ares_getaddrinfo.3 5.2 KB

  1. .\"
  2. .\" Copyright 1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  3. .\"
  4. .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
  5. .\" software and its documentation for any purpose and without
  6. .\" fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
  7. .\" notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
  8. .\" notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
  9. .\" documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in
  10. .\" advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
  11. .\" software without specific, written prior permission.
  12. .\" M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
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  14. .\" without express or implied warranty.
  15. .\"
  16. .TH ARES_GETADDRINFO 3 "4 November 2018"
  17. .SH NAME
  18. ares_getaddrinfo \- Initiate a host query by name and service
  20. .nf
  21. #include <ares.h>
  22. typedef void (*ares_addrinfo_callback)(void *\fIarg\fP, int \fIstatus\fP,
  23. int \fItimeouts\fP,
  24. struct ares_addrinfo *\fIresult\fP)
  25. void ares_getaddrinfo(ares_channel \fIchannel\fP, const char *\fIname\fP,
  26. const char* \fIservice\fP,
  27. const struct ares_addrinfo_hints *\fIhints\fP,
  28. ares_addrinfo_callback \fIcallback\fP, void *\fIarg\fP)
  29. .fi
  31. The
  32. .B ares_getaddrinfo
  33. function initiates a host query by name on the name service channel
  34. identified by
  35. .IR channel .
  36. The
  37. .I name
  38. and
  39. .I service
  40. parameters give the hostname and service as NULL-terminated C strings.
  41. The
  42. .I hints
  43. parameter is an
  44. .BR ares_addrinfo_hints
  45. structure:
  46. .PP
  47. .RS
  48. .EX
  49. struct ares_addrinfo_hints {
  50. int ai_flags;
  51. int ai_family;
  52. int ai_socktype;
  53. int ai_protocol;
  54. };
  55. .EE
  56. .RE
  57. .TP
  58. .I ai_family
  59. Specifies desired address family. AF_UNSPEC means return both AF_INET and AF_INET6.
  60. .TP
  61. .I ai_socktype
  62. Specifies desired socket type, for example SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM.
  63. Setting this to 0 means any type.
  64. .TP
  65. .I ai_protocol
  66. Setting this to 0 means any protocol.
  67. .TP
  68. .I ai_flags
  69. Specifies additional options, see below.
  70. .PP
  71. .TP 19
  73. If this option is set
  74. .I service
  75. field will be treated as a numeric value.
  76. .TP 19
  78. The ares_addrinfo structure will return a canonical names list.
  79. .TP 19
  81. Result addresses will not be sorted and no connections to resolved addresses will be attempted.
  82. .TP 19
  84. Read hosts file path from the environment variable
  85. .I CARES_HOSTS .
  86. .PP
  87. When the query is complete or has failed, the ares library will invoke \fIcallback\fP.
  88. Completion or failure of the query may happen immediately, or may happen
  89. during a later call to \fIares_process(3)\fP, \fIares_destroy(3)\fP or
  90. \fIares_cancel(3)\fP.
  91. .PP
  92. The callback argument
  93. .I arg
  94. is copied from the
  95. .B ares_getaddrinfo
  96. argument
  97. .IR arg .
  98. The callback argument
  99. .I status
  100. indicates whether the query succeeded and, if not, how it failed. It
  101. may have any of the following values:
  102. .TP 19
  104. The host lookup completed successfully.
  105. .TP 19
  107. The ares library does not know how to find addresses of type
  108. .IR family .
  109. .TP 19
  111. The
  112. .I name
  113. was not found.
  114. .TP 19
  116. Memory was exhausted.
  117. .TP 19
  119. The query was cancelled.
  120. .TP 19
  122. The name service channel
  123. .I channel
  124. is being destroyed; the query will not be completed.
  125. .PP
  126. On successful completion of the query, the callback argument
  127. .I result
  128. points to a
  129. .B struct ares_addrinfo
  130. which contains two linked lists, one with resolved addresses and another with canonical names.
  131. Also included is the official name of the host (analogous to gethostbyname() h_name).
  132. .PP
  133. .RS
  134. .EX
  135. struct ares_addrinfo {
  136. struct ares_addrinfo_cname *cnames;
  137. struct ares_addrinfo_node *nodes;
  138. char *name;
  139. };
  140. .EE
  141. .RE
  142. .PP
  143. .I ares_addrinfo_node
  144. structure is similar to RFC3493 addrinfo, but without canonname and with extra ttl field.
  145. .RS
  146. .PP
  147. .EX
  148. struct ares_addrinfo_node {
  149. int ai_ttl;
  150. int ai_flags;
  151. int ai_family;
  152. int ai_socktype;
  153. int ai_protocol;
  154. ares_socklen_t ai_addrlen;
  155. struct sockaddr *ai_addr;
  156. struct ares_addrinfo_node *ai_next;
  157. };
  158. .EE
  159. .RE
  160. .PP
  161. .I ares_addrinfo_cname
  162. structure is a linked list of CNAME records where
  163. .I ttl
  164. is a time to live
  165. .I alias
  166. is a label of the resource record and
  167. .I name
  168. is a value (canonical name) of the resource record.
  169. See RFC2181 10.1.1. CNAME terminology.
  170. .RS
  171. .PP
  172. .EX
  173. struct ares_addrinfo_cname {
  174. int ttl;
  175. char *alias;
  176. char *name;
  177. struct ares_addrinfo_cname *next;
  178. };
  179. .EE
  180. .RE
  181. .PP
  182. The reserved memory has to be deleted by
  183. .B ares_freeaddrinfo.
  184. The result is sorted according to RFC6724 except:
  185. - Rule 3 (Avoid deprecated addresses)
  186. - Rule 4 (Prefer home addresses)
  187. - Rule 7 (Prefer native transport)
  188. Please note that the function will attempt a connection
  189. on each of the resolved addresses as per RFC6724.
  191. This function was added in c-ares 1.16.0, released in March 2020.
  192. .SH SEE ALSO
  193. .BR ares_freeaddrinfo (3)
  194. .SH AUTHOR
  195. Christian Ammer
  196. .br
  197. Andrew Selivanov <>