@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import traceback
import pjsua2 as pj
from enum import Enum
-from src.core.datasource import SIP_SERVER
+from src.core.datasource import SIP_SERVER, SERVE_HOST
from src.core.voip.constant import *
import requests
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ class MyAudioMediaPort(pj.AudioMediaPort):
current_time = time.time()
- print(f'onFrameReceived:self.wait_time={self.call.wait_time}, self.call.digit ={self.call.digit},asr_text:{asr_text},play_complete:{play_complete},self.call.inputType:{self.call.inputType}')
+ # print(f'onFrameReceived:self.wait_time={self.call.wait_time}, self.call.digit ={self.call.digit},asr_text:{asr_text},play_complete:{play_complete},self.call.inputType:{self.call.inputType}')
if self.call.wait_time and self.call.wait_time != "0" and play_complete and not asr_text and not self.call.digit :
self.wait_time_check(current_time, self.call.wait_time)
# 如果为超长类型的按键服务 超过30s未输入完成执行超时操作
if self.call.inputType == '1' and play_complete and not asr_text:
- self.wait_time_check(current_time, 15)
+ self.wait_time_check(current_time, 30)
message_queue_size = self.call.message_queue.qsize()
if (message_queue_size > 0 and not self.call.cur_player_file) or (message_queue_size > 0 and play_complete):
print('onFrameReceived:message_queue_size=', message_queue_size, 'play_complete=', play_complete, asr_text)
- self.call.cur_player_file, self.call.wait_time, self.call.inputType,self.call.action, self.call.nodeId = self.get_player_file()
+ self.call.cur_player_file, self.call.wait_time, self.call.inputType,self.call.action, self.call.node_id = self.get_player_file()
# 重置播放完成标志和超时计时器,确保新的播放从头开始计时
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ class MyAudioMediaPort(pj.AudioMediaPort):
def get_player_file(self):
message = self.call.message_queue.get(block=False)
- player_file = [item.voiceUrl for item in message.contents if item.contentType == 'voice']
+ player_file = [item.voice_url for item in message.contents if item.content_type == 'voice']
# self.call.wait_time = message.waitTime
# self.call.inputType = message.inputType
# self.call.action = message.action
# self.call.nodeId = message.nodeId
- print('get_player_file:', player_file,message.waitTime, message.inputType, message.action, message.nodeId)
- return player_file, message.waitTime, message.inputType, message.action, message.nodeId
+ print('get_player_file:', player_file,message.wait_time, message.inputType, message.action, message.node_id)
+ return player_file, message.wait_time, message.inputType, message.action, message.node_id
except Exception as e:
@@ -147,12 +147,10 @@ class MyAudioMediaPort(pj.AudioMediaPort):
# 检查超时时间是否已到
if current_time - self.play_start_time > int(wait_time):
self.play_complete_flag = False # 重置标志位,避免重复超时
- if wait_time == 15:
+ if wait_time == 30:
- # self.call.chat(f"DTMF({self.call.digit})DTMF","1")
- # self.call.chat("6", "ASR408error")
@@ -219,7 +217,7 @@ class MyCall(pj.Call):
self.inputType = None #记录按键类型 1为长按键类型
self.digit = '' # 存储长按键内容
self.action = None
- self.nodeId= 'start'
+ self.node_id= 'start'
self.cur_player_file = None #当前播放的文件
@@ -227,6 +225,18 @@ class MyCall(pj.Call):
self.asr = TestSt(call_id, message_receiver=self.on_receiver_asr_result) # 创建ASR实例
self.asr.start() # 启动ASR线程
+ self.call_phone = self.get_phone()
+ def get_phone(self):
+ import re
+ call_info = self.getInfo()
+ match = re.match(r'"(\d+)" <sip:(\d+)@', call_info.remoteUri)
+ if match:
+ print("Phone Number:", match.group(1))
+ return match.group(1) # 假设显示名称部分是手机号
+ else:
+ return ""
+ print("Failed to parse the phone number from remoteUri.")
def is_play_complete(self): #语音机器人是否播放结束
if self.cur_player_file:
player_id = murmur3_32(self.cur_player_file)
@@ -250,7 +260,7 @@ class MyCall(pj.Call):
def onCallState(self, prm):
call_info = self.getInfo()
- print("Call state: ", call_info.stateText)
+ print("Call state: ",call_info.state)
@@ -329,12 +339,12 @@ class MyCall(pj.Call):
def say_end_action(self, action):
- print('handling_release', action.actionCode)
- actionCode = action.actionCode
- if actionCode == 'hang': # 挂断
- actionContent = action.actionContent
- print(f'todo 挂电话:{actionContent}')
- elif actionCode == 'transfer': # 转人工
+ print('handling_release', action.action_code)
+ action_code = action.action_code
+ if action_code == 'hang': # 挂断
+ action_content = action.action_content
+ print(f'todo 挂电话:{action_content}')
+ elif action_code == 'transfer': # 转人工
print('todo 转人工')
class ToTextBotAgent:
@@ -345,37 +355,43 @@ class ToTextBotAgent:
self.call_agent = call_agent
self.request_data = BotChatRequest(
- nodeId=self.call_agent.nodeId,
- userId="139311",
- sessionId="1",
- recordId="2",
- taskId="ceshi",
- asrText=user_asr_text
+ nodeId=self.call_agent.node_id,
+ userId=self.call_agent.call_phone,
+ sessionId="1334343434",
+ recordId="",
+ taskId="10001",
+ asrText=user_asr_text,
+ ext= None
# 发送请求并处理响应
- self.test_request(self.request_data)
+ # self.test_request(self.request_data)
+ self.to_quest(self.request_data)
def to_quest(self, request: BotChatRequest):
# 将实体类转换为JSON字符串
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
- request_json = request.to_json_string()
+ request_data = request.to_json_string()
+ url = f"http://{SERVE_HOST}:40072/botservice"
# 发送POST请求
+ print(f"请求数据:{request_data},url:{url}")
- response = requests.post('http://example.com/api', data=request_json, headers=headers) # 使用占位URL
+ response = requests.post(url=url, json=json.loads(request_data), headers=headers, timeout=10) # 使用占位URL
+ print(f"原始响应内容:{response.text}")
if response.status_code == 200:
- # 成功,解析响应JSON
response_data = response.json()
- # return ChatResponse.from_json(json.dumps(response_data)) # 转换为JSON字符串并解析
- parsed_response = ChatMessage.from_json(response_data)
- self.call_agent.message_queue.put(parsed_response)
+ if "data" in response_data and response_data["code"]==0:
+ data = response_data["data"]
+ print(f"响应数据:{data}")
+ parsed_response = ChatMessage.from_json(data)
+ self.call_agent.message_queue.put(parsed_response)
+ else:
+ print("响应中没有 'data' 字段")
# 错误处理
print(f"请求失败,状态码: {response.status_code}, 响应内容: {response.text}")
- return None
except requests.RequestException as e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- return None
+ print(f"请求发生异常: {e}")
# 模拟接口请求返回
def test_request(self, params: BotChatRequest):