application.yml 6.4 KB

  1. # ===================================================================
  2. # Spring Boot configuration.
  3. #
  4. # This configuration will be overridden by the Spring profile you use,
  5. # for example application-dev.yml if you use the "dev" profile.
  6. #
  7. # More information on profiles:
  8. # More information on configuration properties:
  9. # ===================================================================
  10. # ===================================================================
  11. # Standard Spring Boot properties.
  12. # Full reference is available at:
  13. #
  14. # ===================================================================
  15. ---
  16. # Conditionally disable springdoc on missing api-docs profile
  17. spring:
  18. config:
  19. activate:
  20. on-profile: '!api-docs'
  21. springdoc:
  22. api-docs:
  23. enabled: false
  24. ---
  25. management:
  26. endpoints:
  27. web:
  28. base-path: /management
  29. exposure:
  30. include:
  31. [
  32. 'configprops',
  33. 'env',
  34. 'health',
  35. 'info',
  36. 'jhimetrics',
  37. 'jhiopenapigroups',
  38. 'logfile',
  39. 'loggers',
  40. 'prometheus',
  41. 'threaddump',
  42. 'caches',
  43. 'liquibase',
  44. ]
  45. endpoint:
  46. health:
  47. show-details: when_authorized
  48. roles: 'ROLE_ADMIN'
  49. probes:
  50. enabled: true
  51. group:
  52. liveness:
  53. include: livenessState
  54. readiness:
  55. include: readinessState,db
  56. jhimetrics:
  57. enabled: true
  58. info:
  59. git:
  60. mode: full
  61. env:
  62. enabled: true
  63. health:
  64. mail:
  65. enabled: false # When using the MailService, configure an SMTP server and set this to true
  66. metrics:
  67. export:
  68. # Prometheus is the default metrics backend
  69. prometheus:
  70. enabled: true
  71. step: 60
  72. enable:
  73. http: true
  74. jvm: true
  75. logback: true
  76. process: true
  77. system: true
  78. distribution:
  79. percentiles-histogram:
  80. all: true
  81. percentiles:
  82. all: 0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0
  83. tags:
  84. application: ${}
  85. web:
  86. server:
  87. request:
  88. autotime:
  89. enabled: true
  90. spring:
  91. application:
  92. name: ecsp
  93. profiles:
  94. # The commented value for `active` can be replaced with valid Spring profiles to load.
  95. # Otherwise, it will be filled in by gradle when building the JAR file
  96. # Either way, it can be overridden by `` value passed in the commandline or `` set in `JAVA_OPTS`
  97. active: prod
  98. group:
  99. dev:
  100. - dev
  101. - api-docs
  102. - no-liquibase
  103. # Uncomment to activate TLS for the dev profile
  104. #- tls
  105. prod:
  106. - prod
  107. - no-liquibase
  108. #- tls
  109. jmx:
  110. enabled: false
  111. data:
  112. jpa:
  113. repositories:
  114. bootstrap-mode: deferred
  115. jpa:
  116. open-in-view: false
  117. properties:
  118. hibernate.jdbc.time_zone: UTC
  119. true
  120. hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit: true
  121. hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache: true
  122. hibernate.cache.use_query_cache: false
  123. hibernate.generate_statistics: false
  124. # modify batch size as necessary
  125. hibernate.jdbc.batch_size: 25
  126. hibernate.order_inserts: true
  127. hibernate.order_updates: true
  128. hibernate.query.fail_on_pagination_over_collection_fetch: true
  129. hibernate.query.in_clause_parameter_padding: true
  130. hibernate:
  131. ddl-auto: update
  132. naming:
  133. physical-strategy: org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy
  134. implicit-strategy: org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringImplicitNamingStrategy
  135. messages:
  136. basename: i18n/messages
  137. main:
  138. allow-bean-definition-overriding: true
  139. mvc:
  140. pathmatch:
  141. matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher
  142. task:
  143. execution:
  144. thread-name-prefix: ecsp-task-
  145. pool:
  146. core-size: 2
  147. max-size: 50
  148. queue-capacity: 10000
  149. scheduling:
  150. thread-name-prefix: ecsp-scheduling-
  151. pool:
  152. size: 2
  153. thymeleaf:
  154. mode: HTML
  155. servlet:
  156. multipart:
  157. max-file-size: 50MB
  158. max-request-size: 50MB
  159. output:
  160. ansi:
  161. console-available: true
  162. server:
  163. servlet:
  164. session:
  165. cookie:
  166. http-only: true
  167. springdoc:
  168. show-actuator: false
  169. # Properties to be exposed on the /info management endpoint
  170. info:
  171. # Comma separated list of profiles that will trigger the ribbon to show
  172. display-ribbon-on-profiles: 'dev'
  173. # ===================================================================
  174. # JHipster specific properties
  175. #
  176. # Full reference is available at:
  177. # ===================================================================
  178. jhipster:
  179. clientApp:
  180. name: 'ecspApp'
  181. # By default CORS is disabled. Uncomment to enable.
  182. # cors:
  183. # allowed-origins: "http://localhost:8100,http://localhost:9000"
  184. # allowed-methods: "*"
  185. # allowed-headers: "*"
  186. # exposed-headers: "Authorization,Link,X-Total-Count,X-${}-alert,X-${}-error,X-${}-params"
  187. # allow-credentials: true
  188. # max-age: 1800
  189. mail:
  190. from: ecsp@localhost
  191. api-docs:
  192. default-include-pattern: ${server.servlet.context-path:}/api/**
  193. management-include-pattern: ${server.servlet.context-path:}/management/**
  194. title: Ecsp API
  195. description: Ecsp API documentation
  196. version: 0.0.1
  197. terms-of-service-url:
  198. contact-name:
  199. contact-url:
  200. contact-email:
  201. license: unlicensed
  202. license-url:
  203. security:
  204. content-security-policy: "default-src 'self'; frame-src 'self' data:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; font-src 'self' data:"
  205. # ===================================================================
  206. # Application specific properties
  207. # Add your own application properties here, see the ApplicationProperties class
  208. # to have type-safe configuration, like in the JHipsterProperties above
  209. #
  210. # More documentation is available at:
  211. #
  212. # ===================================================================
  213. # application: