tdbcodbc.tcl 15 KB

  1. # tdbcodbc.tcl --
  2. #
  3. # Class definitions and Tcl-level methods for the tdbc::odbc bridge.
  4. #
  5. # Copyright (c) 2008 by Kevin B. Kenny
  6. # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
  7. # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
  8. #
  9. # RCS: @(#) $Id: tdbcodbc.tcl,v 1.47 2008/02/27 02:08:27 kennykb Exp $
  10. #
  11. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. package require tdbc
  13. ::namespace eval ::tdbc::odbc {
  14. namespace export connection datasources drivers
  15. # Data types that are predefined in ODBC
  16. variable sqltypes [dict create \
  17. 1 char \
  18. 2 numeric \
  19. 3 decimal \
  20. 4 integer \
  21. 5 smallint \
  22. 6 float \
  23. 7 real \
  24. 8 double \
  25. 9 datetime \
  26. 12 varchar \
  27. 91 date \
  28. 92 time \
  29. 93 timestamp \
  30. -1 longvarchar \
  31. -2 binary \
  32. -3 varbinary \
  33. -4 longvarbinary \
  34. -5 bigint \
  35. -6 tinyint \
  36. -7 bit \
  37. -8 wchar \
  38. -9 wvarchar \
  39. -10 wlongvarchar \
  40. -11 guid]
  41. }
  42. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. #
  44. # tdbc::odbc::connection --
  45. #
  46. # Class representing a connection to a database through ODBC.
  47. #
  48. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. ::oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::connection {
  50. superclass ::tdbc::connection
  51. variable statementSeq typemap
  52. # The constructor is written in C. It takes the connection string
  53. # as its argument It sets up a namespace to hold the statements
  54. # associated with the connection, and then delegates to the 'init'
  55. # method (written in C) to do the actual work of attaching to the
  56. # database. When that comes back, it sets up a statement to query
  57. # the support types, makes a dictionary to enumerate them, and
  58. # calls back to set a flag if WVARCHAR is seen (If WVARCHAR is
  59. # seen, the database supports Unicode.)
  60. # The 'statementCreate' method forwards to the constructor of the
  61. # statement class
  62. forward statementCreate ::tdbc::odbc::statement create
  63. # The 'tables' method returns a dictionary describing the tables
  64. # in the database
  65. method tables {{pattern %}} {
  66. set stmt [::tdbc::odbc::tablesStatement create \
  67. Stmt::[incr statementSeq] [self] $pattern]
  68. set status [catch {
  69. set retval {}
  70. $stmt foreach -as dicts row {
  71. if {[dict exists $row TABLE_NAME]} {
  72. dict set retval [dict get $row TABLE_NAME] $row
  73. }
  74. }
  75. set retval
  76. } result options]
  77. catch {rename $stmt {}}
  78. return -level 0 -options $options $result
  79. }
  80. # The 'columns' method returns a dictionary describing the tables
  81. # in the database
  82. method columns {table {pattern %}} {
  83. # Make sure that the type map is initialized
  84. my typemap
  85. # Query the columns from the database
  86. set stmt [::tdbc::odbc::columnsStatement create \
  87. Stmt::[incr statementSeq] [self] $table $pattern]
  88. set status [catch {
  89. set retval {}
  90. $stmt foreach -as dicts origrow {
  91. # Map the type, precision, scale and nullable indicators
  92. # to tdbc's notation
  93. set row {}
  94. dict for {key value} $origrow {
  95. dict set row [string tolower $key] $value
  96. }
  97. if {[dict exists $row column_name]} {
  98. if {[dict exists $typemap \
  99. [dict get $row data_type]]} {
  100. dict set row type \
  101. [dict get $typemap \
  102. [dict get $row data_type]]
  103. } else {
  104. dict set row type [dict get $row type_name]
  105. }
  106. if {[dict exists $row column_size]} {
  107. dict set row precision \
  108. [dict get $row column_size]
  109. }
  110. if {[dict exists $row decimal_digits]} {
  111. dict set row scale \
  112. [dict get $row decimal_digits]
  113. }
  114. if {![dict exists $row nullable]} {
  115. dict set row nullable \
  116. [expr {!![string trim [dict get $row is_nullable]]}]
  117. }
  118. dict set retval [dict get $row column_name] $row
  119. }
  120. }
  121. set retval
  122. } result options]
  123. catch {rename $stmt {}}
  124. return -level 0 -options $options $result
  125. }
  126. # The 'primarykeys' method returns a dictionary describing the primary
  127. # keys of a table
  128. method primarykeys {tableName} {
  129. set stmt [::tdbc::odbc::primarykeysStatement create \
  130. Stmt::[incr statementSeq] [self] $tableName]
  131. set status [catch {
  132. set retval {}
  133. $stmt foreach -as dicts row {
  134. foreach {odbcKey tdbcKey} {
  135. TABLE_CAT tableCatalog
  136. TABLE_SCHEM tableSchema
  137. TABLE_NAME tableName
  138. COLUMN_NAME columnName
  139. KEY_SEQ ordinalPosition
  140. PK_NAME constraintName
  141. } {
  142. if {[dict exists $row $odbcKey]} {
  143. dict set row $tdbcKey [dict get $row $odbcKey]
  144. dict unset row $odbcKey
  145. }
  146. }
  147. lappend retval $row
  148. }
  149. set retval
  150. } result options]
  151. catch {rename $stmt {}}
  152. return -level 0 -options $options $result
  153. }
  154. # The 'foreignkeys' method returns a dictionary describing the foreign
  155. # keys of a table
  156. method foreignkeys {args} {
  157. set stmt [::tdbc::odbc::foreignkeysStatement create \
  158. Stmt::[incr statementSeq] [self] {*}$args]
  159. set status [catch {
  160. set fkseq 0
  161. set retval {}
  162. $stmt foreach -as dicts row {
  163. foreach {odbcKey tdbcKey} {
  164. PKTABLE_CAT primaryCatalog
  165. PKTABLE_SCHEM primarySchema
  166. PKTABLE_NAME primaryTable
  167. PKCOLUMN_NAME primaryColumn
  168. FKTABLE_CAT foreignCatalog
  169. FKTABLE_SCHEM foreignSchema
  170. FKTABLE_NAME foreignTable
  171. FKCOLUMN_NAME foreignColumn
  172. UPDATE_RULE updateRule
  173. DELETE_RULE deleteRule
  174. DEFERRABILITY deferrable
  175. KEY_SEQ ordinalPosition
  176. FK_NAME foreignConstraintName
  177. } {
  178. if {[dict exists $row $odbcKey]} {
  179. dict set row $tdbcKey [dict get $row $odbcKey]
  180. dict unset row $odbcKey
  181. }
  182. }
  183. # Horrible kludge: If the driver doesn't report FK_NAME,
  184. # make one up.
  185. if {![dict exists $row foreignConstraintName]} {
  186. if {![dict exists $row ordinalPosition]
  187. || [dict get $row ordinalPosition] == 1} {
  188. set fkname ?[dict get $row foreignTable]?[incr fkseq]
  189. }
  190. dict set row foreignConstraintName $fkname
  191. }
  192. lappend retval $row
  193. }
  194. set retval
  195. } result options]
  196. catch {rename $stmt {}}
  197. return -level 0 -options $options $result
  198. }
  199. # The 'prepareCall' method gives a portable interface to prepare
  200. # calls to stored procedures. It delegates to 'prepare' to do the
  201. # actual work.
  202. method preparecall {call} {
  203. regexp {^[[:space:]]*(?:([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)[[:space:]]*=)?(.*)} \
  204. $call -> varName rest
  205. if {$varName eq {}} {
  206. my prepare \\{CALL $rest\\}
  207. } else {
  208. my prepare \\{:$varName=CALL $rest\\}
  209. }
  210. if 0 {
  211. # Kevin thinks this is going to be
  212. if {![regexp -expanded {
  213. ^\s* # leading whitespace
  214. (?::([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*)\s*=\s*) # possible variable name
  215. (?:(?:([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*)\s*[.]\s*)? # catalog
  216. ([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*)\s*[.]\s*)? # schema
  217. ([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*)\s* # procedure
  218. (.*)$ # argument list
  219. } $call -> varName catalog schema procedure arglist]} {
  220. return -code error \
  221. -errorCode [list TDBC \
  223. 42000 ODBC -1] \
  224. "Syntax error in stored procedure call"
  225. } else {
  226. my PrepareCall $varName $catalog $schema $procedure $arglist
  227. }
  228. # at least if making all parameters 'inout' doesn't work.
  229. }
  230. }
  231. # The 'typemap' method returns the type map
  232. method typemap {} {
  233. if {![info exists typemap]} {
  234. set typemap $::tdbc::odbc::sqltypes
  235. set typesStmt [tdbc::odbc::typesStatement new [self]]
  236. $typesStmt foreach row {
  237. set typeNum [dict get $row DATA_TYPE]
  238. if {![dict exists $typemap $typeNum]} {
  239. dict set typemap $typeNum [string tolower \
  240. [dict get $row TYPE_NAME]]
  241. }
  242. switch -exact -- $typeNum {
  243. -9 {
  244. [self] HasWvarchar 1
  245. }
  246. -5 {
  247. [self] HasBigint 1
  248. }
  249. }
  250. }
  251. rename $typesStmt {}
  252. }
  253. return $typemap
  254. }
  255. # The 'begintransaction', 'commit' and 'rollback' methods are
  256. # implemented in C.
  257. }
  258. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. #
  260. # tdbc::odbc::statement --
  261. #
  262. # The class 'tdbc::odbc::statement' models one statement against a
  263. # database accessed through an ODBC connection
  264. #
  265. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. ::oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::statement {
  267. superclass ::tdbc::statement
  268. # The constructor is implemented in C. It accepts the handle to
  269. # the connection and the SQL code for the statement to prepare.
  270. # It creates a subordinate namespace to hold the statement's
  271. # active result sets, and then delegates to the 'init' method,
  272. # written in C, to do the actual work of preparing the statement.
  273. # The 'resultSetCreate' method forwards to the result set constructor
  274. forward resultSetCreate ::tdbc::odbc::resultset create
  275. # The 'params' method describes the parameters to the statement
  276. method params {} {
  277. set typemap [[my connection] typemap]
  278. set result {}
  279. foreach {name flags typeNum precision scale nullable} [my ParamList] {
  280. set lst [dict create \
  281. name $name \
  282. direction [lindex {unknown in out inout} \
  283. [expr {($flags & 0x06) >> 1}]] \
  284. type [dict get $typemap $typeNum] \
  285. precision $precision \
  286. scale $scale]
  287. if {$nullable in {0 1}} {
  288. dict set list nullable $nullable
  289. }
  290. dict set result $name $lst
  291. }
  292. return $result
  293. }
  294. # Methods implemented in C:
  295. # init statement ?dictionary?
  296. # Does the heavy lifting for the constructor
  297. # connection
  298. # Returns the connection handle to which this statement belongs
  299. # paramtype paramname ?direction? type ?precision ?scale??
  300. # Declares the type of a parameter in the statement
  301. }
  302. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  303. #
  304. # tdbc::odbc::tablesStatement --
  305. #
  306. # The class 'tdbc::odbc::tablesStatement' represents the special
  307. # statement that queries the tables in a database through an ODBC
  308. # connection.
  309. #
  310. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::tablesStatement {
  312. superclass ::tdbc::statement
  313. # The constructor is written in C. It accepts the handle to the
  314. # connection and a pattern to match table names. It works in all
  315. # ways like the constructor of the 'statement' class except that
  316. # its 'init' method sets up to enumerate tables and not run a SQL
  317. # query.
  318. # The 'resultSetCreate' method forwards to the result set constructor
  319. forward resultSetCreate ::tdbc::odbc::resultset create
  320. }
  321. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. #
  323. # tdbc::odbc::columnsStatement --
  324. #
  325. # The class 'tdbc::odbc::tablesStatement' represents the special
  326. # statement that queries the columns of a table or view
  327. # in a database through an ODBC connection.
  328. #
  329. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  330. oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::columnsStatement {
  331. superclass ::tdbc::statement
  332. # The constructor is written in C. It accepts the handle to the
  333. # connection, a table name, and a pattern to match column
  334. # names. It works in all ways like the constructor of the
  335. # 'statement' class except that its 'init' method sets up to
  336. # enumerate tables and not run a SQL query.
  337. # The 'resultSetCreate' class forwards to the constructor of the
  338. # result set
  339. forward resultSetCreate ::tdbc::odbc::resultset create
  340. }
  341. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  342. #
  343. # tdbc::odbc::primarykeysStatement --
  344. #
  345. # The class 'tdbc::odbc::primarykeysStatement' represents the special
  346. # statement that queries the primary keys on a table through an ODBC
  347. # connection.
  348. #
  349. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  350. oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::primarykeysStatement {
  351. superclass ::tdbc::statement
  352. # The constructor is written in C. It accepts the handle to the
  353. # connection and a table name. It works in all
  354. # ways like the constructor of the 'statement' class except that
  355. # its 'init' method sets up to enumerate primary keys and not run a SQL
  356. # query.
  357. # The 'resultSetCreate' method forwards to the result set constructor
  358. forward resultSetCreate ::tdbc::odbc::resultset create
  359. }
  360. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. #
  362. # tdbc::odbc::foreignkeysStatement --
  363. #
  364. # The class 'tdbc::odbc::foreignkeysStatement' represents the special
  365. # statement that queries the foreign keys on a table through an ODBC
  366. # connection.
  367. #
  368. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::foreignkeysStatement {
  370. superclass ::tdbc::statement
  371. # The constructor is written in C. It accepts the handle to the
  372. # connection and the -primary and -foreign options. It works in all
  373. # ways like the constructor of the 'statement' class except that
  374. # its 'init' method sets up to enumerate foreign keys and not run a SQL
  375. # query.
  376. # The 'resultSetCreate' method forwards to the result set constructor
  377. forward resultSetCreate ::tdbc::odbc::resultset create
  378. }
  379. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  380. #
  381. # tdbc::odbc::typesStatement --
  382. #
  383. # The class 'tdbc::odbc::typesStatement' represents the special
  384. # statement that queries the types available in a database through
  385. # an ODBC connection.
  386. #
  387. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  388. oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::typesStatement {
  389. superclass ::tdbc::statement
  390. # The constructor is written in C. It accepts the handle to the
  391. # connection, and (optionally) a data type number. It works in all
  392. # ways like the constructor of the 'statement' class except that
  393. # its 'init' method sets up to enumerate types and not run a SQL
  394. # query.
  395. # The 'resultSetCreate' method forwards to the constructor of result sets
  396. forward resultSetCreate ::tdbc::odbc::resultset create
  397. # The C code contains a variant implementation of the 'init' method.
  398. }
  399. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  400. #
  401. # tdbc::odbc::resultset --
  402. #
  403. # The class 'tdbc::odbc::resultset' models the result set that is
  404. # produced by executing a statement against an ODBC database.
  405. #
  406. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407. ::oo::class create ::tdbc::odbc::resultset {
  408. superclass ::tdbc::resultset
  409. # Methods implemented in C include:
  410. # constructor statement ?dictionary?
  411. # -- Executes the statement against the database, optionally providing
  412. # a dictionary of substituted parameters (default is to get params
  413. # from variables in the caller's scope).
  414. # columns
  415. # -- Returns a list of the names of the columns in the result.
  416. # nextdict
  417. # -- Stores the next row of the result set in the given variable in
  418. # the caller's scope as a dictionary whose keys are
  419. # column names and whose values are column values.
  420. # nextlist
  421. # -- Stores the next row of the result set in the given variable in
  422. # the caller's scope as a list of cells.
  423. # rowcount
  424. # -- Returns a count of rows affected by the statement, or -1
  425. # if the count of rows has not been determined.
  426. }