import time import sys import inc_const as const import inc_util as util from inc_cfg import * # Load configuration cfg_file = util.load_module_from_file("cfg_file", ARGS[1]) # Trigger address switch for media flow between ua1 and ua2. # When the receiver uses STUN while both sides are actually in the same # private network, initial media packets may be sent to public IP address # as specified in the receiver SDP and those packets may not be delivered # if the NAT does not support hairpinning. This function will make both # sides to send some initial packets to trigger destination address switch # in media transport, so future packets will be delivered to the correct # address (private IP address). def hole_punch(ua1, ua2): if ua1.use_telnet: ua1.send("# 987") else: ua1.send("#") ua1.expect("#") ua1.send("987") if ua2.use_telnet: ua2.send("# 789") else: ua2.send("#") ua2.expect("#") ua2.send("789") time.sleep(0.1) # Check media flow between ua1 and ua2 def check_media(ua1, ua2): if ua1.use_telnet: ua1.send("# 1122") else: ua1.send("#") ua1.expect("#") ua1.send("1122") ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "1") ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "1") ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "2") ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "2") # Test body function def test_func(t): callee = t.process[0] caller = t.process[1] # if have_reg then wait for couple of seconds for PUBLISH # to complete (just in case pUBLISH is used) if callee.inst_param.have_reg: time.sleep(1) if caller.inst_param.have_reg: time.sleep(1) # Check if ICE is used use_ice = ("--use-ice" in caller.inst_param.arg) and ("--use-ice" in callee.inst_param.arg) # Check if STUN is used (by either side) use_stun = ("--stun-srv" in caller.inst_param.arg) or ("--stun-srv" in callee.inst_param.arg) # Check if DTLS-SRTP is used use_dtls_srtp = "--srtp-keying=1" in caller.inst_param.arg # Caller making call if caller.use_telnet: caller.send("call new " + t.inst_params[0].uri) else: caller.send("m") caller.send(t.inst_params[0].uri) caller.expect(const.STATE_CALLING) # Callee waits for call and answers with 180/Ringing time.sleep(0.2) callee.expect(const.EVENT_INCOMING_CALL) if callee.use_telnet: callee.send("call answer 180") else: callee.send("a") callee.send("180") callee.expect("SIP/2.0 180") caller.expect("SIP/2.0 180") # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Callee answers with 200/OK if callee.use_telnet: callee.send("call answer 200") else: callee.send("a") callee.send("200") # Wait until call is connected in both endpoints ##time.sleep(0.2) caller.expect(const.STATE_CONFIRMED) callee.expect(const.STATE_CONFIRMED) # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() ##time.sleep(0.1) caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Wait ICE nego before checking media if use_ice: # Unfortunately ICE nego may race with STATE_CONFIRMED (esp. on callee side), so let's just sleep #caller.expect("ICE negotiation success") #callee.expect("ICE negotiation success") # Additional wait for ICE updating address (via UPDATE/re-INVITE) time.sleep(0.5) # Wait DTLS-SRTP nego before checking media if use_dtls_srtp: # Unfortunately DTLS-SRTP nego may race with STATE_CONFIRMED, so let's just sleep #caller.expect("SRTP started, keying=DTLS-SRTP") #callee.expect("SRTP started, keying=DTLS-SRTP") time.sleep(0.5) # Trigger address switch before checking media if use_stun and not use_ice: hole_punch(caller, callee) # Test that media is okay check_media(caller, callee) check_media(callee, caller) # Hold call by caller if caller.use_telnet: caller.send("call hold") else: caller.send("H") caller.expect("INVITE sip:") callee.expect("INVITE sip:") callee.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD) caller.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD) # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Release hold ##time.sleep(0.5) if caller.use_telnet: caller.send("call reinvite") else: caller.send("v") caller.expect("INVITE sip:") callee.expect("INVITE sip:") callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold") caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold") # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Trigger address switch before checking media if use_stun and not use_ice: hole_punch(caller, callee) # Test that media is okay check_media(caller, callee) check_media(callee, caller) # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Hold call by callee if callee.use_telnet: callee.send("call hold") else: callee.send("H") callee.expect("INVITE sip:") caller.expect("INVITE sip:") caller.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD) callee.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD) # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Release hold ##time.sleep(0.1) if callee.use_telnet: callee.send("call reinvite") else: callee.send("v") callee.expect("INVITE sip:") caller.expect("INVITE sip:") caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold") callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold") # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Trigger address switch before checking media if use_stun and not use_ice: hole_punch(caller, callee) # Test that media is okay # Wait for some time for ICE negotiation ##time.sleep(0.6) check_media(caller, callee) check_media(callee, caller) # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # UPDATE (by caller) if caller.use_telnet: caller.send("call update") else: caller.send("U") #caller.sync_stdout() callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE") caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE") # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Trigger address switch before checking media if use_stun and not use_ice: hole_punch(caller, callee) # Test that media is okay ##time.sleep(0.1) check_media(caller, callee) check_media(callee, caller) # UPDATE (by callee) if callee.use_telnet: callee.send("call update") else: callee.send("U") callee.expect("UPDATE sip:") caller.expect("UPDATE sip:") caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE") callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE") # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Trigger address switch before checking media if use_stun and not use_ice: hole_punch(caller, callee) # Test that media is okay ##time.sleep(0.1) check_media(caller, callee) check_media(callee, caller) # Synchronize stdout caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Set codecs in both caller and callee so that there is # no common codec between them. # In caller we only enable PCMU, in callee we only enable PCMA if caller.use_telnet: caller.send("Cp * 0") caller.send("Cp") caller.expect("PCMU/8000.* prio: 0") caller.send("Cp PCMU 120") caller.send("Cp") caller.expect("PCMU/8000.* prio: 120") else: caller.send("Cp") caller.expect("Enter codec") caller.send("* 0") caller.send("Cp") caller.expect("Enter codec") caller.send("pcmu 120") if callee.use_telnet: callee.send("Cp * 0") callee.send("Cp") callee.expect("PCMA/8000.* prio: 0") callee.send("Cp PCMA 120") callee.send("Cp") callee.expect("PCMA/8000.* prio: 120") else: callee.send("Cp") callee.expect("Enter codec") callee.send("* 0") callee.send("Cp") callee.expect("Enter codec") callee.send("pcma 120") # Test when UPDATE fails (by callee) if callee.use_telnet: callee.send("call update") else: callee.send("U") caller.expect("SIP/2.0 488") callee.expect("SIP/2.0 488") callee.sync_stdout() caller.sync_stdout() # Test that media is still okay ##time.sleep(0.1) check_media(caller, callee) check_media(callee, caller) # Test when UPDATE fails (by caller) if caller.use_telnet: caller.send("call update") else: caller.send("U") caller.expect("UPDATE sip:") callee.expect("UPDATE sip:") callee.expect("SIP/2.0 488") caller.expect("SIP/2.0 488") caller.sync_stdout() callee.sync_stdout() # Test that media is still okay ##time.sleep(0.1) check_media(callee, caller) check_media(caller, callee) # Hangup call ##time.sleep(0.1) if caller.use_telnet: caller.send("call hangup") else: caller.send("h") # Wait until calls are cleared in both endpoints caller.expect(const.STATE_DISCONNECTED) callee.expect(const.STATE_DISCONNECTED) # Here where it all comes together test = cfg_file.test_param test.test_func = test_func