@@ -32,27 +32,6 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
select id, type, user_id, user_name, service_category, time_begin, time_end, times, category, status, phone, bussiness_type, remark, has_parsed, parsed_voice_content, del_flag, revision, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time from t_call_record
select id, type, user_id, user_name, service_category, time_begin, time_end, times, category, status, phone, bussiness_type, remark, has_parsed, parsed_voice_content, del_flag, revision, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time from t_call_record
- <select id="selectTCallRecordList" parameterType="TCallRecord" resultMap="TCallRecordResult">
- <include refid="selectTCallRecordVo"/>
- <where>
- 1 = 1
- <if test="type != null "> and type = #{type}</if>
- <if test="userId != null "> and user_id = #{userId}</if>
- <if test="userName != null and userName != ''"> and user_name like concat('%', #{userName}, '%')</if>
- <if test="serviceCategory != null "> and service_category = #{serviceCategory}</if>
- <if test="timeBegin != null "> and time_begin = #{timeBegin}</if>
- <if test="timeEnd != null "> and time_end = #{timeEnd}</if>
- <if test="times != null and times != ''"> and times = #{times}</if>
- <if test="category != null "> and category = #{category}</if>
- <if test="status != null "> and status = #{status}</if>
- <if test="phone != null and phone != ''"> and phone = #{phone}</if>
- <if test="bussinessType != null and bussinessType != ''"> and bussiness_type = #{bussinessType}</if>
- <if test="hasParsed != null "> and has_parsed = #{hasParsed}</if>
- <if test="parsedVoiceContent != null and parsedVoiceContent != ''"> and parsed_voice_content = #{parsedVoiceContent}</if>
- <if test="revision != null "> and revision = #{revision}</if>
- </where>
- and del_flag = 0 order by id desc
- </select>
<select id="selectTCallRecordById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="TCallRecordResult">
<select id="selectTCallRecordById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="TCallRecordResult">
<include refid="selectTCallRecordVo"/>
<include refid="selectTCallRecordVo"/>
@@ -147,4 +126,27 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
+ <!-- 2024年11月12日09:51:10 下面是新增或者调整的,不允许覆盖 -->
+ <select id="selectTCallRecordList" parameterType="TCallRecord" resultMap="TCallRecordResult">
+ <include refid="selectTCallRecordVo"/>
+ <where>
+ 1 = 1
+ <if test="type != null "> and type = #{type}</if>
+ <if test="userId != null "> and user_id = #{userId}</if>
+ <if test="userName != null and userName != ''"> and user_name like concat('%', #{userName}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="serviceCategory != null "> and service_category = #{serviceCategory}</if>
+ <if test="timeBegin != null "> and time_begin >= #{timeBegin}</if>
+ <if test="timeEnd != null "> and time_end <= #{timeEnd}</if>
+ <if test="times != null and times != ''"> and times = #{times}</if>
+ <if test="category != null "> and category = #{category}</if>
+ <if test="status != null "> and status = #{status}</if>
+ <if test="phone != null and phone != ''"> and phone like concat('%', #{phone}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="bussinessType != null and bussinessType != ''"> and bussiness_type = #{bussinessType}</if>
+ <if test="hasParsed != null "> and has_parsed = #{hasParsed}</if>
+ <if test="parsedVoiceContent != null and parsedVoiceContent != ''"> and parsed_voice_content = #{parsedVoiceContent}</if>
+ <if test="revision != null "> and revision = #{revision}</if>
+ </where>
+ and del_flag = 0 order by id desc
+ </select>