pcre2-config.1 2.5 KB

  1. .TH PCRE2-CONFIG 1 "28 September 2014" "PCRE2 10.00"
  2. .SH NAME
  3. pcre2-config - program to return PCRE2 configuration
  5. .rs
  6. .sp
  7. .nf
  8. .B pcre2-config [--prefix] [--exec-prefix] [--version]
  9. .B " [--libs8] [--libs16] [--libs32] [--libs-posix]"
  10. .B " [--cflags] [--cflags-posix]"
  11. .fi
  12. .
  13. .
  15. .rs
  16. .sp
  17. \fBpcre2-config\fP returns the configuration of the installed PCRE2 libraries
  18. and the options required to compile a program to use them. Some of the options
  19. apply only to the 8-bit, or 16-bit, or 32-bit libraries, respectively, and are
  20. not available for libraries that have not been built. If an unavailable option
  21. is encountered, the "usage" information is output.
  22. .
  23. .
  25. .rs
  26. .TP 10
  27. \fB--prefix\fP
  28. Writes the directory prefix used in the PCRE2 installation for architecture
  29. independent files (\fI/usr\fP on many systems, \fI/usr/local\fP on some
  30. systems) to the standard output.
  31. .TP 10
  32. \fB--exec-prefix\fP
  33. Writes the directory prefix used in the PCRE2 installation for architecture
  34. dependent files (normally the same as \fB--prefix\fP) to the standard output.
  35. .TP 10
  36. \fB--version\fP
  37. Writes the version number of the installed PCRE2 libraries to the standard
  38. output.
  39. .TP 10
  40. \fB--libs8\fP
  41. Writes to the standard output the command line options required to link
  42. with the 8-bit PCRE2 library (\fB-lpcre2-8\fP on many systems).
  43. .TP 10
  44. \fB--libs16\fP
  45. Writes to the standard output the command line options required to link
  46. with the 16-bit PCRE2 library (\fB-lpcre2-16\fP on many systems).
  47. .TP 10
  48. \fB--libs32\fP
  49. Writes to the standard output the command line options required to link
  50. with the 32-bit PCRE2 library (\fB-lpcre2-32\fP on many systems).
  51. .TP 10
  52. \fB--libs-posix\fP
  53. Writes to the standard output the command line options required to link with
  54. PCRE2's POSIX API wrapper library (\fB-lpcre2-posix\fP \fB-lpcre2-8\fP on many
  55. systems).
  56. .TP 10
  57. \fB--cflags\fP
  58. Writes to the standard output the command line options required to compile
  59. files that use PCRE2 (this may include some \fB-I\fP options, but is blank on
  60. many systems).
  61. .TP 10
  62. \fB--cflags-posix\fP
  63. Writes to the standard output the command line options required to compile
  64. files that use PCRE2's POSIX API wrapper library (this may include some
  65. \fB-I\fP options, but is blank on many systems).
  66. .
  67. .
  68. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  69. .rs
  70. .sp
  71. \fBpcre2(3)\fP
  72. .
  73. .
  74. .SH AUTHOR
  75. .rs
  76. .sp
  77. This manual page was originally written by Mark Baker for the Debian GNU/Linux
  78. system. It has been subsequently revised as a generic PCRE2 man page.
  79. .
  80. .
  82. .rs
  83. .sp
  84. .nf
  85. Last updated: 28 September 2014
  86. .fi