more about Sequoia Libra's products and services, please leave your information, and we will contact you within one business day.", namePlaceholder: 'Please enter your name*', phonePlaceholder: 'Please enter your phone*', textareaPlaceholder: 'Enter your needs, and our staff will contact you promptly.', btnText: 'Submit', verifyEmptyName: 'Please enter your name', verifyLengthName: 'The maximum number of words is 10', verifyEmptyPhone: 'Please enter your phone', verifyPhone: 'Please enter the correct mobile number', verifyLengthTextarea: 'A maximum of 200 words are required', verifySuccess: 'submit successfully', verifyError: 'submit failure ', } }