/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __PJPP_POOL_HPP__ #define __PJPP_POOL_HPP__ #include <pj/pool.h> class Pj_Pool; class Pj_Caching_Pool; // // Base class for all Pjlib objects // class Pj_Object { public: void *operator new(unsigned int class_size, Pj_Pool *pool); void *operator new(unsigned int class_size, Pj_Pool &pool); void operator delete(void*) { } void operator delete(void*, Pj_Pool*) { } void operator delete(void*, Pj_Pool&) { } // // Inline implementations at the end of this file. // private: // Can not use normal new operator; must use pool. // e.g.: // obj = new(pool) Pj_The_Object(pool, ...); // void *operator new(unsigned int) {} }; // // Pool. // class Pj_Pool : public Pj_Object { public: // // Default constructor, initializes internal pool to NULL. // Application must call attach() some time later. // Pj_Pool() : p_(NULL) { } // // Create pool. // Pj_Pool(Pj_Caching_Pool &caching_pool, pj_size_t initial_size, pj_size_t increment_size, const char *name = NULL, pj_pool_callback *callback = NULL); // // Construct from existing pool. // explicit Pj_Pool(pj_pool_t *pool) : p_(pool) { } // // Attach existing pool. // void attach(pj_pool_t *pool) { p_ = pool; } // // Destructor. // // Release pool back to factory. Remember: if you delete pool, then // make sure that all objects that have been allocated from this pool // have been properly destroyed. // // This is where C++ is trickier than plain C!! // ~Pj_Pool() { if (p_) pj_pool_release(p_); } // // Get name. // const char *getobjname() const { return pj_pool_getobjname(p_); } // // You can cast Pj_Pool to pj_pool_t* // operator pj_pool_t*() { return p_; } // // Get pjlib compatible pool object. // pj_pool_t *pool_() { return p_; } // // Get pjlib compatible pool object. // const pj_pool_t *pool_() const { return p_; } // // Get pjlib compatible pool object. // pj_pool_t *pj_pool_t_() { return p_; } // // Reset pool. // void reset() { pj_pool_reset(p_); } // // Get current capacity. // pj_size_t get_capacity() { pj_pool_get_capacity(p_); } // // Get current total bytes allocated from the pool. // pj_size_t get_used_size() { pj_pool_get_used_size(p_); } // // Allocate. // void *alloc(pj_size_t size) { return pj_pool_alloc(p_, size); } // // Allocate elements and zero fill the memory. // void *calloc(pj_size_t count, pj_size_t elem) { return pj_pool_calloc(p_, count, elem); } // // Allocate and zero fill memory. // void *zalloc(pj_size_t size) { return pj_pool_zalloc(p_, size); } private: pj_pool_t *p_; }; // // Caching pool. // class Pj_Caching_Pool { public: // // Construct caching pool. // Pj_Caching_Pool( pj_size_t cache_capacity = 0, const pj_pool_factory_policy *pol=&pj_pool_factory_default_policy) { pj_caching_pool_init(&cp_, pol, cache_capacity); } // // Destroy caching pool. // ~Pj_Caching_Pool() { pj_caching_pool_destroy(&cp_); } // // Create pool. // pj_pool_t *create_pool( pj_size_t initial_size, pj_size_t increment_size, const char *name = NULL, pj_pool_callback *callback = NULL) { return (pj_pool_t*)(*cp_.factory.create_pool)(&cp_.factory, name, initial_size, increment_size, callback); } private: pj_caching_pool cp_; }; // // Inlines for Pj_Object // inline void *Pj_Object::operator new(unsigned int class_size, Pj_Pool *pool) { return pool->alloc(class_size); } inline void *Pj_Object::operator new(unsigned int class_size, Pj_Pool &pool) { return pool.alloc(class_size); } // // Inlines for Pj_Pool // inline Pj_Pool::Pj_Pool( Pj_Caching_Pool &caching_pool, pj_size_t initial_size, pj_size_t increment_size, const char *name, pj_pool_callback *callback) { p_ = caching_pool.create_pool(initial_size, increment_size, name, callback); } #endif /* __PJPP_POOL_HPP__ */