{% set version = "3.41.2" %} {% set build = "0" %} {% set year = "2023" %} {% set version_split = version.split(".") %} {% set major = version_split[0] %} {% set minor = version_split[1]|int * 10 %} {% set bugfix = version_split[2]|int * 100 %} {% set version_coded=(major ~ (("%03d" % minor)|string) ~ (("%03d" % bugfix)|string)) %} package: name: sqlite version: {{ version }} source: url: https://www.sqlite.org/{{ year }}/sqlite-autoconf-{{ version_coded }}.tar.gz sha256: e98c100dd1da4e30fa460761dab7c0b91a50b785e167f8c57acc46514fae9499 patches: - expose_symbols.patch # [win] build: number: {{ build }} run_exports: # sometimes adds new symbols. Default behavior is OK. # https://abi-laboratory.pro/tracker/timeline/sqlite/ - {{ pin_subpackage('sqlite') }} requirements: build: - {{ compiler('c') }} - make # [not win] - libtool # [not win] - m2-patch # [win] host: - ncurses 6.4 # [not win] - readline 8.0 # [not ((linux and aarch64) or (osx and arm64) or win)] - readline 8.1 # [(linux and aarch64) or (osx and arm64)] - zlib 1.2 # [not win] run: - {{ pin_compatible('ncurses') }} # [not win] - {{ pin_compatible('readline') }} # [not win] - {{ pin_compatible('zlib') }} # [not win] test: commands: - sqlite3 --version - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\bin\sqlite3.dll exit 1 # [win] - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\lib\sqlite3.lib exit 1 # [win] - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libsqlite3${SHLIB_EXT} # [not win] - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libsqlite3.a # [not win] - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\include\sqlite3.h exit 1 # [win] - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\include\sqlite3ext.h exit 1 # [win] - test -f $PREFIX/include/sqlite3.h # [not win] - test -f $PREFIX/include/sqlite3ext.h # [not win] about: home: https://www.sqlite.org/ license: blessing license_file: LICENSE.md license_family: Other summary: Implements a self-contained, zero-configuration, SQL database engine description: | SQLite is a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, full-featured, public-domain, SQL database engine. It is the most used database engine in the world. doc_url: https://www.sqlite.org/docs.html dev_url: https://sqlite.org/src/dir?ci=trunk extra: recipe-maintainers: - jakirkham - jjhelmus - msarahan - ocefpaf - snorfalorpagus - mingwandroid - xylar