krb5-config.1 3.3 KB

  1. .\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
  2. .
  3. .TH "KRB5-CONFIG" "1" " " "1.20.1" "MIT Kerberos"
  4. .SH NAME
  5. krb5-config \- tool for linking against MIT Kerberos libraries
  6. .
  7. .nr rst2man-indent-level 0
  8. .
  9. .de1 rstReportMargin
  10. \\$1 \\n[an-margin]
  11. level \\n[rst2man-indent-level]
  12. level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
  13. -
  14. \\n[rst2man-indent0]
  15. \\n[rst2man-indent1]
  16. \\n[rst2man-indent2]
  17. ..
  18. .de1 INDENT
  19. .\" .rstReportMargin pre:
  20. . RS \\$1
  21. . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin]
  22. . nr rst2man-indent-level +1
  23. .\" .rstReportMargin post:
  24. ..
  25. .de UNINDENT
  26. . RE
  27. .\" indent \\n[an-margin]
  28. .\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
  29. .nr rst2man-indent-level -1
  30. .\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
  31. .in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u
  32. ..
  34. .sp
  35. \fBkrb5\-config\fP
  36. [\fB\-\fP\fB\-help\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-all\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-version\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-vendor\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-prefix\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-exec\-prefix\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-defccname\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-defktname\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-defcktname\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-cflags\fP | \fB\-\fP\fB\-libs\fP [\fIlibraries\fP]]
  38. .sp
  39. krb5\-config tells the application programmer what flags to use to compile
  40. and link programs against the installed Kerberos libraries.
  42. .INDENT 0.0
  43. .TP
  44. \fB\-\fP\fB\-help\fP
  45. prints a usage message. This is the default behavior when no options
  46. are specified.
  47. .TP
  48. \fB\-\fP\fB\-all\fP
  49. prints the version, vendor, prefix, and exec\-prefix.
  50. .TP
  51. \fB\-\fP\fB\-version\fP
  52. prints the version number of the Kerberos installation.
  53. .TP
  54. \fB\-\fP\fB\-vendor\fP
  55. prints the name of the vendor of the Kerberos installation.
  56. .TP
  57. \fB\-\fP\fB\-prefix\fP
  58. prints the prefix for which the Kerberos installation was built.
  59. .TP
  60. \fB\-\fP\fB\-exec\-prefix\fP
  61. prints the prefix for executables for which the Kerberos installation
  62. was built.
  63. .TP
  64. \fB\-\fP\fB\-defccname\fP
  65. prints the built\-in default credentials cache location.
  66. .TP
  67. \fB\-\fP\fB\-defktname\fP
  68. prints the built\-in default keytab location.
  69. .TP
  70. \fB\-\fP\fB\-defcktname\fP
  71. prints the built\-in default client (initiator) keytab location.
  72. .TP
  73. \fB\-\fP\fB\-cflags\fP
  74. prints the compilation flags used to build the Kerberos installation.
  75. .TP
  76. \fB\-\fP\fB\-libs\fP [\fIlibrary\fP]
  77. prints the compiler options needed to link against \fIlibrary\fP\&.
  78. Allowed values for \fIlibrary\fP are:
  79. .TS
  80. center;
  81. |l|l|.
  82. _
  83. T{
  84. krb5
  85. T} T{
  86. Kerberos 5 applications (default)
  87. T}
  88. _
  89. T{
  90. gssapi
  91. T} T{
  92. GSSAPI applications with Kerberos 5 bindings
  93. T}
  94. _
  95. T{
  96. kadm\-client
  97. T} T{
  98. Kadmin client
  99. T}
  100. _
  101. T{
  102. kadm\-server
  103. T} T{
  104. Kadmin server
  105. T}
  106. _
  107. T{
  108. kdb
  109. T} T{
  110. Applications that access the Kerberos database
  111. T}
  112. _
  113. .TE
  114. .UNINDENT
  116. .sp
  117. krb5\-config is particularly useful for compiling against a Kerberos
  118. installation that was installed in a non\-standard location. For example,
  119. a Kerberos installation that is installed in \fB/opt/krb5/\fP but uses
  120. libraries in \fB/usr/local/lib/\fP for text localization would produce
  121. the following output:
  122. .INDENT 0.0
  123. .INDENT 3.5
  124. .sp
  125. .nf
  126. .ft C
  127. shell% krb5\-config \-\-libs krb5
  128. \-L/opt/krb5/lib \-Wl,\-rpath \-Wl,/opt/krb5/lib \-L/usr/local/lib \-lkrb5 \-lk5crypto \-lcom_err
  129. .ft P
  130. .fi
  131. .UNINDENT
  132. .UNINDENT
  133. .SH SEE ALSO
  134. .sp
  135. kerberos(7), cc(1)
  136. .SH AUTHOR
  137. MIT
  139. 1985-2022, MIT
  140. .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
  141. .