@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+WebSocket Python client
+websocket - WebSocket client library for Python
+Copyright 2021 engn33r
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import socket
+import struct
+import threading
+import time
+# websocket modules
+from ._abnf import *
+from ._exceptions import *
+from ._handshake import *
+from ._http import *
+from ._logging import *
+from ._socket import *
+from ._ssl_compat import *
+from ._utils import *
+__all__ = ['WebSocket', 'create_connection']
+class WebSocket:
+ """
+ Low level WebSocket interface.
+ This class is based on the WebSocket protocol `draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76>`_
+ We can connect to the websocket server and send/receive data.
+ The following example is an echo client.
+ >>> import websocket
+ >>> ws = websocket.WebSocket()
+ >>> ws.connect("ws://echo.websocket.org")
+ >>> ws.send("Hello, Server")
+ >>> ws.recv()
+ 'Hello, Server'
+ >>> ws.close()
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ get_mask_key: func
+ A callable function to get new mask keys, see the
+ WebSocket.set_mask_key's docstring for more information.
+ sockopt: tuple
+ Values for socket.setsockopt.
+ sockopt must be tuple and each element is argument of sock.setsockopt.
+ sslopt: dict
+ Optional dict object for ssl socket options. See FAQ for details.
+ fire_cont_frame: bool
+ Fire recv event for each cont frame. Default is False.
+ enable_multithread: bool
+ If set to True, lock send method.
+ skip_utf8_validation: bool
+ Skip utf8 validation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, get_mask_key=None, sockopt=None, sslopt=None,
+ fire_cont_frame=False, enable_multithread=True,
+ skip_utf8_validation=False, **_):
+ """
+ Initialize WebSocket object.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ sslopt: dict
+ Optional dict object for ssl socket options. See FAQ for details.
+ """
+ self.sock_opt = sock_opt(sockopt, sslopt)
+ self.handshake_response = None
+ self.sock = None
+ self.connected = False
+ self.get_mask_key = get_mask_key
+ # These buffer over the build-up of a single frame.
+ self.frame_buffer = frame_buffer(self._recv, skip_utf8_validation)
+ self.cont_frame = continuous_frame(
+ fire_cont_frame, skip_utf8_validation)
+ if enable_multithread:
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.readlock = threading.Lock()
+ else:
+ self.lock = NoLock()
+ self.readlock = NoLock()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """
+ Allow iteration over websocket, implying sequential `recv` executions.
+ """
+ while True:
+ yield self.recv()
+ def __next__(self):
+ return self.recv()
+ def next(self):
+ return self.__next__()
+ def fileno(self):
+ return self.sock.fileno()
+ def set_mask_key(self, func):
+ """
+ Set function to create mask key. You can customize mask key generator.
+ Mainly, this is for testing purpose.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ func: func
+ callable object. the func takes 1 argument as integer.
+ The argument means length of mask key.
+ This func must return string(byte array),
+ which length is argument specified.
+ """
+ self.get_mask_key = func
+ def gettimeout(self):
+ """
+ Get the websocket timeout (in seconds) as an int or float
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ timeout: int or float
+ returns timeout value (in seconds). This value could be either float/integer.
+ """
+ return self.sock_opt.timeout
+ def settimeout(self, timeout):
+ """
+ Set the timeout to the websocket.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ timeout: int or float
+ timeout time (in seconds). This value could be either float/integer.
+ """
+ self.sock_opt.timeout = timeout
+ if self.sock:
+ self.sock.settimeout(timeout)
+ timeout = property(gettimeout, settimeout)
+ def getsubprotocol(self):
+ """
+ Get subprotocol
+ """
+ if self.handshake_response:
+ return self.handshake_response.subprotocol
+ else:
+ return None
+ subprotocol = property(getsubprotocol)
+ def getstatus(self):
+ """
+ Get handshake status
+ """
+ if self.handshake_response:
+ return self.handshake_response.status
+ else:
+ return None
+ status = property(getstatus)
+ def getheaders(self):
+ """
+ Get handshake response header
+ """
+ if self.handshake_response:
+ return self.handshake_response.headers
+ else:
+ return None
+ def is_ssl(self):
+ try:
+ return isinstance(self.sock, ssl.SSLSocket)
+ except:
+ return False
+ headers = property(getheaders)
+ def connect(self, url, **options):
+ """
+ Connect to url. url is websocket url scheme.
+ ie. ws://host:port/resource
+ You can customize using 'options'.
+ If you set "header" list object, you can set your own custom header.
+ >>> ws = WebSocket()
+ >>> ws.connect("ws://echo.websocket.org/",
+ ... header=["User-Agent: MyProgram",
+ ... "x-custom: header"])
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ header: list or dict
+ Custom http header list or dict.
+ cookie: str
+ Cookie value.
+ origin: str
+ Custom origin url.
+ connection: str
+ Custom connection header value.
+ Default value "Upgrade" set in _handshake.py
+ suppress_origin: bool
+ Suppress outputting origin header.
+ host: str
+ Custom host header string.
+ timeout: int or float
+ Socket timeout time. This value is an integer or float.
+ If you set None for this value, it means "use default_timeout value"
+ http_proxy_host: str
+ HTTP proxy host name.
+ http_proxy_port: str or int
+ HTTP proxy port. Default is 80.
+ http_no_proxy: list
+ Whitelisted host names that don't use the proxy.
+ http_proxy_auth: tuple
+ HTTP proxy auth information. Tuple of username and password. Default is None.
+ redirect_limit: int
+ Number of redirects to follow.
+ subprotocols: list
+ List of available subprotocols. Default is None.
+ socket: socket
+ Pre-initialized stream socket.
+ """
+ self.sock_opt.timeout = options.get('timeout', self.sock_opt.timeout)
+ self.sock, addrs = connect(url, self.sock_opt, proxy_info(**options),
+ options.pop('socket', None))
+ try:
+ self.handshake_response = handshake(self.sock, *addrs, **options)
+ for attempt in range(options.pop('redirect_limit', 3)):
+ if self.handshake_response.status in SUPPORTED_REDIRECT_STATUSES:
+ url = self.handshake_response.headers['location']
+ self.sock.close()
+ self.sock, addrs = connect(url, self.sock_opt, proxy_info(**options),
+ options.pop('socket', None))
+ self.handshake_response = handshake(self.sock, *addrs, **options)
+ self.connected = True
+ except:
+ if self.sock:
+ self.sock.close()
+ self.sock = None
+ raise
+ def send(self, payload, opcode=ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT):
+ """
+ Send the data as string.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ payload: str
+ Payload must be utf-8 string or unicode,
+ If the opcode is OPCODE_TEXT.
+ Otherwise, it must be string(byte array).
+ opcode: int
+ Operation code (opcode) to send.
+ """
+ frame = ABNF.create_frame(payload, opcode)
+ return self.send_frame(frame)
+ def send_frame(self, frame):
+ """
+ Send the data frame.
+ >>> ws = create_connection("ws://echo.websocket.org/")
+ >>> frame = ABNF.create_frame("Hello", ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT)
+ >>> ws.send_frame(frame)
+ >>> cont_frame = ABNF.create_frame("My name is ", ABNF.OPCODE_CONT, 0)
+ >>> ws.send_frame(frame)
+ >>> cont_frame = ABNF.create_frame("Foo Bar", ABNF.OPCODE_CONT, 1)
+ >>> ws.send_frame(frame)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ frame: ABNF frame
+ frame data created by ABNF.create_frame
+ """
+ if self.get_mask_key:
+ frame.get_mask_key = self.get_mask_key
+ data = frame.format()
+ length = len(data)
+ #if (isEnabledForTrace() and f):
+ #trace("++Sent raw: " + repr(data))
+ #trace("++Sent decoded: " + frame.__str__())
+ with self.lock:
+ while data:
+ l = self._send(data)
+ data = data[l:]
+ return length
+ def send_binary(self, payload):
+ """
+ Send a binary message (OPCODE_BINARY).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ payload: bytes
+ payload of message to send.
+ """
+ return self.send(payload, ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY)
+ def ping(self, payload=""):
+ """
+ Send ping data.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ payload: str
+ data payload to send server.
+ """
+ if isinstance(payload, str):
+ payload = payload.encode("utf-8")
+ self.send(payload, ABNF.OPCODE_PING)
+ def pong(self, payload=""):
+ """
+ Send pong data.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ payload: str
+ data payload to send server.
+ """
+ if isinstance(payload, str):
+ payload = payload.encode("utf-8")
+ self.send(payload, ABNF.OPCODE_PONG)
+ def recv(self):
+ """
+ Receive string data(byte array) from the server.
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ data: string (byte array) value.
+ """
+ with self.readlock:
+ opcode, data = self.recv_data()
+ if opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT:
+ return data.decode("utf-8")
+ elif opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT or opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY:
+ return data
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def recv_data(self, control_frame=False):
+ """
+ Receive data with operation code.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ control_frame: bool
+ a boolean flag indicating whether to return control frame
+ data, defaults to False
+ Returns
+ -------
+ opcode, frame.data: tuple
+ tuple of operation code and string(byte array) value.
+ """
+ opcode, frame = self.recv_data_frame(control_frame)
+ return opcode, frame.data
+ def recv_data_frame(self, control_frame=False):
+ """
+ Receive data with operation code.
+ If a valid ping message is received, a pong response is sent.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ control_frame: bool
+ a boolean flag indicating whether to return control frame
+ data, defaults to False
+ Returns
+ -------
+ frame.opcode, frame: tuple
+ tuple of operation code and string(byte array) value.
+ """
+ while True:
+ frame = self.recv_frame()
+ #if (isEnabledForTrace()):
+ #trace("++Rcv raw: " + repr(frame.format()))
+ #trace("++Rcv decoded: " + frame.__str__())
+ if not frame:
+ # handle error:
+ # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'opcode'
+ raise WebSocketProtocolException(
+ "Not a valid frame %s" % frame)
+ self.cont_frame.validate(frame)
+ self.cont_frame.add(frame)
+ if self.cont_frame.is_fire(frame):
+ return self.cont_frame.extract(frame)
+ elif frame.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
+ self.send_close()
+ return frame.opcode, frame
+ elif frame.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING:
+ if len(frame.data) < 126:
+ self.pong(frame.data)
+ else:
+ raise WebSocketProtocolException(
+ "Ping message is too long")
+ if control_frame:
+ return frame.opcode, frame
+ elif frame.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PONG:
+ if control_frame:
+ return frame.opcode, frame
+ def recv_frame(self):
+ """
+ Receive data as frame from server.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self.frame_buffer.recv_frame(): ABNF frame object
+ """
+ return self.frame_buffer.recv_frame()
+ def send_close(self, status=STATUS_NORMAL, reason=bytes('', encoding='utf-8')):
+ """
+ Send close data to the server.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ status: int
+ Status code to send. See STATUS_XXX.
+ reason: str or bytes
+ The reason to close. This must be string or bytes.
+ """
+ if status < 0 or status >= ABNF.LENGTH_16:
+ raise ValueError("code is invalid range")
+ self.connected = False
+ self.send(struct.pack('!H', status) + reason, ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE)
+ def close(self, status=STATUS_NORMAL, reason=bytes('', encoding='utf-8'), timeout=3):
+ """
+ Close Websocket object
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ status: int
+ Status code to send. See STATUS_XXX.
+ reason: bytes
+ The reason to close.
+ timeout: int or float
+ Timeout until receive a close frame.
+ If None, it will wait forever until receive a close frame.
+ """
+ if self.connected:
+ if status < 0 or status >= ABNF.LENGTH_16:
+ raise ValueError("code is invalid range")
+ try:
+ self.connected = False
+ self.send(struct.pack('!H', status) + reason, ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE)
+ sock_timeout = self.sock.gettimeout()
+ self.sock.settimeout(timeout)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ while timeout is None or time.time() - start_time < timeout:
+ try:
+ frame = self.recv_frame()
+ if frame.opcode != ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
+ continue
+ if isEnabledForError():
+ recv_status = struct.unpack("!H", frame.data[0:2])[0]
+ if recv_status >= 3000 and recv_status <= 4999:
+ debug("close status: " + repr(recv_status))
+ elif recv_status != STATUS_NORMAL:
+ error("close status: " + repr(recv_status))
+ break
+ except:
+ break
+ self.sock.settimeout(sock_timeout)
+ self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.shutdown()
+ def abort(self):
+ """
+ Low-level asynchronous abort, wakes up other threads that are waiting in recv_*
+ """
+ if self.connected:
+ self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """
+ close socket, immediately.
+ """
+ if self.sock:
+ self.sock.close()
+ self.sock = None
+ self.connected = False
+ def _send(self, data):
+ return send(self.sock, data)
+ def _recv(self, bufsize):
+ try:
+ return recv(self.sock, bufsize)
+ except WebSocketConnectionClosedException:
+ if self.sock:
+ self.sock.close()
+ self.sock = None
+ self.connected = False
+ raise
+def create_connection(url, timeout=None, class_=WebSocket, **options):
+ """
+ Connect to url and return websocket object.
+ Connect to url and return the WebSocket object.
+ Passing optional timeout parameter will set the timeout on the socket.
+ If no timeout is supplied,
+ the global default timeout setting returned by getdefaulttimeout() is used.
+ You can customize using 'options'.
+ If you set "header" list object, you can set your own custom header.
+ >>> conn = create_connection("ws://echo.websocket.org/",
+ ... header=["User-Agent: MyProgram",
+ ... "x-custom: header"])
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ class_: class
+ class to instantiate when creating the connection. It has to implement
+ settimeout and connect. It's __init__ should be compatible with
+ WebSocket.__init__, i.e. accept all of it's kwargs.
+ header: list or dict
+ custom http header list or dict.
+ cookie: str
+ Cookie value.
+ origin: str
+ custom origin url.
+ suppress_origin: bool
+ suppress outputting origin header.
+ host: str
+ custom host header string.
+ timeout: int or float
+ socket timeout time. This value could be either float/integer.
+ If set to None, it uses the default_timeout value.
+ http_proxy_host: str
+ HTTP proxy host name.
+ http_proxy_port: str or int
+ HTTP proxy port. If not set, set to 80.
+ http_no_proxy: list
+ Whitelisted host names that don't use the proxy.
+ http_proxy_auth: tuple
+ HTTP proxy auth information. tuple of username and password. Default is None.
+ enable_multithread: bool
+ Enable lock for multithread.
+ redirect_limit: int
+ Number of redirects to follow.
+ sockopt: tuple
+ Values for socket.setsockopt.
+ sockopt must be a tuple and each element is an argument of sock.setsockopt.
+ sslopt: dict
+ Optional dict object for ssl socket options. See FAQ for details.
+ subprotocols: list
+ List of available subprotocols. Default is None.
+ skip_utf8_validation: bool
+ Skip utf8 validation.
+ socket: socket
+ Pre-initialized stream socket.
+ """
+ sockopt = options.pop("sockopt", [])
+ sslopt = options.pop("sslopt", {})
+ fire_cont_frame = options.pop("fire_cont_frame", False)
+ enable_multithread = options.pop("enable_multithread", True)
+ skip_utf8_validation = options.pop("skip_utf8_validation", False)
+ websock = class_(sockopt=sockopt, sslopt=sslopt,
+ fire_cont_frame=fire_cont_frame,
+ enable_multithread=enable_multithread,
+ skip_utf8_validation=skip_utf8_validation, **options)
+ websock.settimeout(timeout if timeout is not None else getdefaulttimeout())
+ websock.connect(url, **options)
+ return websock