hs-cti.es6.esm.js 148 KB

  1. /*!
  2. - Name HS_CTI
  3. - FileName hs-cti
  4. - Version 1.0.9
  5. - JS Standard es6
  6. - Author platformfe
  7. - Built on 2024/11/28 16:42:50
  8. - GitHub
  9. - Branch dev_20241128
  10. - CommitID 19adbaf3eac6f9386a1ab1630ea855872d8554ca
  11. - CommitMessage fix: 完善代码
  12. */
  13. import { Web, UserAgent, UserAgentState, Registerer, RegistererState, Inviter, Invitation, Session, Messager, RequestPendingError, SessionState } from 'sip.js';
  14. import io from 'socket.io-client';
  15. /******************************************************************************
  16. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
  17. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
  18. purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
  26. ***************************************************************************** */
  27. /* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol, Iterator */
  28. function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
  29. var c = arguments.length,
  30. r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc,
  31. d;
  32. if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
  33. return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
  34. }
  35. function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
  36. function adopt(value) {
  37. return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) {
  38. resolve(value);
  39. });
  40. }
  41. return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
  42. function fulfilled(value) {
  43. try {
  44. step(generator.next(value));
  45. } catch (e) {
  46. reject(e);
  47. }
  48. }
  49. function rejected(value) {
  50. try {
  51. step(generator["throw"](value));
  52. } catch (e) {
  53. reject(e);
  54. }
  55. }
  56. function step(result) {
  57. result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
  58. }
  59. step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
  60. });
  61. }
  62. typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) {
  63. var e = new Error(message);
  64. return e.name = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e;
  65. };
  66. /**
  67. * A session manager for SIP.js sessions.
  68. * @public
  69. */
  70. class SessionManagerPlus {
  71. /**
  72. * Constructs a new instance of the `SessionManager` class.
  73. * @param server - SIP WebSocket Server URL.
  74. * @param options - Options bucket. See {@link Web.SessionManagerOptions} for details.
  75. */
  76. constructor(server, options = {}) {
  77. /** Delegate. */
  78. Object.defineProperty(this, "delegate", {
  79. enumerable: true,
  80. configurable: true,
  81. writable: true,
  82. value: void 0
  83. });
  84. /** Sessions being managed. */
  85. Object.defineProperty(this, "managedSessions", {
  86. enumerable: true,
  87. configurable: true,
  88. writable: true,
  89. value: []
  90. });
  91. /** User agent which created sessions being managed. */
  92. Object.defineProperty(this, "userAgent", {
  93. enumerable: true,
  94. configurable: true,
  95. writable: true,
  96. value: void 0
  97. });
  98. Object.defineProperty(this, "logger", {
  99. enumerable: true,
  100. configurable: true,
  101. writable: true,
  102. value: void 0
  103. });
  104. Object.defineProperty(this, "options", {
  105. enumerable: true,
  106. configurable: true,
  107. writable: true,
  108. value: void 0
  109. });
  110. Object.defineProperty(this, "optionsPingFailure", {
  111. enumerable: true,
  112. configurable: true,
  113. writable: true,
  114. value: false
  115. });
  116. Object.defineProperty(this, "optionsPingRequest", {
  117. enumerable: true,
  118. configurable: true,
  119. writable: true,
  120. value: void 0
  121. });
  122. Object.defineProperty(this, "optionsPingRunning", {
  123. enumerable: true,
  124. configurable: true,
  125. writable: true,
  126. value: false
  127. });
  128. Object.defineProperty(this, "optionsPingTimeout", {
  129. enumerable: true,
  130. configurable: true,
  131. writable: true,
  132. value: void 0
  133. });
  134. Object.defineProperty(this, "registrationAttemptTimeout", {
  135. enumerable: true,
  136. configurable: true,
  137. writable: true,
  138. value: void 0
  139. });
  140. Object.defineProperty(this, "registerer", {
  141. enumerable: true,
  142. configurable: true,
  143. writable: true,
  144. value: void 0
  145. });
  146. Object.defineProperty(this, "registererOptions", {
  147. enumerable: true,
  148. configurable: true,
  149. writable: true,
  150. value: void 0
  151. });
  152. Object.defineProperty(this, "registererRegisterOptions", {
  153. enumerable: true,
  154. configurable: true,
  155. writable: true,
  156. value: void 0
  157. });
  158. Object.defineProperty(this, "shouldBeConnected", {
  159. enumerable: true,
  160. configurable: true,
  161. writable: true,
  162. value: false
  163. });
  164. Object.defineProperty(this, "shouldBeRegistered", {
  165. enumerable: true,
  166. configurable: true,
  167. writable: true,
  168. value: false
  169. });
  170. Object.defineProperty(this, "attemptingReconnection", {
  171. enumerable: true,
  172. configurable: true,
  173. writable: true,
  174. value: false
  175. });
  176. // Delegate
  177. this.delegate = options.delegate;
  178. // Copy options
  179. this.options = Object.assign({
  180. aor: '',
  181. autoStop: true,
  182. delegate: {},
  183. iceStopWaitingOnServerReflexive: false,
  184. managedSessionFactory: this.managedSessionFactory,
  185. maxSimultaneousSessions: 2,
  186. media: {},
  187. optionsPingInterval: -1,
  188. optionsPingRequestURI: '',
  189. reconnectionAttempts: 3,
  190. reconnectionDelay: 3,
  191. registrationRetry: false,
  192. registrationRetryInterval: 3,
  193. registerGuard: null,
  194. registererOptions: {},
  195. registererRegisterOptions: {},
  196. sendDTMFUsingSessionDescriptionHandler: false,
  197. userAgentOptions: {}
  198. }, SessionManagerPlus.stripUndefinedProperties(options));
  199. // UserAgentOptions
  200. const userAgentOptions = Object.assign({}, options.userAgentOptions);
  201. // Transport
  202. if (!userAgentOptions.transportConstructor) {
  203. userAgentOptions.transportConstructor = Web.Transport;
  204. }
  205. // TransportOptions
  206. if (!userAgentOptions.transportOptions) {
  207. userAgentOptions.transportOptions = {
  208. server
  209. };
  210. }
  211. // URI
  212. if (!userAgentOptions.uri) {
  213. // If an AOR was provided, convert it to a URI
  214. if (options.aor) {
  215. const uri = UserAgent.makeURI(options.aor);
  216. if (!uri) {
  217. throw new Error(`Failed to create valid URI from ${options.aor}`);
  218. }
  219. userAgentOptions.uri = uri;
  220. }
  221. }
  222. // UserAgent
  223. this.userAgent = new UserAgent(userAgentOptions);
  224. // UserAgent's delegate
  225. this.userAgent.delegate = {
  226. // Handle connection with server established
  227. onConnect: () => {
  228. this.logger.log(`Connected`);
  229. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onServerConnect) {
  230. this.delegate.onServerConnect();
  231. }
  232. // Attempt to register if we are supposed to be registered
  233. if (this.shouldBeRegistered) {
  234. this.register();
  235. }
  236. // Start OPTIONS pings if we are to be pinging
  237. if (this.options.optionsPingInterval > 0) {
  238. this.optionsPingStart();
  239. }
  240. },
  241. // Handle connection with server lost
  242. onDisconnect: error => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  243. var _a, _b, _c, _d;
  244. this.logger.log(`Disconnected`);
  245. // Stop OPTIONS ping if need be.
  246. let optionsPingFailure = false;
  247. if (this.options.optionsPingInterval > 0) {
  248. optionsPingFailure = this.optionsPingFailure;
  249. this.optionsPingFailure = false;
  250. this.optionsPingStop();
  251. }
  252. // If the user called `disconnect` a graceful cleanup will be done therein.
  253. // Only cleanup if network/server dropped the connection.
  254. // Only reconnect if network/server dropped the connection
  255. if (error || optionsPingFailure) {
  256. // There is no transport at this point, so we are not expecting to be able to
  257. // send messages much less get responses. So just dispose of everything without
  258. // waiting for anything to succeed.
  259. if (this.registerer) {
  260. this.logger.log(`Disposing of registerer...`);
  261. this.registerer.dispose().catch(e => {
  262. this.logger.debug(`Error occurred disposing of registerer after connection with server was lost.`);
  263. this.logger.debug(e.toString());
  264. });
  265. this.registerer = undefined;
  266. }
  267. this.managedSessions.slice().map(el => el.session).forEach(session => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  268. this.logger.log(`Disposing of session...`);
  269. session.dispose().catch(e => {
  270. this.logger.debug(`Error occurred disposing of a session after connection with server was lost.`);
  271. this.logger.debug(e.toString());
  272. });
  273. }));
  274. // Attempt to reconnect if we are supposed to be connected.
  275. if (this.shouldBeConnected) {
  276. (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onReconnectStart) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  277. this.attemptReconnection();
  278. }
  279. } else {
  280. // Let delgate know we have disconnected
  281. (_d = (_c = this.delegate) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.onServerDisconnect) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c, error);
  282. }
  283. }),
  284. // Handle incoming invitations
  285. onInvite: invitation => {
  286. this.logger.log(`[${invitation.id}] Received INVITE`);
  287. // Guard against a maximum number of pre-existing sessions.
  288. // An incoming INVITE request may be received at any time and/or while in the process
  289. // of sending an outgoing INVITE request. So we reject any incoming INVITE in those cases.
  290. const maxSessions = this.options.maxSimultaneousSessions;
  291. if (maxSessions !== 0 && this.managedSessions.length > maxSessions) {
  292. this.logger.warn(`[${invitation.id}] Session already in progress, rejecting INVITE...`);
  293. invitation.reject().then(() => {
  294. this.logger.log(`[${invitation.id}] Rejected INVITE`);
  295. }).catch(error => {
  296. this.logger.error(`[${invitation.id}] Failed to reject INVITE`);
  297. this.logger.error(error.toString());
  298. });
  299. return;
  300. }
  301. // Use our configured constraints as options for any Inviter created as result of a REFER
  302. const referralInviterOptions = {
  303. sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: {
  304. constraints: this.constraints
  305. }
  306. };
  307. // Initialize our session
  308. this.initSession(invitation, referralInviterOptions);
  309. // Delegate
  310. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onCallReceived) {
  311. this.delegate.onCallReceived(invitation);
  312. } else {
  313. this.logger.warn(`[${invitation.id}] No handler available, rejecting INVITE...`);
  314. invitation.reject().then(() => {
  315. this.logger.log(`[${invitation.id}] Rejected INVITE`);
  316. }).catch(error => {
  317. this.logger.error(`[${invitation.id}] Failed to reject INVITE`);
  318. this.logger.error(error.toString());
  319. });
  320. }
  321. },
  322. // Handle incoming messages
  323. onMessage: message => {
  324. message.accept().then(() => {
  325. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onMessageReceived) {
  326. this.delegate.onMessageReceived(message);
  327. }
  328. });
  329. },
  330. // Handle incoming notifications
  331. onNotify: notification => {
  332. notification.accept().then(() => {
  333. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onNotificationReceived) {
  334. this.delegate.onNotificationReceived(notification);
  335. }
  336. });
  337. }
  338. };
  339. // RegistererOptions
  340. this.registererOptions = Object.assign({}, options.registererOptions);
  341. // RegistererRegisterOptions
  342. this.registererRegisterOptions = Object.assign({}, options.registererRegisterOptions);
  343. // Retry registration on failure or rejection.
  344. if (this.options.registrationRetry) {
  345. // If the register request is rejected, try again...
  346. this.registererRegisterOptions.requestDelegate = this.registererRegisterOptions.requestDelegate || {};
  347. const existingOnReject = this.registererRegisterOptions.requestDelegate.onReject;
  348. this.registererRegisterOptions.requestDelegate.onReject = response => {
  349. existingOnReject && existingOnReject(response);
  350. // If at first we don't succeed, try try again...
  351. this.attemptRegistration();
  352. };
  353. }
  354. // Use the SIP.js logger
  355. this.logger = this.userAgent.getLogger('sip.SessionManager');
  356. // Monitor network connectivity and attempt reconnection and reregistration when we come online
  357. window.addEventListener('online', () => {
  358. this.logger.log(`Online`);
  359. if (this.shouldBeConnected) {
  360. this.connect();
  361. }
  362. });
  363. // NOTE: The autoStop option does not currently work as one likley expects.
  364. // This code is here because the "autoStop behavior" and this assoicated
  365. // implemenation has been a recurring request. So instead of removing
  366. // the implementation again (because it doesn't work) and then having
  367. // to explain agian the issue over and over again to those who want it,
  368. // we have included it here to break that cycle. The implementation is
  369. // harmless and serves to provide an explaination for those interested.
  370. if (this.options.autoStop) {
  371. // Standard operation workflow will resume after this callback exits, meaning
  372. // that any asynchronous operations are likely not going to be finished, especially
  373. // if they are guaranteed to not be executed in the current tick (promises fall
  374. // under this category, they will never be resolved synchronously by design).
  375. window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  376. this.shouldBeConnected = false;
  377. this.shouldBeRegistered = false;
  378. if (this.userAgent.state !== UserAgentState.Stopped) {
  379. // The stop() method returns a promise which will not resolve before the page unloads.
  380. yield this.userAgent.stop();
  381. }
  382. }));
  383. }
  384. }
  385. /**
  386. * Strip properties with undefined values from options.
  387. * This is a work around while waiting for missing vs undefined to be addressed (or not)...
  388. * https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/13195
  389. * @param options - Options to reduce
  390. */
  391. static stripUndefinedProperties(options) {
  392. return Object.keys(options).reduce((object, key) => {
  393. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  394. if (options[key] !== undefined) {
  395. object[key] = options[key];
  396. }
  397. return object;
  398. }, {});
  399. }
  400. /**
  401. * The local media stream. Undefined if call not answered.
  402. * @param session - Session to get the media stream from.
  403. */
  404. getLocalMediaStream(session) {
  405. const hsh = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
  406. if (!hsh) {
  407. return undefined;
  408. }
  409. if (!(hsh instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
  410. throw new Error('Session description handler not instance of web SessionDescriptionHandler');
  411. }
  412. return hsh.localMediaStream;
  413. }
  414. /**
  415. * The remote media stream. Undefined if call not answered.
  416. * @param session - Session to get the media stream from.
  417. */
  418. getRemoteMediaStream(session) {
  419. const hsh = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
  420. if (!hsh) {
  421. return undefined;
  422. }
  423. if (!(hsh instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
  424. throw new Error('Session description handler not instance of web SessionDescriptionHandler');
  425. }
  426. return hsh.remoteMediaStream;
  427. }
  428. /**
  429. * The local audio track, if available.
  430. * @param session - Session to get track from.
  431. * @deprecated Use localMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  432. */
  433. getLocalAudioTrack(session) {
  434. var _a;
  435. return (_a = this.getLocalMediaStream(session)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getTracks().find(track => track.kind === 'audio');
  436. }
  437. /**
  438. * The local video track, if available.
  439. * @param session - Session to get track from.
  440. * @deprecated Use localMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  441. */
  442. getLocalVideoTrack(session) {
  443. var _a;
  444. return (_a = this.getLocalMediaStream(session)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getTracks().find(track => track.kind === 'video');
  445. }
  446. /**
  447. * The remote audio track, if available.
  448. * @param session - Session to get track from.
  449. * @deprecated Use remoteMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  450. */
  451. getRemoteAudioTrack(session) {
  452. var _a;
  453. return (_a = this.getRemoteMediaStream(session)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getTracks().find(track => track.kind === 'audio');
  454. }
  455. /**
  456. * The remote video track, if available.
  457. * @param session - Session to get track from.
  458. * @deprecated Use remoteMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  459. */
  460. getRemoteVideoTrack(session) {
  461. var _a;
  462. return (_a = this.getRemoteMediaStream(session)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getTracks().find(track => track.kind === 'video');
  463. }
  464. /**
  465. * Connect.
  466. * @remarks
  467. * If not started, starts the UserAgent connecting the WebSocket Transport.
  468. * Otherwise reconnects the UserAgent's WebSocket Transport.
  469. * Attempts will be made to reconnect as needed.
  470. */
  471. connect() {
  472. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  473. this.logger.log(`Connecting UserAgent...`);
  474. this.shouldBeConnected = true;
  475. if (this.userAgent.state !== UserAgentState.Started) {
  476. return this.userAgent.start();
  477. }
  478. return this.userAgent.reconnect();
  479. });
  480. }
  481. /**
  482. * Disconnect.
  483. * @remarks
  484. * If not stopped, stops the UserAgent disconnecting the WebSocket Transport.
  485. */
  486. disconnect() {
  487. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  488. this.logger.log(`Disconnecting UserAgent...`);
  489. if (this.userAgent.state === UserAgentState.Stopped) {
  490. return Promise.resolve();
  491. }
  492. this.shouldBeConnected = false;
  493. this.shouldBeRegistered = false;
  494. this.registerer = undefined;
  495. return this.userAgent.stop();
  496. });
  497. }
  498. /**
  499. * Return true if transport is connected.
  500. */
  501. isConnected() {
  502. return this.userAgent.isConnected();
  503. }
  504. /**
  505. * Start receiving incoming calls.
  506. * @remarks
  507. * Send a REGISTER request for the UserAgent's AOR.
  508. * Resolves when the REGISTER request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  509. * Attempts will be made to re-register as needed.
  510. */
  511. register(registererRegisterOptions) {
  512. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  513. this.logger.log(`Registering UserAgent...`);
  514. this.shouldBeRegistered = true;
  515. if (registererRegisterOptions !== undefined) {
  516. this.registererRegisterOptions = Object.assign({}, registererRegisterOptions);
  517. }
  518. if (!this.registerer) {
  519. this.registerer = new Registerer(this.userAgent, this.registererOptions);
  520. this.registerer.stateChange.addListener(state => {
  521. switch (state) {
  522. case RegistererState.Initial:
  523. break;
  524. case RegistererState.Registered:
  525. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onRegistered) {
  526. this.delegate.onRegistered();
  527. }
  528. break;
  529. case RegistererState.Unregistered:
  530. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onUnregistered) {
  531. this.delegate.onUnregistered();
  532. }
  533. // If we transition to an unregister state, attempt to get back to a registered state.
  534. if (this.shouldBeRegistered) {
  535. this.attemptRegistration();
  536. }
  537. break;
  538. case RegistererState.Terminated:
  539. break;
  540. default:
  541. throw new Error('Unknown registerer state.');
  542. }
  543. });
  544. }
  545. return this.attemptRegistration(true);
  546. });
  547. }
  548. /**
  549. * Stop receiving incoming calls.
  550. * @remarks
  551. * Send an un-REGISTER request for the UserAgent's AOR.
  552. * Resolves when the un-REGISTER request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  553. */
  554. unregister(registererUnregisterOptions) {
  555. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  556. this.logger.log(`Unregistering UserAgent...`);
  557. this.shouldBeRegistered = false;
  558. if (!this.registerer) {
  559. this.logger.warn(`No registerer to unregister.`);
  560. return Promise.resolve();
  561. }
  562. return this.registerer.unregister(registererUnregisterOptions).then(() => {
  563. return;
  564. });
  565. });
  566. }
  567. /**
  568. * Make an outgoing call.
  569. * @remarks
  570. * Send an INVITE request to create a new Session.
  571. * Resolves when the INVITE request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  572. * Use `onCallAnswered` delegate method to determine if Session is established.
  573. * @param destination - The target destination to call. A SIP address to send the INVITE to.
  574. * @param inviterOptions - Optional options for Inviter constructor.
  575. * @param inviterInviteOptions - Optional options for Inviter.invite().
  576. */
  577. call(destination, inviterOptions, inviterInviteOptions) {
  578. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  579. this.logger.log(`Beginning Session...`);
  580. // Guard against a maximum number of pre-existing sessions.
  581. // An incoming INVITE request may be received at any time and/or while in the process
  582. // of sending an outgoing INVITE request. So we reject any incoming INVITE in those cases.
  583. const maxSessions = this.options.maxSimultaneousSessions;
  584. if (maxSessions !== 0 && this.managedSessions.length > maxSessions) {
  585. return Promise.reject(new Error('Maximum number of sessions already exists.'));
  586. }
  587. const target = UserAgent.makeURI(destination);
  588. if (!target) {
  589. return Promise.reject(new Error(`Failed to create a valid URI from "${destination}"`));
  590. }
  591. // Use our configured constraints as InviterOptions if none provided
  592. if (!inviterOptions) {
  593. inviterOptions = {};
  594. }
  595. if (!inviterOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions) {
  596. inviterOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions = {};
  597. }
  598. if (!inviterOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions.constraints) {
  599. inviterOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions.constraints = this.constraints;
  600. }
  601. // If utilizing early media, add a handler to catch 183 Session Progress
  602. // messages and then to play the associated remote media (the early media).
  603. if (inviterOptions.earlyMedia) {
  604. inviterInviteOptions = inviterInviteOptions || {};
  605. inviterInviteOptions.requestDelegate = inviterInviteOptions.requestDelegate || {};
  606. const existingOnProgress = inviterInviteOptions.requestDelegate.onProgress;
  607. inviterInviteOptions.requestDelegate.onProgress = response => {
  608. if (response.message.statusCode === 183) {
  609. this.setupRemoteMedia(inviter);
  610. }
  611. existingOnProgress && existingOnProgress(response);
  612. };
  613. }
  614. // TODO: Any existing onSessionDescriptionHandler is getting clobbered here.
  615. // If we get a server reflexive candidate, stop waiting on ICE gathering to complete.
  616. // The candidate is a server reflexive candidate; the ip indicates an intermediary
  617. // address assigned by the STUN server to represent the candidate's peer anonymously.
  618. if (this.options.iceStopWaitingOnServerReflexive) {
  619. inviterOptions.delegate = inviterOptions.delegate || {};
  620. inviterOptions.delegate.onSessionDescriptionHandler = sessionDescriptionHandler => {
  621. if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
  622. throw new Error('Session description handler not instance of SessionDescriptionHandler');
  623. }
  624. sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnectionDelegate = {
  625. onicecandidate: event => {
  626. var _a;
  627. if (((_a = event.candidate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) === 'srflx') {
  628. this.logger.log(`[${inviter.id}] Found srflx ICE candidate, stop waiting...`);
  629. // In sip.js > 0.20.1 this cast should be removed as iceGatheringComplete will be public
  630. const hsh = sessionDescriptionHandler;
  631. hsh.iceGatheringComplete();
  632. }
  633. }
  634. };
  635. };
  636. }
  637. // Create a new Inviter for the outgoing Session
  638. const inviter = new Inviter(this.userAgent, target, inviterOptions);
  639. // Send INVITE
  640. return this.sendInvite(inviter, inviterOptions, inviterInviteOptions).then(() => {
  641. return inviter;
  642. });
  643. });
  644. }
  645. /**
  646. * Hangup a call.
  647. * @param session - Session to hangup.
  648. * @remarks
  649. * Send a BYE request, CANCEL request or reject response to end the current Session.
  650. * Resolves when the request/response is sent, otherwise rejects.
  651. * Use `onCallHangup` delegate method to determine if and when call is ended.
  652. */
  653. hangup(session) {
  654. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  655. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Hangup...`);
  656. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  657. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  658. }
  659. return this.terminate(session);
  660. });
  661. }
  662. /**
  663. * Answer an incoming call.
  664. * @param session - Session to answer.
  665. * @remarks
  666. * Accept an incoming INVITE request creating a new Session.
  667. * Resolves with the response is sent, otherwise rejects.
  668. * Use `onCallAnswered` delegate method to determine if and when call is established.
  669. * @param invitationAcceptOptions - Optional options for Inviter.accept().
  670. */
  671. answer(session, invitationAcceptOptions) {
  672. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  673. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Accepting Invitation...`);
  674. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  675. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  676. }
  677. if (!(session instanceof Invitation)) {
  678. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session not instance of Invitation.'));
  679. }
  680. // Use our configured constraints as InvitationAcceptOptions if none provided
  681. if (!invitationAcceptOptions) {
  682. invitationAcceptOptions = {};
  683. }
  684. if (!invitationAcceptOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions) {
  685. invitationAcceptOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions = {};
  686. }
  687. if (!invitationAcceptOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions.constraints) {
  688. invitationAcceptOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions.constraints = this.constraints;
  689. }
  690. return session.accept(invitationAcceptOptions);
  691. });
  692. }
  693. /**
  694. * Decline an incoming call.
  695. * @param session - Session to decline.
  696. * @remarks
  697. * Reject an incoming INVITE request.
  698. * Resolves with the response is sent, otherwise rejects.
  699. * Use `onCallHangup` delegate method to determine if and when call is ended.
  700. */
  701. decline(session) {
  702. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  703. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Rejecting Invitation...`);
  704. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  705. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  706. }
  707. if (!(session instanceof Invitation)) {
  708. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session not instance of Invitation.'));
  709. }
  710. return session.reject();
  711. });
  712. }
  713. /**
  714. * Hold call
  715. * @param session - Session to hold.
  716. * @remarks
  717. * Send a re-INVITE with new offer indicating "hold".
  718. * Resolves when the re-INVITE request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  719. * Use `onCallHold` delegate method to determine if request is accepted or rejected.
  720. * See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6337
  721. */
  722. hold(session) {
  723. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  724. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Holding session...`);
  725. return this.setHold(session, true);
  726. });
  727. }
  728. /**
  729. * Unhold call.
  730. * @param session - Session to unhold.
  731. * @remarks
  732. * Send a re-INVITE with new offer indicating "unhold".
  733. * Resolves when the re-INVITE request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  734. * Use `onCallHold` delegate method to determine if request is accepted or rejected.
  735. * See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6337
  736. */
  737. unhold(session) {
  738. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  739. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Unholding session...`);
  740. return this.setHold(session, false);
  741. });
  742. }
  743. /**
  744. * Hold state.
  745. * @param session - Session to check.
  746. * @remarks
  747. * True if session is on hold.
  748. */
  749. isHeld(session) {
  750. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  751. return managedSession ? managedSession.held : false;
  752. }
  753. /**
  754. * Mute call.
  755. * @param session - Session to mute.
  756. * @remarks
  757. * Disable sender's media tracks.
  758. */
  759. mute(session) {
  760. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Disabling media tracks...`);
  761. this.setMute(session, true);
  762. }
  763. /**
  764. * Unmute call.
  765. * @param session - Session to unmute.
  766. * @remarks
  767. * Enable sender's media tracks.
  768. */
  769. unmute(session) {
  770. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Enabling media tracks...`);
  771. this.setMute(session, false);
  772. }
  773. /**
  774. * Mute state.
  775. * @param session - Session to check.
  776. * @remarks
  777. * True if sender's media track is disabled.
  778. */
  779. isMuted(session) {
  780. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  781. return managedSession ? managedSession.muted : false;
  782. }
  783. /**
  784. * Send DTMF.
  785. * @param session - Session to send on.
  786. * @remarks
  787. * Send an INFO request with content type application/dtmf-relay.
  788. * @param tone - Tone to send.
  789. */
  790. sendDTMF(session, tone) {
  791. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  792. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Sending DTMF...`);
  793. // Validate tone
  794. if (!/^[0-9A-D#*,]$/.exec(tone)) {
  795. return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid DTMF tone.'));
  796. }
  797. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  798. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  799. }
  800. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Sending DTMF tone: ${tone}`);
  801. if (this.options.sendDTMFUsingSessionDescriptionHandler) {
  802. if (!session.sessionDescriptionHandler) {
  803. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session desciption handler undefined.'));
  804. }
  805. if (!session.sessionDescriptionHandler.sendDtmf(tone)) {
  806. return Promise.reject(new Error('Failed to send DTMF'));
  807. }
  808. return Promise.resolve();
  809. } else {
  810. // As RFC 6086 states, sending DTMF via INFO is not standardized...
  811. //
  812. // Companies have been using INFO messages in order to transport
  813. // Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) tones. All mechanisms are
  814. // proprietary and have not been standardized.
  815. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6086#section-2
  816. //
  817. // It is however widely supported based on this draft:
  818. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kaplan-dispatch-info-dtmf-package-00
  819. // The UA MUST populate the "application/dtmf-relay" body, as defined
  820. // earlier, with the button pressed and the duration it was pressed
  821. // for. Technically, this actually requires the INFO to be generated
  822. // when the user *releases* the button, however if the user has still
  823. // not released a button after 5 seconds, which is the maximum duration
  824. // supported by this mechanism, the UA should generate the INFO at that
  825. // time.
  826. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kaplan-dispatch-info-dtmf-package-00#section-5.3
  827. const dtmf = tone;
  828. const duration = 2000;
  829. const body = {
  830. contentDisposition: 'render',
  831. contentType: 'application/dtmf-relay',
  832. content: 'Signal=' + dtmf + '\r\nDuration=' + duration
  833. };
  834. const requestOptions = {
  835. body
  836. };
  837. return session.info({
  838. requestOptions
  839. }).then(() => {
  840. return;
  841. });
  842. }
  843. });
  844. }
  845. /**
  846. * Transfer.
  847. * @param session - Session with the transferee to transfer.
  848. * @param target - The referral target.
  849. * @remarks
  850. * If target is a Session this is an attended transfer completion (REFER with Replaces),
  851. * otherwise this is a blind transfer (REFER). Attempting an attended transfer
  852. * completion on a call that has not been answered will be rejected. To implement
  853. * an attended transfer with early completion, hangup the call with the target
  854. * and execute a blind transfer to the target.
  855. */
  856. transfer(session, target, options) {
  857. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  858. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Referring session...`);
  859. if (target instanceof Session) {
  860. return session.refer(target, options).then(() => {
  861. return;
  862. });
  863. }
  864. const uri = UserAgent.makeURI(target);
  865. if (!uri) {
  866. return Promise.reject(new Error(`Failed to create a valid URI from "${target}"`));
  867. }
  868. return session.refer(uri, options).then(() => {
  869. return;
  870. });
  871. });
  872. }
  873. /**
  874. * Send a message.
  875. * @remarks
  876. * Send a MESSAGE request.
  877. * @param destination - The target destination for the message. A SIP address to send the MESSAGE to.
  878. */
  879. message(destination, message) {
  880. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  881. this.logger.log(`Sending message...`);
  882. const target = UserAgent.makeURI(destination);
  883. if (!target) {
  884. return Promise.reject(new Error(`Failed to create a valid URI from "${destination}"`));
  885. }
  886. return new Messager(this.userAgent, target, message).message();
  887. });
  888. }
  889. /** Media constraints. */
  890. get constraints() {
  891. let constraints = {
  892. audio: true,
  893. video: false
  894. }; // default to audio only calls
  895. if (this.options.media.constraints) {
  896. constraints = Object.assign({}, this.options.media.constraints);
  897. }
  898. return constraints;
  899. }
  900. /**
  901. * Attempt reconnection up to `reconnectionAttempts` times.
  902. * @param reconnectionAttempt - Current attempt number.
  903. */
  904. attemptReconnection(reconnectionAttempt = 1) {
  905. var _a, _b;
  906. const reconnectionAttempts = this.options.reconnectionAttempts;
  907. const reconnectionDelay = this.options.reconnectionDelay;
  908. if (!this.shouldBeConnected) {
  909. this.logger.log(`Should not be connected currently`);
  910. return; // If intentionally disconnected, don't reconnect.
  911. }
  912. if (this.attemptingReconnection) {
  913. this.logger.log(`Reconnection attempt already in progress`);
  914. }
  915. if (reconnectionAttempt > reconnectionAttempts) {
  916. this.logger.log(`Reconnection maximum attempts reached`);
  917. (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onReconnectFailed) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  918. return;
  919. }
  920. if (reconnectionAttempt === 1) {
  921. this.logger.log(`Reconnection attempt ${reconnectionAttempt} of ${reconnectionAttempts} - trying`);
  922. } else {
  923. this.logger.log(`Reconnection attempt ${reconnectionAttempt} of ${reconnectionAttempts} - trying in ${reconnectionDelay} seconds`);
  924. }
  925. this.attemptingReconnection = true;
  926. setTimeout(() => {
  927. if (!this.shouldBeConnected) {
  928. this.logger.log(`Reconnection attempt ${reconnectionAttempt} of ${reconnectionAttempts} - aborted`);
  929. this.attemptingReconnection = false;
  930. return; // If intentionally disconnected, don't reconnect.
  931. }
  932. this.userAgent.reconnect().then(() => {
  933. this.logger.log(`Reconnection attempt ${reconnectionAttempt} of ${reconnectionAttempts} - succeeded`);
  934. this.attemptingReconnection = false;
  935. }).catch(error => {
  936. this.logger.log(`Reconnection attempt ${reconnectionAttempt} of ${reconnectionAttempts} - failed`);
  937. this.logger.error(error.message);
  938. this.attemptingReconnection = false;
  939. this.attemptReconnection(++reconnectionAttempt);
  940. });
  941. }, reconnectionAttempt === 1 ? 0 : reconnectionDelay * 1000);
  942. }
  943. /**
  944. * Register to receive calls.
  945. * @param withoutDelay - If true attempt immediately, otherwise wait `registrationRetryInterval`.
  946. */
  947. attemptRegistration(withoutDelay = false) {
  948. this.logger.log(`Registration attempt ${withoutDelay ? 'without delay' : ''}`);
  949. if (!this.shouldBeRegistered) {
  950. this.logger.log(`Should not be registered currently`);
  951. return Promise.resolve();
  952. }
  953. // It only makes sense to have one attempt in progress at a time.
  954. // Perhaps we shall (or should) try once again.
  955. if (this.registrationAttemptTimeout !== undefined) {
  956. this.logger.log(`Registration attempt already in progress`);
  957. return Promise.resolve();
  958. }
  959. // Helper function to send the register request.
  960. const _register = () => {
  961. // If we do not have a registerer, it is not worth trying to register.
  962. if (!this.registerer) {
  963. this.logger.log(`Registerer undefined`);
  964. return Promise.resolve();
  965. }
  966. // If the WebSocket transport is not connected, it is not worth trying to register.
  967. // Perhpas we shall (or should) try once we are connected.
  968. if (!this.isConnected()) {
  969. this.logger.log(`User agent not connected`);
  970. return Promise.resolve();
  971. }
  972. // If the UserAgent is stopped, it is not worth trying to register.
  973. // Perhaps we shall (or should) try once the UserAgent is running.
  974. if (this.userAgent.state === UserAgentState.Stopped) {
  975. this.logger.log(`User agent stopped`);
  976. return Promise.resolve();
  977. }
  978. // If no guard defined, we are good to proceed without any further ado.
  979. if (!this.options.registerGuard) {
  980. return this.registerer.register(this.registererRegisterOptions).then(() => {
  981. return;
  982. });
  983. }
  984. // Otherwise check to make sure the guard does not want us halt.
  985. return this.options.registerGuard().catch(error => {
  986. this.logger.log(`Register guard rejected will making registration attempt`);
  987. throw error;
  988. }).then(halt => {
  989. if (halt || !this.registerer) {
  990. return Promise.resolve();
  991. }
  992. return this.registerer.register(this.registererRegisterOptions).then(() => {
  993. return;
  994. });
  995. });
  996. };
  997. // Compute an amount of time in seconds to wait before sending another register request.
  998. // This is a small attempt to avoid DOS attacking our own backend in the event that a
  999. // relatively large number of clients sychonously keep retrying register reqeusts.
  1000. // This is known to happen when the backend goes down for a period and all clients
  1001. // are attempting to register again - the backend gets slammed with synced reqeusts.
  1002. const computeRegistrationTimeout = lowerBound => {
  1003. const upperBound = lowerBound * 2;
  1004. return 1000 * (Math.random() * (upperBound - lowerBound) + lowerBound);
  1005. };
  1006. // Send register request after a delay
  1007. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  1008. this.registrationAttemptTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
  1009. _register().then(() => {
  1010. this.registrationAttemptTimeout = undefined;
  1011. resolve();
  1012. }).catch(error => {
  1013. this.registrationAttemptTimeout = undefined;
  1014. if (error instanceof RequestPendingError) {
  1015. resolve();
  1016. } else {
  1017. reject(error);
  1018. }
  1019. });
  1020. }, withoutDelay ? 0 : computeRegistrationTimeout(this.options.registrationRetryInterval));
  1021. });
  1022. }
  1023. /** Helper function to remove media from html elements. */
  1024. cleanupMedia(session) {
  1025. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1026. if (!managedSession) {
  1027. throw new Error('Managed session does not exist.');
  1028. }
  1029. if (managedSession.mediaLocal) {
  1030. if (managedSession.mediaLocal.video) {
  1031. managedSession.mediaLocal.video.srcObject = null;
  1032. managedSession.mediaLocal.video.pause();
  1033. }
  1034. }
  1035. if (managedSession.mediaRemote) {
  1036. if (managedSession.mediaRemote.audio) {
  1037. managedSession.mediaRemote.audio.srcObject = null;
  1038. managedSession.mediaRemote.audio.pause();
  1039. }
  1040. if (managedSession.mediaRemote.video) {
  1041. managedSession.mediaRemote.video.srcObject = null;
  1042. managedSession.mediaRemote.video.pause();
  1043. }
  1044. }
  1045. }
  1046. /** Helper function to enable/disable media tracks. */
  1047. enableReceiverTracks(session, enable) {
  1048. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  1049. throw new Error('Session does not exist.');
  1050. }
  1051. const sessionDescriptionHandler = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
  1052. if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
  1053. throw new Error("Session's session description handler not instance of SessionDescriptionHandler.");
  1054. }
  1055. sessionDescriptionHandler.enableReceiverTracks(enable);
  1056. }
  1057. /** Helper function to enable/disable media tracks. */
  1058. enableSenderTracks(session, enable) {
  1059. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  1060. throw new Error('Session does not exist.');
  1061. }
  1062. const sessionDescriptionHandler = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
  1063. if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
  1064. throw new Error("Session's session description handler not instance of SessionDescriptionHandler.");
  1065. }
  1066. sessionDescriptionHandler.enableSenderTracks(enable);
  1067. }
  1068. /**
  1069. * Setup session delegate and state change handler.
  1070. * @param session - Session to setup.
  1071. * @param referralInviterOptions - Options for any Inviter created as result of a REFER.
  1072. */
  1073. initSession(session, referralInviterOptions) {
  1074. // Add the session
  1075. this.sessionAdd(session);
  1076. // Call session created callback
  1077. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onCallCreated) {
  1078. this.delegate.onCallCreated(session);
  1079. }
  1080. // Setup session state change handler
  1081. session.stateChange.addListener(state => {
  1082. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Session state changed to ${state}`);
  1083. switch (state) {
  1084. case SessionState.Initial:
  1085. break;
  1086. case SessionState.Establishing:
  1087. break;
  1088. case SessionState.Established:
  1089. this.setupLocalMedia(session);
  1090. this.setupRemoteMedia(session);
  1091. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onCallAnswered) {
  1092. this.delegate.onCallAnswered(session);
  1093. }
  1094. break;
  1095. case SessionState.Terminating:
  1096. // fall through
  1097. case SessionState.Terminated:
  1098. // This will already have executed if/when we fall
  1099. // through from Terminating and thus the managed
  1100. // session may already have been cleaned up.
  1101. if (this.sessionExists(session)) {
  1102. this.cleanupMedia(session);
  1103. this.sessionRemove(session);
  1104. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onCallHangup) {
  1105. this.delegate.onCallHangup(session);
  1106. }
  1107. }
  1108. break;
  1109. default:
  1110. throw new Error('Unknown session state.');
  1111. }
  1112. });
  1113. // TODO: Any existing onInfo or onRefer delegate gets clobbered here.
  1114. // Setup delegate
  1115. session.delegate = session.delegate || {};
  1116. session.delegate.onInfo = info => {
  1117. // As RFC 6086 states, sending DTMF via INFO is not standardized...
  1118. //
  1119. // Companies have been using INFO messages in order to transport
  1120. // Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) tones. All mechanisms are
  1121. // proprietary and have not been standardized.
  1122. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6086#section-2
  1123. //
  1124. // It is however widely supported based on this draft:
  1125. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kaplan-dispatch-info-dtmf-package-00
  1126. var _a;
  1127. // FIXME: TODO: We should reject correctly...
  1128. //
  1129. // If a UA receives an INFO request associated with an Info Package that
  1130. // the UA has not indicated willingness to receive, the UA MUST send a
  1131. // 469 (Bad Info Package) response (see Section 11.6), which contains a
  1132. // Recv-Info header field with Info Packages for which the UA is willing
  1133. // to receive INFO requests.
  1134. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6086#section-4.2.2
  1135. // No delegate
  1136. if (((_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onCallDTMFReceived) === undefined) {
  1137. info.reject();
  1138. return;
  1139. }
  1140. // Invalid content type
  1141. const contentType = info.request.getHeader('content-type');
  1142. if (!contentType || !/^application\/dtmf-relay/i.exec(contentType)) {
  1143. info.reject();
  1144. return;
  1145. }
  1146. // Invalid body
  1147. const body = info.request.body.split('\r\n', 2);
  1148. if (body.length !== 2) {
  1149. info.reject();
  1150. return;
  1151. }
  1152. // Invalid tone
  1153. let tone;
  1154. const toneRegExp = /^(Signal\s*?=\s*?)([0-9A-D#*]{1})(\s)?.*/;
  1155. if (body[0] !== undefined && toneRegExp.test(body[0])) {
  1156. tone = body[0].replace(toneRegExp, '$2');
  1157. }
  1158. if (!tone) {
  1159. info.reject();
  1160. return;
  1161. }
  1162. // Invalid duration
  1163. let duration;
  1164. const durationRegExp = /^(Duration\s?=\s?)([0-9]{1,4})(\s)?.*/;
  1165. if (body[1] !== undefined && durationRegExp.test(body[1])) {
  1166. duration = parseInt(body[1].replace(durationRegExp, '$2'), 10);
  1167. }
  1168. if (!duration) {
  1169. info.reject();
  1170. return;
  1171. }
  1172. info.accept().then(() => {
  1173. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onCallDTMFReceived) {
  1174. if (!tone || !duration) {
  1175. throw new Error('Tone or duration undefined.');
  1176. }
  1177. this.delegate.onCallDTMFReceived(session, tone, duration);
  1178. }
  1179. }).catch(error => {
  1180. this.logger.error(error.message);
  1181. });
  1182. };
  1183. session.delegate.onRefer = referral => {
  1184. referral.accept().then(() => this.sendInvite(referral.makeInviter(referralInviterOptions), referralInviterOptions)).catch(error => {
  1185. this.logger.error(error.message);
  1186. });
  1187. };
  1188. }
  1189. /**
  1190. * Periodically send OPTIONS pings and disconnect when a ping fails.
  1191. * @param requestURI - Request URI to target
  1192. * @param fromURI - From URI
  1193. * @param toURI - To URI
  1194. */
  1195. optionsPingRun(requestURI, fromURI, toURI) {
  1196. // Guard against nvalid interval
  1197. if (this.options.optionsPingInterval < 1) {
  1198. throw new Error('Invalid options ping interval.');
  1199. }
  1200. // Guard against sending a ping when there is one outstanading
  1201. if (this.optionsPingRunning) {
  1202. return;
  1203. }
  1204. this.optionsPingRunning = true;
  1205. // Setup next ping to run in future
  1206. this.optionsPingTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
  1207. this.optionsPingTimeout = undefined;
  1208. // If ping succeeds...
  1209. const onPingSuccess = () => {
  1210. // record success or failure
  1211. this.optionsPingFailure = false;
  1212. // if we are still running, queue up the next ping
  1213. if (this.optionsPingRunning) {
  1214. this.optionsPingRunning = false;
  1215. this.optionsPingRun(requestURI, fromURI, toURI);
  1216. }
  1217. };
  1218. // If ping fails...
  1219. const onPingFailure = () => {
  1220. this.logger.error('OPTIONS ping failed');
  1221. // record success or failure
  1222. this.optionsPingFailure = true;
  1223. // stop running
  1224. this.optionsPingRunning = false;
  1225. // disconnect the transport
  1226. this.userAgent.transport.disconnect().catch(error => this.logger.error(error));
  1227. };
  1228. // Create an OPTIONS request message
  1229. const core = this.userAgent.userAgentCore;
  1230. const message = core.makeOutgoingRequestMessage('OPTIONS', requestURI, fromURI, toURI, {});
  1231. // Send the request message
  1232. this.optionsPingRequest = core.request(message, {
  1233. onAccept: () => {
  1234. this.optionsPingRequest = undefined;
  1235. onPingSuccess();
  1236. },
  1237. onReject: response => {
  1238. this.optionsPingRequest = undefined;
  1239. // Ping fails on following responses...
  1240. // - 408 Request Timeout (no response was received)
  1241. // - 503 Service Unavailable (a transport layer error occured)
  1242. if (response.message.statusCode === 408 || response.message.statusCode === 503) {
  1243. onPingFailure();
  1244. } else {
  1245. onPingSuccess();
  1246. }
  1247. }
  1248. });
  1249. }, this.options.optionsPingInterval * 1000);
  1250. }
  1251. /**
  1252. * Start sending OPTIONS pings.
  1253. */
  1254. optionsPingStart() {
  1255. this.logger.log(`OPTIONS pings started`);
  1256. // Create the URIs needed to send OPTIONS pings
  1257. let requestURI, fromURI, toURI;
  1258. if (this.options.optionsPingRequestURI) {
  1259. // Use whatever specific RURI is provided.
  1260. requestURI = UserAgent.makeURI(this.options.optionsPingRequestURI);
  1261. if (!requestURI) {
  1262. throw new Error('Failed to create Request URI.');
  1263. }
  1264. // Use the user agent's contact URI for From and To URIs
  1265. fromURI = this.userAgent.contact.uri.clone();
  1266. toURI = this.userAgent.contact.uri.clone();
  1267. } else if (this.options.aor) {
  1268. // Otherwise use the AOR provided to target the assocated registrar server.
  1269. const uri = UserAgent.makeURI(this.options.aor);
  1270. if (!uri) {
  1271. throw new Error('Failed to create URI.');
  1272. }
  1273. requestURI = uri.clone();
  1274. requestURI.user = undefined; // target the registrar server
  1275. fromURI = uri.clone();
  1276. toURI = uri.clone();
  1277. } else {
  1278. this.logger.error('You have enabled sending OPTIONS pings and as such you must provide either ' + 'a) an AOR to register, or b) an RURI to use for the target of the OPTIONS ping requests. ');
  1279. return;
  1280. }
  1281. // Send the OPTIONS pings
  1282. this.optionsPingRun(requestURI, fromURI, toURI);
  1283. }
  1284. /**
  1285. * Stop sending OPTIONS pings.
  1286. */
  1287. optionsPingStop() {
  1288. this.logger.log(`OPTIONS pings stopped`);
  1289. this.optionsPingRunning = false;
  1290. this.optionsPingFailure = false;
  1291. if (this.optionsPingRequest) {
  1292. this.optionsPingRequest.dispose();
  1293. this.optionsPingRequest = undefined;
  1294. }
  1295. if (this.optionsPingTimeout) {
  1296. clearTimeout(this.optionsPingTimeout);
  1297. this.optionsPingTimeout = undefined;
  1298. }
  1299. }
  1300. /** Helper function to init send then send invite. */
  1301. sendInvite(inviter, inviterOptions, inviterInviteOptions) {
  1302. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  1303. // Initialize our session
  1304. this.initSession(inviter, inviterOptions);
  1305. // Send the INVITE
  1306. return inviter.invite(inviterInviteOptions).then(() => {
  1307. this.logger.log(`[${inviter.id}] Sent INVITE`);
  1308. });
  1309. });
  1310. }
  1311. managedSessionFactory(_sessionManagerPlus, session) {
  1312. return {
  1313. session,
  1314. held: false,
  1315. muted: false
  1316. };
  1317. }
  1318. /** Helper function to add a session to the ones we are managing. */
  1319. sessionAdd(session) {
  1320. const managedSession = this.managedSessionFactory(this, session);
  1321. this.managedSessions.push(managedSession);
  1322. }
  1323. /** Helper function to check if the session is one we are managing. */
  1324. sessionExists(session) {
  1325. return this.sessionManaged(session) !== undefined;
  1326. }
  1327. /** Helper function to check if the session is one we are managing. */
  1328. sessionManaged(session) {
  1329. return this.managedSessions.find(el => el.session.id === session.id);
  1330. }
  1331. /** Helper function to remoce a session from the ones we are managing. */
  1332. sessionRemove(session) {
  1333. this.managedSessions = this.managedSessions.filter(el => el.session.id !== session.id);
  1334. }
  1335. /**
  1336. * Puts Session on hold.
  1337. * @param session - The session to set.
  1338. * @param hold - Hold on if true, off if false.
  1339. */
  1340. setHold(session, hold) {
  1341. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  1342. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  1343. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  1344. }
  1345. // Just resolve if we are already in correct state
  1346. if (this.isHeld(session) === hold) {
  1347. return Promise.resolve();
  1348. }
  1349. const sessionDescriptionHandler = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
  1350. if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
  1351. throw new Error("Session's session description handler not instance of SessionDescriptionHandler.");
  1352. }
  1353. const options = {
  1354. requestDelegate: {
  1355. onAccept: () => {
  1356. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1357. if (managedSession !== undefined) {
  1358. managedSession.held = hold;
  1359. this.enableReceiverTracks(session, !managedSession.held);
  1360. this.enableSenderTracks(session, !managedSession.held && !managedSession.muted);
  1361. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onCallHold) {
  1362. this.delegate.onCallHold(session, managedSession.held);
  1363. }
  1364. }
  1365. },
  1366. onReject: () => {
  1367. this.logger.warn(`[${session.id}] Re-invite request was rejected`);
  1368. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1369. if (managedSession !== undefined) {
  1370. managedSession.held = !hold; // this was preemptively set so undo on failure
  1371. this.enableReceiverTracks(session, !managedSession.held);
  1372. this.enableSenderTracks(session, !managedSession.held && !managedSession.muted);
  1373. if (this.delegate && this.delegate.onCallHold) {
  1374. this.delegate.onCallHold(session, managedSession.held);
  1375. }
  1376. }
  1377. }
  1378. }
  1379. };
  1380. // Session properties used to pass options to the SessionDescriptionHandler:
  1381. //
  1382. // 1) Session.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions
  1383. // hsH options for the initial INVITE transaction.
  1384. // - Used in all cases when handling the initial INVITE transaction as either UAC or UAS.
  1385. // - May be set directly at anytime.
  1386. // - May optionally be set via constructor option.
  1387. // - May optionally be set via options passed to Inviter.invite() or Invitation.accept().
  1388. //
  1389. // 2) Session.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptionsReInvite
  1390. // hsH options for re-INVITE transactions.
  1391. // - Used in all cases when handling a re-INVITE transaction as either UAC or UAS.
  1392. // - May be set directly at anytime.
  1393. // - May optionally be set via constructor option.
  1394. // - May optionally be set via options passed to Session.invite().
  1395. const sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions = session.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptionsReInvite;
  1396. sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions.hold = hold;
  1397. session.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptionsReInvite = sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions;
  1398. // Preemptively and optimistically set held state (but do not call delegate).
  1399. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1400. if (!managedSession) {
  1401. throw new Error('Managed session is undefiend.');
  1402. }
  1403. managedSession.held = hold;
  1404. // Send re-INVITE
  1405. return session.invite(options).then(() => {
  1406. // Preemptively enable/disable tracks
  1407. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1408. if (managedSession !== undefined) {
  1409. this.enableReceiverTracks(session, !managedSession.held);
  1410. this.enableSenderTracks(session, !managedSession.held && !managedSession.muted);
  1411. }
  1412. }).catch(error => {
  1413. managedSession.held = !hold; // was preemptively set so undo on failure
  1414. if (error instanceof RequestPendingError) {
  1415. this.logger.error(`[${session.id}] A hold request is already in progress.`);
  1416. }
  1417. throw error;
  1418. });
  1419. });
  1420. }
  1421. /**
  1422. * Puts Session on mute.
  1423. * @param session - The session to mute.
  1424. * @param mute - Mute on if true, off if false.
  1425. */
  1426. setMute(session, mute) {
  1427. if (!this.sessionExists(session)) {
  1428. this.logger.warn(`[${session.id}] A session is required to enabled/disable media tracks`);
  1429. return;
  1430. }
  1431. if (session.state !== SessionState.Established) {
  1432. this.logger.warn(`[${session.id}] An established session is required to enable/disable media tracks`);
  1433. return;
  1434. }
  1435. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1436. if (managedSession !== undefined) {
  1437. managedSession.muted = mute;
  1438. this.enableSenderTracks(session, !managedSession.held && !managedSession.muted);
  1439. }
  1440. }
  1441. /** Helper function to attach local media to html elements. */
  1442. setupLocalMedia(session) {
  1443. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1444. if (!managedSession) {
  1445. throw new Error('Managed session does not exist.');
  1446. }
  1447. // Get the local media element, if any, from the and configuraiton options
  1448. // and save the info with the managed session so we can clean it up later.
  1449. const mediaLocal = typeof this.options.media.local === 'function' ? this.options.media.local(session) : this.options.media.local;
  1450. managedSession.mediaLocal = mediaLocal;
  1451. const mediaElement = mediaLocal === null || mediaLocal === void 0 ? void 0 : mediaLocal.video;
  1452. if (mediaElement) {
  1453. const localStream = this.getLocalMediaStream(session);
  1454. if (!localStream) {
  1455. throw new Error('Local media stream undefiend.');
  1456. }
  1457. mediaElement.srcObject = localStream;
  1458. mediaElement.volume = 0;
  1459. mediaElement.play().catch(error => {
  1460. this.logger.error(`[${session.id}] Failed to play local media`);
  1461. this.logger.error(error.message);
  1462. });
  1463. }
  1464. }
  1465. /** Helper function to attach remote media to html elements. */
  1466. setupRemoteMedia(session) {
  1467. const managedSession = this.sessionManaged(session);
  1468. if (!managedSession) {
  1469. throw new Error('Managed session does not exist.');
  1470. }
  1471. // Get the remote media element, if any, from the and configuraiton options
  1472. // and save the info with the managed session so we can clean it up later.
  1473. const mediaRemote = typeof this.options.media.remote === 'function' ? this.options.media.remote(session) : this.options.media.remote;
  1474. managedSession.mediaRemote = mediaRemote;
  1475. const mediaElement = (mediaRemote === null || mediaRemote === void 0 ? void 0 : mediaRemote.video) || (mediaRemote === null || mediaRemote === void 0 ? void 0 : mediaRemote.audio);
  1476. if (mediaElement) {
  1477. const remoteStream = this.getRemoteMediaStream(session);
  1478. if (!remoteStream) {
  1479. throw new Error('Remote media stream undefiend.');
  1480. }
  1481. mediaElement.autoplay = true; // Safari hack, because you cannot call .play() from a non user action
  1482. mediaElement.srcObject = remoteStream;
  1483. mediaElement.play().catch(error => {
  1484. this.logger.error(`[${session.id}] Failed to play remote media`);
  1485. this.logger.error(error.message);
  1486. });
  1487. remoteStream.onaddtrack = () => {
  1488. this.logger.log(`Remote media onaddtrack`);
  1489. mediaElement.load(); // Safari hack, as it doesn't work otheriwse
  1490. mediaElement.play().catch(error => {
  1491. this.logger.error(`[${session.id}] Failed to play remote media`);
  1492. this.logger.error(error.message);
  1493. });
  1494. };
  1495. }
  1496. }
  1497. /**
  1498. * End a session.
  1499. * @param session - The session to terminate.
  1500. * @remarks
  1501. * Send a BYE request, CANCEL request or reject response to end the current Session.
  1502. * Resolves when the request/response is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1503. * Use `onCallHangup` delegate method to determine if and when Session is terminated.
  1504. */
  1505. terminate(session) {
  1506. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  1507. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Terminating...`);
  1508. switch (session.state) {
  1509. case SessionState.Initial:
  1510. if (session instanceof Inviter) {
  1511. return session.cancel().then(() => {
  1512. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Inviter never sent INVITE (canceled)`);
  1513. });
  1514. } else if (session instanceof Invitation) {
  1515. return session.reject().then(() => {
  1516. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Invitation rejected (sent 480)`);
  1517. });
  1518. } else {
  1519. throw new Error('Unknown session type.');
  1520. }
  1521. case SessionState.Establishing:
  1522. if (session instanceof Inviter) {
  1523. return session.cancel().then(() => {
  1524. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Inviter canceled (sent CANCEL)`);
  1525. });
  1526. } else if (session instanceof Invitation) {
  1527. return session.reject().then(() => {
  1528. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Invitation rejected (sent 480)`);
  1529. });
  1530. } else {
  1531. throw new Error('Unknown session type.');
  1532. }
  1533. case SessionState.Established:
  1534. return session.bye().then(() => {
  1535. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Session ended (sent BYE)`);
  1536. });
  1537. case SessionState.Terminating:
  1538. break;
  1539. case SessionState.Terminated:
  1540. break;
  1541. default:
  1542. throw new Error('Unknown state');
  1543. }
  1544. this.logger.log(`[${session.id}] Terminating in state ${session.state}, no action taken`);
  1545. return Promise.resolve();
  1546. });
  1547. }
  1548. }
  1549. /**
  1550. * A simple SIP user class.
  1551. * @remarks
  1552. * While this class is completely functional for simple use cases, it is not intended
  1553. * to provide an interface which is suitable for most (must less all) applications.
  1554. * While this class has many limitations (for example, it only handles a single concurrent session),
  1555. * it is, however, intended to serve as a simple example of using the SIP.js API.
  1556. * @public
  1557. */
  1558. class SimpleUserPlus {
  1559. /**
  1560. * Constructs a new instance of the `SimpleUser` class.
  1561. * @param server - SIP WebSocket Server URL.
  1562. * @param options - Options bucket. See {@link SimpleUserOptions} for details.
  1563. */
  1564. constructor(server, options = {}) {
  1565. /** Delegate. */
  1566. Object.defineProperty(this, "delegate", {
  1567. enumerable: true,
  1568. configurable: true,
  1569. writable: true,
  1570. value: void 0
  1571. });
  1572. Object.defineProperty(this, "logger", {
  1573. enumerable: true,
  1574. configurable: true,
  1575. writable: true,
  1576. value: void 0
  1577. });
  1578. Object.defineProperty(this, "options", {
  1579. enumerable: true,
  1580. configurable: true,
  1581. writable: true,
  1582. value: void 0
  1583. });
  1584. Object.defineProperty(this, "session", {
  1585. enumerable: true,
  1586. configurable: true,
  1587. writable: true,
  1588. value: undefined
  1589. });
  1590. Object.defineProperty(this, "sessionManager", {
  1591. enumerable: true,
  1592. configurable: true,
  1593. writable: true,
  1594. value: void 0
  1595. });
  1596. // Delegate
  1597. this.delegate = options.delegate;
  1598. // Copy options
  1599. this.options = Object.assign({}, options);
  1600. // Session manager options
  1601. const sessionManagerOptions = {
  1602. aor: this.options.aor,
  1603. delegate: {
  1604. onCallAnswered: () => {
  1605. var _a, _b;
  1606. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onCallAnswered) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1607. },
  1608. onCallCreated: session => {
  1609. var _a, _b, _c, _d;
  1610. this.session = session;
  1611. (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onCallBegin) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, session);
  1612. (_d = (_c = this.delegate) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.onCallCreated) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c);
  1613. },
  1614. onCallReceived: session => {
  1615. var _a, _b, _c, _d;
  1616. (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onCallReceived) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1617. (_d = (_c = this.delegate) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.onInvite) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c, session);
  1618. },
  1619. onCallHangup: () => {
  1620. var _a, _b;
  1621. this.session = undefined;
  1622. ((_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onCallHangup) && ((_b = this.delegate) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.onCallHangup());
  1623. },
  1624. onCallHold: (_s, held) => {
  1625. var _a, _b;
  1626. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onCallHold) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, held);
  1627. },
  1628. onCallDTMFReceived: (_s, tone, dur) => {
  1629. var _a, _b;
  1630. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onCallDTMFReceived) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, tone, dur);
  1631. },
  1632. onMessageReceived: message => {
  1633. var _a, _b;
  1634. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onMessageReceived) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, message.request.body);
  1635. },
  1636. onRegistered: () => {
  1637. var _a, _b;
  1638. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onRegistered) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1639. },
  1640. onUnregistered: () => {
  1641. var _a, _b;
  1642. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onUnregistered) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1643. },
  1644. onServerConnect: () => {
  1645. var _a, _b;
  1646. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onServerConnect) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1647. },
  1648. onServerDisconnect: () => {
  1649. var _a, _b;
  1650. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onServerDisconnect) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1651. },
  1652. onReconnectFailed: () => {
  1653. var _a, _b;
  1654. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onReconnectFailed) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1655. },
  1656. onReconnectStart: () => {
  1657. var _a, _b;
  1658. return (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onReconnectStart) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
  1659. }
  1660. },
  1661. maxSimultaneousSessions: 1,
  1662. media: this.options.media,
  1663. optionsPingInterval: this.options.optionsPingInterval,
  1664. optionsPingRequestURI: this.options.aor,
  1665. reconnectionAttempts: this.options.reconnectionAttempts,
  1666. reconnectionDelay: this.options.reconnectionDelay,
  1667. registererOptions: this.options.registererOptions,
  1668. sendDTMFUsingSessionDescriptionHandler: this.options.sendDTMFUsingSessionDescriptionHandler,
  1669. userAgentOptions: this.options.userAgentOptions
  1670. };
  1671. this.sessionManager = new SessionManagerPlus(server, sessionManagerOptions);
  1672. this.sessionManager.userAgent.stateChange.addListener(state => {
  1673. var _a, _b;
  1674. (_b = (_a = this.delegate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onUserAgentStateChange) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, state);
  1675. });
  1676. // Use the SIP.js logger
  1677. this.logger = this.sessionManager.userAgent.getLogger('sip.SimpleUser');
  1678. }
  1679. /**
  1680. * Instance identifier.
  1681. * @internal
  1682. */
  1683. get id() {
  1684. return this.options.userAgentOptions && this.options.userAgentOptions.displayName || 'Anonymous';
  1685. }
  1686. /** The local media stream. Undefined if call not answered. */
  1687. get localMediaStream() {
  1688. return this.session && this.sessionManager.getLocalMediaStream(this.session);
  1689. }
  1690. /** The remote media stream. Undefined if call not answered. */
  1691. get remoteMediaStream() {
  1692. return this.session && this.sessionManager.getRemoteMediaStream(this.session);
  1693. }
  1694. /**
  1695. * The local audio track, if available.
  1696. * @deprecated Use localMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  1697. */
  1698. get localAudioTrack() {
  1699. return this.session && this.sessionManager.getLocalAudioTrack(this.session);
  1700. }
  1701. /**
  1702. * The local video track, if available.
  1703. * @deprecated Use localMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  1704. */
  1705. get localVideoTrack() {
  1706. return this.session && this.sessionManager.getLocalVideoTrack(this.session);
  1707. }
  1708. /**
  1709. * The remote audio track, if available.
  1710. * @deprecated Use remoteMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  1711. */
  1712. get remoteAudioTrack() {
  1713. return this.session && this.sessionManager.getRemoteAudioTrack(this.session);
  1714. }
  1715. /**
  1716. * The remote video track, if available.
  1717. * @deprecated Use remoteMediaStream and get track from the stream.
  1718. */
  1719. get remoteVideoTrack() {
  1720. return this.session && this.sessionManager.getRemoteVideoTrack(this.session);
  1721. }
  1722. /**
  1723. * Connect.
  1724. * @remarks
  1725. * Start the UserAgent's WebSocket Transport.
  1726. */
  1727. connect() {
  1728. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] Connecting UserAgent...`);
  1729. return this.sessionManager.connect();
  1730. }
  1731. /**
  1732. * Disconnect.
  1733. * @remarks
  1734. * Stop the UserAgent's WebSocket Transport.
  1735. */
  1736. disconnect() {
  1737. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] Disconnecting UserAgent...`);
  1738. return this.sessionManager.disconnect();
  1739. }
  1740. /**
  1741. * Return true if connected.
  1742. */
  1743. isConnected() {
  1744. return this.sessionManager.isConnected();
  1745. }
  1746. /**
  1747. * Start receiving incoming calls.
  1748. * @remarks
  1749. * Send a REGISTER request for the UserAgent's AOR.
  1750. * Resolves when the REGISTER request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1751. */
  1752. register(registererRegisterOptions) {
  1753. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] Registering UserAgent...`);
  1754. return this.sessionManager.register(registererRegisterOptions);
  1755. }
  1756. /**
  1757. * Stop receiving incoming calls.
  1758. * @remarks
  1759. * Send an un-REGISTER request for the UserAgent's AOR.
  1760. * Resolves when the un-REGISTER request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1761. */
  1762. unregister(registererUnregisterOptions) {
  1763. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] Unregistering UserAgent...`);
  1764. return this.sessionManager.unregister(registererUnregisterOptions);
  1765. }
  1766. /**
  1767. * Make an outgoing call.
  1768. * @remarks
  1769. * Send an INVITE request to create a new Session.
  1770. * Resolves when the INVITE request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1771. * Use `onCallAnswered` delegate method to determine if Session is established.
  1772. * @param destination - The target destination to call. A SIP address to send the INVITE to.
  1773. * @param inviterOptions - Optional options for Inviter constructor.
  1774. * @param inviterInviteOptions - Optional options for Inviter.invite().
  1775. */
  1776. call(destination, inviterOptions, inviterInviteOptions) {
  1777. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] Beginning Session...`);
  1778. if (this.session) {
  1779. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session already exists.'));
  1780. }
  1781. return this.sessionManager.call(destination, inviterOptions, inviterInviteOptions).then(() => {
  1782. return;
  1783. });
  1784. }
  1785. /**
  1786. * Hangup a call.
  1787. * @remarks
  1788. * Send a BYE request, CANCEL request or reject response to end the current Session.
  1789. * Resolves when the request/response is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1790. * Use `onCallHangup` delegate method to determine if and when call is ended.
  1791. */
  1792. hangup() {
  1793. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] Hangup...`);
  1794. if (!this.session) {
  1795. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  1796. }
  1797. return this.sessionManager.hangup(this.session).then(() => {
  1798. this.session = undefined;
  1799. });
  1800. }
  1801. /**
  1802. * Answer an incoming call.
  1803. * @remarks
  1804. * Accept an incoming INVITE request creating a new Session.
  1805. * Resolves with the response is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1806. * Use `onCallAnswered` delegate method to determine if and when call is established.
  1807. * @param invitationAcceptOptions - Optional options for Inviter.accept().
  1808. */
  1809. answer(invitationAcceptOptions) {
  1810. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] Accepting Invitation...`);
  1811. if (!this.session) {
  1812. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  1813. }
  1814. return this.sessionManager.answer(this.session, invitationAcceptOptions);
  1815. }
  1816. /**
  1817. * Decline an incoming call.
  1818. * @remarks
  1819. * Reject an incoming INVITE request.
  1820. * Resolves with the response is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1821. * Use `onCallHangup` delegate method to determine if and when call is ended.
  1822. */
  1823. decline() {
  1824. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] rejecting Invitation...`);
  1825. if (!this.session) {
  1826. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  1827. }
  1828. return this.sessionManager.decline(this.session);
  1829. }
  1830. /**
  1831. * Hold call
  1832. * @remarks
  1833. * Send a re-INVITE with new offer indicating "hold".
  1834. * Resolves when the re-INVITE request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1835. * Use `onCallHold` delegate method to determine if request is accepted or rejected.
  1836. * See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6337
  1837. */
  1838. hold() {
  1839. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] holding session...`);
  1840. if (!this.session) {
  1841. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  1842. }
  1843. return this.sessionManager.hold(this.session);
  1844. }
  1845. /**
  1846. * Unhold call.
  1847. * @remarks
  1848. * Send a re-INVITE with new offer indicating "unhold".
  1849. * Resolves when the re-INVITE request is sent, otherwise rejects.
  1850. * Use `onCallHold` delegate method to determine if request is accepted or rejected.
  1851. * See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6337
  1852. */
  1853. unhold() {
  1854. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] unholding session...`);
  1855. if (!this.session) {
  1856. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  1857. }
  1858. return this.sessionManager.unhold(this.session);
  1859. }
  1860. /**
  1861. * Hold state.
  1862. * @remarks
  1863. * True if session is on hold.
  1864. */
  1865. isHeld() {
  1866. return this.session ? this.sessionManager.isHeld(this.session) : false;
  1867. }
  1868. /**
  1869. * Mute call.
  1870. * @remarks
  1871. * Disable sender's media tracks.
  1872. */
  1873. mute() {
  1874. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] disabling media tracks...`);
  1875. return this.session && this.sessionManager.mute(this.session);
  1876. }
  1877. /**
  1878. * Unmute call.
  1879. * @remarks
  1880. * Enable sender's media tracks.
  1881. */
  1882. unmute() {
  1883. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] enabling media tracks...`);
  1884. return this.session && this.sessionManager.unmute(this.session);
  1885. }
  1886. /**
  1887. * Mute state.
  1888. * @remarks
  1889. * True if sender's media track is disabled.
  1890. */
  1891. isMuted() {
  1892. return this.session ? this.sessionManager.isMuted(this.session) : false;
  1893. }
  1894. /**
  1895. * Send DTMF.
  1896. * @remarks
  1897. * Send an INFO request with content type application/dtmf-relay.
  1898. * @param tone - Tone to send.
  1899. */
  1900. sendDTMF(tone) {
  1901. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] sending DTMF...`);
  1902. if (!this.session) {
  1903. return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));
  1904. }
  1905. return this.sessionManager.sendDTMF(this.session, tone);
  1906. }
  1907. /**
  1908. * Send a message.
  1909. * @remarks
  1910. * Send a MESSAGE request.
  1911. * @param destination - The target destination for the message. A SIP address to send the MESSAGE to.
  1912. */
  1913. message(destination, message) {
  1914. this.logger.log(`[${this.id}] sending message...`);
  1915. return this.sessionManager.message(destination, message);
  1916. }
  1917. }
  1918. let has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
  1919. prefix = '~';
  1920. /**
  1921. * Constructor to create a storage for our `EE` objects.
  1922. * An `Events` instance is a plain object whose properties are event names.
  1923. *
  1924. * @constructor
  1925. * @private
  1926. */
  1927. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
  1928. function Events() {}
  1929. //
  1930. // We try to not inherit from `Object.prototype`. In some engines creating an
  1931. // instance in this way is faster than calling `Object.create(null)` directly.
  1932. // If `Object.create(null)` is not supported we prefix the event names with a
  1933. // character to make sure that the built-in object properties are not
  1934. // overridden or used as an attack vector.
  1935. //
  1936. if (Object.create) {
  1937. Events.prototype = Object.create(null);
  1938. //
  1939. // This hack is needed because the `__proto__` property is still inherited in
  1940. // some old browsers like Android 4, iPhone 5.1, Opera 11 and Safari 5.
  1941. //
  1942. // eslint-disable-next-line no-const-assign
  1943. if (!new Events().__proto__) prefix = false;
  1944. }
  1945. /**
  1946. * Representation of a single event listener.
  1947. *
  1948. * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
  1949. * @param {*} context The context to invoke the listener with.
  1950. * @param {Boolean} [once=false] Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.
  1951. * @constructor
  1952. * @private
  1953. */
  1954. function EE(fn, context, once) {
  1955. this.fn = fn;
  1956. this.context = context;
  1957. this.once = once || false;
  1958. }
  1959. /**
  1960. * Add a listener for a given event.
  1961. *
  1962. * @param {EventEmitter} emitter Reference to the `EventEmitter` instance.
  1963. * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
  1964. * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
  1965. * @param {*} context The context to invoke the listener with.
  1966. * @param {Boolean} once Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.
  1967. * @returns {EventEmitter}
  1968. * @private
  1969. */
  1970. function addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once) {
  1971. if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
  1972. throw new TypeError('The listener must be a function');
  1973. }
  1974. const listener = new EE(fn, context || emitter, once),
  1975. evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
  1976. if (!emitter._events[evt]) emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++;else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn) emitter._events[evt].push(listener);else emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener];
  1977. return emitter;
  1978. }
  1979. /**
  1980. * Clear event by name.
  1981. *
  1982. * @param {EventEmitter} emitter Reference to the `EventEmitter` instance.
  1983. * @param {(String|Symbol)} evt The Event name.
  1984. * @private
  1985. */
  1986. function clearEvent(emitter, evt) {
  1987. if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0) emitter._events = new Events();else delete emitter._events[evt];
  1988. }
  1989. /**
  1990. * Minimal `EventEmitter` interface that is molded against the Node.js
  1991. * `EventEmitter` interface.
  1992. *
  1993. * @constructor
  1994. * @public
  1995. */
  1996. function EventEmitter() {
  1997. this._events = new Events();
  1998. this._eventsCount = 0;
  1999. }
  2000. /**
  2001. * Return an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered
  2002. * listeners.
  2003. *
  2004. * @returns {Array}
  2005. * @public
  2006. */
  2007. EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
  2008. let names = [],
  2009. events,
  2010. name;
  2011. if (this._eventsCount === 0) return names;
  2012. for (name in events = this._events) {
  2013. if (has.call(events, name)) names.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name);
  2014. }
  2015. if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
  2016. return names.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events));
  2017. }
  2018. return names;
  2019. };
  2020. /**
  2021. * Return the listeners registered for a given event.
  2022. *
  2023. * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
  2024. * @returns {Array} The registered listeners.
  2025. * @public
  2026. */
  2027. EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {
  2028. const evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event,
  2029. handlers = this._events[evt];
  2030. if (!handlers) return [];
  2031. if (handlers.fn) return [handlers.fn];
  2032. for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length, ee = new Array(l); i < l; i++) {
  2033. ee[i] = handlers[i].fn;
  2034. }
  2035. return ee;
  2036. };
  2037. /**
  2038. * Return the number of listeners listening to a given event.
  2039. *
  2040. * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
  2041. * @returns {Number} The number of listeners.
  2042. * @public
  2043. */
  2044. EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) {
  2045. const evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event,
  2046. listeners = this._events[evt];
  2047. if (!listeners) return 0;
  2048. if (listeners.fn) return 1;
  2049. return listeners.length;
  2050. };
  2051. /**
  2052. * Calls each of the listeners registered for a given event.
  2053. *
  2054. * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
  2055. * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the event had listeners, else `false`.
  2056. * @public
  2057. */
  2058. EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
  2059. const evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
  2060. if (!this._events[evt]) return false;
  2061. let listeners = this._events[evt],
  2062. len = arguments.length,
  2063. args,
  2064. i;
  2065. if (listeners.fn) {
  2066. if (listeners.once) this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, undefined, true);
  2067. switch (len) {
  2068. case 1:
  2069. return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context), true;
  2070. case 2:
  2071. return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1), true;
  2072. case 3:
  2073. return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2), true;
  2074. case 4:
  2075. return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3), true;
  2076. case 5:
  2077. return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4), true;
  2078. case 6:
  2079. return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true;
  2080. }
  2081. for (i = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); i < len; i++) {
  2082. args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
  2083. }
  2084. listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);
  2085. } else {
  2086. let length = listeners.length,
  2087. j;
  2088. for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  2089. if (listeners[i].once) this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, undefined, true);
  2090. switch (len) {
  2091. case 1:
  2092. listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context);
  2093. break;
  2094. case 2:
  2095. listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1);
  2096. break;
  2097. case 3:
  2098. listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2);
  2099. break;
  2100. case 4:
  2101. listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2, a3);
  2102. break;
  2103. default:
  2104. if (!args) for (j = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); j < len; j++) {
  2105. args[j - 1] = arguments[j];
  2106. }
  2107. listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);
  2108. }
  2109. }
  2110. }
  2111. return true;
  2112. };
  2113. /**
  2114. * Add a listener for a given event.
  2115. *
  2116. * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
  2117. * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
  2118. * @param {*} [context=this] The context to invoke the listener with.
  2119. * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
  2120. * @public
  2121. */
  2122. EventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context) {
  2123. return addListener(this, event, fn, context, false);
  2124. };
  2125. /**
  2126. * Add a one-time listener for a given event.
  2127. *
  2128. * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
  2129. * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
  2130. * @param {*} [context=this] The context to invoke the listener with.
  2131. * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
  2132. * @public
  2133. */
  2134. EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context) {
  2135. return addListener(this, event, fn, context, true);
  2136. };
  2137. /**
  2138. * Remove the listeners of a given event.
  2139. *
  2140. * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
  2141. * @param {Function} fn Only remove the listeners that match this function.
  2142. * @param {*} context Only remove the listeners that have this context.
  2143. * @param {Boolean} once Only remove one-time listeners.
  2144. * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
  2145. * @public
  2146. */
  2147. EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn, context, once) {
  2148. const evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
  2149. if (!this._events[evt]) return this;
  2150. if (!fn) {
  2151. clearEvent(this, evt);
  2152. return this;
  2153. }
  2154. const listeners = this._events[evt];
  2155. if (listeners.fn) {
  2156. if (listeners.fn === fn && (!once || listeners.once) && (!context || listeners.context === context)) {
  2157. clearEvent(this, evt);
  2158. }
  2159. } else {
  2160. for (var i = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) {
  2161. if (listeners[i].fn !== fn || once && !listeners[i].once || context && listeners[i].context !== context) {
  2162. events.push(listeners[i]);
  2163. }
  2164. }
  2165. //
  2166. // Reset the array, or remove it completely if we have no more listeners.
  2167. //
  2168. if (events.length) this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events;else clearEvent(this, evt);
  2169. }
  2170. return this;
  2171. };
  2172. /**
  2173. * Remove all listeners, or those of the specified event.
  2174. *
  2175. * @param {(String|Symbol)} [event] The event name.
  2176. * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
  2177. * @public
  2178. */
  2179. EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {
  2180. let evt;
  2181. if (event) {
  2182. evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
  2183. if (this._events[evt]) clearEvent(this, evt);
  2184. } else {
  2185. this._events = new Events();
  2186. this._eventsCount = 0;
  2187. }
  2188. return this;
  2189. };
  2190. //
  2191. // Alias methods names because people roll like that.
  2192. //
  2193. EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;
  2194. EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on;
  2195. //
  2196. // Expose the prefix.
  2197. //
  2198. EventEmitter.prefixed = prefix;
  2199. //
  2200. // Allow `EventEmitter` to be imported as module namespace.
  2201. //
  2202. EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
  2203. //
  2204. // Expose the module.
  2205. //
  2206. if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
  2207. module.exports = EventEmitter;
  2208. }
  2209. /** 将小驼峰式字符串转换为小写下划线格式
  2210. * @param {string}
  2211. * @returns {string}
  2212. */
  2213. function upperCamelToLowerSnake(s) {
  2214. s = s.replace(/\s/g, '');
  2215. s = s.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '_$1');
  2216. s = s.toLowerCase();
  2217. s = s.replace(/^_/, '');
  2218. s = s.replace(/_$/, '');
  2219. return s;
  2220. }
  2221. /**
  2222. * 获取时间戳字符串
  2223. * @returns {string} 年-月-日 时:分:秒.毫秒
  2224. */
  2225. const getDateTime = () => {
  2226. const timestamp = Date.now();
  2227. const date = new Date(timestamp);
  2228. const year = date.getFullYear();
  2229. const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
  2230. const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
  2231. const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
  2232. const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
  2233. const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
  2234. const milliseconds = String(date.getMilliseconds()).padStart(3, '0');
  2235. const formattedDateTime = `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}.${milliseconds}`;
  2236. return formattedDateTime;
  2237. };
  2238. /** @enum LoggerLevels 日志输出等级 */
  2239. var LoggerLevels;
  2240. (function (LoggerLevels) {
  2241. LoggerLevels[LoggerLevels["error"] = 0] = "error";
  2242. LoggerLevels[LoggerLevels["warn"] = 1] = "warn";
  2243. LoggerLevels[LoggerLevels["log"] = 2] = "log";
  2244. LoggerLevels[LoggerLevels["debug"] = 3] = "debug";
  2245. })(LoggerLevels || (LoggerLevels = {}));
  2246. /** @class Logger 通用的日志模块 */
  2247. class Logger {
  2248. constructor(level, category, label) {
  2249. Object.defineProperty(this, "_level", {
  2250. enumerable: true,
  2251. configurable: true,
  2252. writable: true,
  2253. value: void 0
  2254. });
  2255. Object.defineProperty(this, "category", {
  2256. enumerable: true,
  2257. configurable: true,
  2258. writable: true,
  2259. value: void 0
  2260. });
  2261. Object.defineProperty(this, "label", {
  2262. enumerable: true,
  2263. configurable: true,
  2264. writable: true,
  2265. value: void 0
  2266. });
  2267. this._level = level;
  2268. this.category = category;
  2269. this.label = label;
  2270. }
  2271. error(content) {
  2272. this.genericLog(LoggerLevels.error, content);
  2273. }
  2274. warn(content) {
  2275. this.genericLog(LoggerLevels.warn, content);
  2276. }
  2277. log(content) {
  2278. this.genericLog(LoggerLevels.log, content);
  2279. }
  2280. debug(content) {
  2281. this.genericLog(LoggerLevels.debug, content);
  2282. }
  2283. genericLog(levelToLog, content) {
  2284. if (this._level >= levelToLog) {
  2285. this.print(levelToLog, this.category, this.label, content);
  2286. }
  2287. }
  2288. print(levelToLog, category, label, content) {
  2289. if (typeof content === 'string') {
  2290. const prefix = [getDateTime()];
  2291. if (label) {
  2292. prefix.push(label);
  2293. }
  2294. content = prefix.concat(content).join(' | ');
  2295. }
  2296. switch (levelToLog) {
  2297. case LoggerLevels.error:
  2298. console.error(`%c${category}`, 'color: blue;', content);
  2299. break;
  2300. case LoggerLevels.warn:
  2301. console.warn(`%c${category}`, 'color: blue;', content);
  2302. break;
  2303. case LoggerLevels.log:
  2304. console.log(`%c${category}`, 'color: blue;', content);
  2305. break;
  2306. case LoggerLevels.debug:
  2307. console.debug(`%c${category}`, 'color: blue;', content);
  2308. break;
  2309. }
  2310. }
  2311. get level() {
  2312. return this._level;
  2313. }
  2314. set level(newLevel) {
  2315. if (newLevel >= 0 && newLevel <= 3) {
  2316. this._level = newLevel;
  2317. } else if (newLevel > 3) {
  2318. this._level = 3;
  2319. // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
  2320. } else if (LoggerLevels.hasOwnProperty(newLevel)) {
  2321. this._level = newLevel;
  2322. } else {
  2323. this.error("invalid 'level' parameter value: " + JSON.stringify(newLevel));
  2324. }
  2325. }
  2326. }
  2327. /**
  2328. * @enum {string} CTI 初始化场景
  2329. * Manual: 手动外呼
  2330. * Robot: 机器人外呼
  2331. * Monitor: 监听
  2332. * Predictive: 预测式外呼
  2333. */
  2334. var Scene;
  2335. (function (Scene) {
  2336. Scene["Manual"] = "manual";
  2337. Scene["Robot"] = "robot";
  2338. Scene["Monitor"] = "monitor";
  2339. Scene["Predictive"] = "predictive";
  2340. Scene["Wechat"] = "wechat";
  2341. })(Scene || (Scene = {}));
  2342. /**
  2343. * @enum {string} CTI 监听场景
  2344. * All: 不区分场景
  2345. * Manual: 手动外呼
  2346. * Robot: 机器人外呼
  2347. * Predictive: 预测式外呼
  2348. */
  2349. var MonitorScene;
  2350. (function (MonitorScene) {
  2351. MonitorScene["All"] = "all";
  2352. MonitorScene["Manual"] = "manual";
  2353. MonitorScene["Robot"] = "robot";
  2354. MonitorScene["Predictive"] = "predictive";
  2355. })(MonitorScene || (MonitorScene = {}));
  2356. /**
  2357. * @interface {} 初始化 SD_CTI 需要的参数
  2358. * loggerLevel: 日志等级
  2359. * password: 临时的鉴权字符串,由业务方写死传进来
  2360. * scene: CTI 初始化场景
  2361. * monitorScene: 监听场景
  2362. * env: 环境变量
  2363. */
  2364. /**
  2365. * @enum {string} Socket 状态
  2366. * Initial: 初始状态
  2367. * Connecting: Socket 开始建立连接
  2368. * Connected: Socket 建立连接成功
  2369. * Ready: 向 IM 发送第一个上行 login 消息收到成功回调
  2370. * Terminated: Socket 连接断开、各种 Socket 错误流转到本状态
  2371. */
  2372. var SocketStatus;
  2373. (function (SocketStatus) {
  2374. SocketStatus["Initial"] = "Initial";
  2375. SocketStatus["Connecting"] = "Connecting";
  2376. SocketStatus["Connected"] = "Connected";
  2377. SocketStatus["Ready"] = "Ready";
  2378. SocketStatus["ReTry"] = "ReTry";
  2379. SocketStatus["Terminated"] = "Terminated";
  2380. })(SocketStatus || (SocketStatus = {}));
  2381. /**
  2382. * @enum {string} SIP 状态
  2383. * Initial: 初始状态
  2384. * Started: SIP 的 User Agent 创建成功
  2385. * Connecting: SIP 底层 Socket 传输 TransportState.Connecting
  2386. * Connected: SIP 底层 Socket 传输 TransportState.Connected
  2387. * Ready: SIP Registerer 监听注册状态 RegistererState.Registered
  2388. * Terminated: SIP Socket 断开、注册失败等各种错误、主动断开连接流转到本状态
  2389. */
  2390. var SIPStatus;
  2391. (function (SIPStatus) {
  2392. SIPStatus["Initial"] = "Initial";
  2393. SIPStatus["Started"] = "Started";
  2394. SIPStatus["Connecting"] = "Connecting";
  2395. SIPStatus["Connected"] = "Connected";
  2396. SIPStatus["Ready"] = "Ready";
  2397. SIPStatus["ReTry"] = "ReTry";
  2398. SIPStatus["Terminated"] = "Terminated";
  2399. })(SIPStatus || (SIPStatus = {}));
  2400. /**
  2401. * @enum {string} CTI 状态
  2402. * Initial: 初始状态
  2403. * Ready: SocketStatus Ready && SIPStatus Ready
  2404. * Terminated: SocketStatus Terminated || SIPStatus Terminated || 正常调用 unInit 方法卸载
  2405. */
  2406. var CTIStatus;
  2407. (function (CTIStatus) {
  2408. CTIStatus["Initial"] = "Initial";
  2409. CTIStatus["Ready"] = "Ready";
  2410. CTIStatus["ReTry"] = "ReTry";
  2411. CTIStatus["Terminated"] = "Terminated";
  2412. })(CTIStatus || (CTIStatus = {}));
  2413. /**
  2414. * @enum {string} 通话状态
  2415. * 为了防止人工外呼方法被二次调用引发预期以外的问题,增加此状态的流转
  2416. * Started: 外呼已开始,此状态下不允许再次发起外呼
  2417. * Stopped: 外呼已结束,此状态下可以再次发起外呼
  2418. */
  2419. var CallStatus;
  2420. (function (CallStatus) {
  2421. CallStatus["Started"] = "Started";
  2422. CallStatus["Stopped"] = "Stopped";
  2423. })(CallStatus || (CallStatus = {}));
  2424. /**
  2425. * @enum {string} Session 状态
  2426. * CTI 目前只有 Invitation(接受会话)的场景,Inviter (主动发起会话)暂时没有
  2427. */
  2428. var SessionStatus;
  2429. (function (SessionStatus) {
  2430. /**
  2431. * If `Inviter`, INVITE not sent yet.
  2432. * If `Invitation`, SDK 收到 INVITE 通话请求,但尚未处理.
  2433. */
  2434. SessionStatus["Initial"] = "Initial";
  2435. /**
  2436. * If `Inviter`, sent INVITE and waiting for a final response.
  2437. * If `Invitation`, received INVITE and attempting to send 200 final response (but has not sent it yet).
  2438. */
  2439. SessionStatus["Establishing"] = "Establishing";
  2440. /**
  2441. * If `Inviter`, sent INVITE and received 200 final response and sent ACK.
  2442. * If `Invitation`, SDK 完成接受 INVITE 并发送 200 OK 确认接起,同时接通本地语音流.
  2443. */
  2444. SessionStatus["Established"] = "Established";
  2445. /**
  2446. * If `Inviter`, sent INVITE, sent CANCEL and now waiting for 487 final response to ACK (or 200 to ACK & BYE).
  2447. * If `Invitation`, received INVITE, sent 200 final response and now waiting on ACK and upon receipt will attempt BYE
  2448. * (as the protocol specification requires, before sending a BYE we must receive the ACK - so we are waiting).
  2449. */
  2450. SessionStatus["Terminating"] = "Terminating";
  2451. /**
  2452. * If `Inviter`, sent INVITE and received non-200 final response (or sent/received BYE after receiving 200).
  2453. * If `Invitation`, SDK 收到 BYE 信令,发送 200 OK 挂断确认,会话结束.
  2454. */
  2455. SessionStatus["Terminated"] = "Terminated";
  2456. })(SessionStatus || (SessionStatus = {}));
  2457. /**
  2458. * @enum {string} CTI 所有错误的分类
  2459. * SdkTerminated: SDK 不可用错误,需要重新初始化
  2460. * SdkError: SDK 状态可用,其他普通错误
  2461. * ServerTerminated: 服务端不可用错误,需要重新初始化,透传服务端 code,msg
  2462. * ServerError: 服务端可用,普通错误,透传服务端 code,msg
  2463. */
  2464. var CTIErrorType;
  2465. (function (CTIErrorType) {
  2466. CTIErrorType["SdkTerminated"] = "SdkTerminated";
  2467. CTIErrorType["SdkError"] = "SdkError";
  2468. CTIErrorType["ServerTerminated"] = "ServerTerminated";
  2469. CTIErrorType["ServerError"] = "ServerError";
  2470. })(CTIErrorType || (CTIErrorType = {}));
  2471. /**
  2472. * @enum {string} SdkTerminated 类型错误的 code 枚举
  2473. * CTITerminated: SDK 状态不可用,CTIStatus 的状态为 Terminated
  2474. * GetUserMedia: 获取坐席媒体权限失败
  2475. * GetInitConfig: 调接口获取 CTI 初始化配置失败
  2476. * SocketOnError: 监听 socket.io 的 error 事件
  2477. * SocketOnConnectError: 监听 socket.io 的 connect_error 事件
  2478. * SocketOnDisconnect: 监听 socket.io 的 disconnect 事件
  2479. * SocketRepeatLogin: 多页面重复登录,IM 互踢事件
  2480. * SIPInitUserAgent: SIP UserAgent 初始化时启动失败
  2481. * SIPInitRegister: SIP Register 初始化时注册失败
  2482. * SIPUserAgentStateStopped: 监听 SIP UserAgent stateChange 事件状态变更为 Stopped
  2483. * SIPTransportStateDisconnected: 监听 SIP Transport StateChange 事件状态变更为 Disconnect
  2484. * SIPRegistererStateTerminated: 监听 SIP Registerer StateChange 事件状态变更为 Terminated
  2485. * SIPOnDisconnect: 监听 SIP OnDisconnect 事件收到异常退出 error
  2486. * SIPInitTransport: SIP Transport 初始化时连接失败
  2487. * SipHeartBeatErr: SIP发送心跳OPTIONS事件时收到异常结果
  2488. * SIPUnRegistered: 注册SIP时失败
  2489. * SocketOnReconnectFailed: Socket重连超过阈值且依然重连失败
  2490. */
  2491. var HskTerminatedCode;
  2492. (function (HskTerminatedCode) {
  2493. HskTerminatedCode["CTITerminated"] = "100001";
  2494. HskTerminatedCode["GetUserMedia"] = "100002";
  2495. HskTerminatedCode["GetInitConfig"] = "100003";
  2496. HskTerminatedCode["SocketOnError"] = "110001";
  2497. HskTerminatedCode["SocketOnConnectError"] = "110002";
  2498. HskTerminatedCode["SocketOnDisconnect"] = "110003";
  2499. HskTerminatedCode["SocketRepeatLogin"] = "110004";
  2500. HskTerminatedCode["SocketOnReconnectFailed"] = "110007";
  2501. HskTerminatedCode["SIPInitUserAgent"] = "120001";
  2502. HskTerminatedCode["SIPInitRegister"] = "120002";
  2503. HskTerminatedCode["SIPUserAgentStateStopped"] = "120003";
  2504. HskTerminatedCode["SIPTransportStateDisconnected"] = "120004";
  2505. HskTerminatedCode["SIPRegistererStateTerminated"] = "120005";
  2506. HskTerminatedCode["SIPOnDisconnect"] = "120006";
  2507. HskTerminatedCode["SIPInitTransport"] = "120007";
  2508. HskTerminatedCode["SipHeartBeatErr"] = "120008";
  2509. HskTerminatedCode["SIPUnRegistered"] = "120009";
  2510. })(HskTerminatedCode || (HskTerminatedCode = {}));
  2511. /**
  2512. * @enum {string} SdkError 类型错误的 code 枚举
  2513. * Answer: SIP accept 接起失败
  2514. * Bye: SIP bye 挂断失败
  2515. * InvitationCancel: SIP Invitation 会话请求被取消
  2516. * AssignStream: 播放语音流失败
  2517. * FetchError: 修饰器handleApiRes当进入到catch时上报此code
  2518. */
  2519. var SdkErrorCode;
  2520. (function (SdkErrorCode) {
  2521. SdkErrorCode["Answer"] = "200001";
  2522. SdkErrorCode["Bye"] = "200002";
  2523. SdkErrorCode["InvitationCancel"] = "200003";
  2524. SdkErrorCode["AssignStream"] = "200004";
  2525. SdkErrorCode["FetchError"] = "200005";
  2526. })(SdkErrorCode || (SdkErrorCode = {}));
  2527. /**
  2528. * @enum {string} CTI 事件推送
  2529. * OnCtiError: CTI 错误事件,含前后端所有错误,SDK 推送
  2530. * OnSessionStatusChange: 坐席侧 SIP 会话状态变更事件,SDK 推送
  2531. * OnInitalSuccess: CTI 初始化成功事件,SDK 推送
  2532. * OnAgentWorkReport: 坐席&用户状态变更事件,Server 推送
  2533. * OnRingStart: 手动外呼用户未接听时,开始播放回铃音,Server 推送
  2534. * OnRingEnd: 手动外呼用户未接听时,播放回铃音结束,Server 推送
  2535. * OnAgentReport: 坐席状态变更事件,Server 推送
  2536. * OnCallReportInfo: 通话时长及通话次数等信息,Server 推送
  2537. * OnDetectedTone: 服务端收到音频信号后推送
  2538. */
  2539. var CTIEvent;
  2540. (function (CTIEvent) {
  2541. CTIEvent["OnCtiError"] = "OnCtiError";
  2542. CTIEvent["OnSessionStatusChange"] = "OnSessionStatusChange";
  2543. CTIEvent["OnInitalSuccess"] = "OnInitalSuccess";
  2544. CTIEvent["OnAgentWorkReport"] = "OnAgentWorkReport";
  2545. CTIEvent["OnRingStart"] = "OnRingStart";
  2546. CTIEvent["OnRingEnd"] = "OnRingEnd";
  2547. CTIEvent["OnDetectedTone"] = "OnDetectedTone";
  2548. CTIEvent["OnAgentReport"] = "OnAgentReport";
  2549. CTIEvent["OnCallReportInfo"] = "OnCallReportInfo";
  2550. // TODO: 后 7 个事件服务端未来不再推送时删掉
  2551. CTIEvent["OnCallRing"] = "OnCallRing";
  2552. CTIEvent["OnCallEnd"] = "OnCallEnd";
  2553. CTIEvent["OnCallAnswer"] = "OnCallAnswer";
  2554. CTIEvent["OnAgentGroupQuery"] = "OnAgentGroupQuery";
  2555. CTIEvent["OnMethodResponseEvent"] = "OnMethodResponseEvent";
  2556. CTIEvent["OnEventPrompt"] = "OnEventPrompt";
  2557. CTIEvent["OnPrompt"] = "OnPrompt";
  2558. })(CTIEvent || (CTIEvent = {}));
  2559. var BaseOption;
  2560. (function (BaseOption) {
  2561. BaseOption["TrackParams"] = "trackParams";
  2562. BaseOption["ENV"] = "env";
  2563. BaseOption["LoggerLevel"] = "loggerLevel";
  2564. })(BaseOption || (BaseOption = {}));
  2565. const items = [[BaseOption.TrackParams, {}], [BaseOption.ENV, 'test'], [BaseOption.LoggerLevel, LoggerLevels.debug]];
  2566. const baseOption = new Map();
  2567. const resetBaseOption = () => {
  2568. items.forEach((i, v) => baseOption.set(i, v));
  2569. };
  2570. resetBaseOption();
  2571. const setBaseOption = (key, value, isInit = false) => {
  2572. if (!isInit && typeof value === 'object') {
  2573. baseOption.set(key, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, baseOption.get(key)), value));
  2574. } else {
  2575. baseOption.set(key, value);
  2576. }
  2577. };
  2578. const getBaseOption = key => {
  2579. return baseOption.get(key);
  2580. };
  2581. const generateUUID = () => {
  2582. return 'xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
  2583. const r = Math.random() * 16 | 0;
  2584. const v = c === 'x' ? r : r & 0x3 | 0x8;
  2585. return v.toString(16);
  2586. }).replace(/-/g, '');
  2587. };
  2588. const getClientId = () => {
  2589. if (!window.HS_CTI_CLIENT_ID) {
  2590. window.HS_CTI_CLIENT_ID = generateUUID();
  2591. }
  2592. return window.HS_CTI_CLIENT_ID;
  2593. };
  2594. /**
  2595. * @enum {string} 本地提示音枚举
  2596. * RingAudio: 来电振铃提示音
  2597. * WaitAudio: 主动外呼等待音
  2598. * ByeAudio: 挂断提示音
  2599. */
  2600. var AudioName;
  2601. (function (AudioName) {
  2602. AudioName["RingAudio"] = "_ringAudio";
  2603. AudioName["WaitAudio"] = "_waitAudio";
  2604. AudioName["ByeAudio"] = "_byeAudio";
  2605. })(AudioName || (AudioName = {}));
  2606. /**
  2607. * @enum {string} 埋点上报的分类
  2608. * FeSocket: Socket 类暴露的事件
  2609. * FeSIP: SIP 相关事件
  2610. * FeMethod: 业务调用 SDK 暴露的方法
  2611. * FeAPI: SDK 调用后端的接口返回值
  2612. * FeAPIError: SDK 调用后端的接口错误返回值
  2613. * FeIMDown: 后端通过 IM 返回的常规事件
  2614. * FeIMCmd: IM 返回的断开指令
  2615. * FeMedia: SDK 媒体事件
  2616. * FeStatu: SDK 是否状态流转事件
  2617. * FeEmit: SDK 抛出的事件
  2618. */
  2619. var TrackSource;
  2620. (function (TrackSource) {
  2621. TrackSource["FeSocket"] = "fe-socket";
  2622. TrackSource["FeSIP"] = "fe-sip";
  2623. TrackSource["FeMethod"] = "fe-method";
  2624. TrackSource["FeAPI"] = "fe-api";
  2625. TrackSource["FeAPIError"] = "fe-api-error";
  2626. TrackSource["FeIMDown"] = "fe-im-down";
  2627. TrackSource["FeIMCmd"] = "fe-im-cmd";
  2628. TrackSource["FeMedia"] = "fe-media";
  2629. TrackSource["FeStatus"] = "fe-status";
  2630. TrackSource["FeEmit"] = "fe-emit";
  2631. })(TrackSource || (TrackSource = {}));
  2632. var SocketEvent;
  2633. (function (SocketEvent) {
  2634. SocketEvent["SetSocketStatus"] = "SetSocketStatus";
  2635. SocketEvent["SocketDownEvent"] = "SocketDownEvent";
  2636. })(SocketEvent || (SocketEvent = {}));
  2637. var ExceptMessage;
  2638. (function (ExceptMessage) {
  2639. ExceptMessage["CommonNetworkErrorMsg"] = "\u5BF9\u4E0D\u8D77\uFF0C\u7F51\u7EDC\u72B6\u51B5\u6682\u65F6\u4E0D\u4F73\uFF0C\u8BF7\u5237\u65B0\u540E\u91CD\u8BD5\u3002";
  2640. ExceptMessage["CustomNetworkErrorMsg"] = "\u5BF9\u4E0D\u8D77\uFF0C\u8FDE\u63A5\u5931\u8D25\uFF0C\u8BF7\u5237\u65B0\u540E\u91CD\u8BD5\u3002\u5982\u679C\u95EE\u9898\u6301\u7EED\u51FA\u73B0\uFF0C\u8BF7\u8054\u7CFB\u6211\u4EEC\u7684\u6280\u672F\u4EBA\u5458\u3002\u611F\u8C22\u60A8\u7684\u7406\u89E3\u548C\u652F\u6301\u3002";
  2641. ExceptMessage["ManualCallAnswerErrorMsg"] = "\u5F53\u524D\u7535\u8BDD\u672A\u63A5\u901A\uFF0C\u901A\u8BDD\u5DF2\u7ED3\u675F\uFF0C\u8BF7\u91CD\u8BD5\u3002";
  2642. ExceptMessage["RobotOrWeChatAnswerErrorMsg"] = "\u5BF9\u4E0D\u8D77\uFF0C\u7531\u4E8E\u7528\u6237\u6302\u673A\u7B49\u539F\u56E0\uFF0C\u5F53\u524D\u7535\u8BDD\u672A\u63A5\u901A\uFF0C\u8BF7\u7B49\u5F85\u4E0B\u4E00\u901A\u7535\u8BDD\u3002";
  2643. ExceptMessage["SipByeErrorMsg"] = "\u8BF7\u7A0D\u7B49\uFF0C\u6B63\u5728\u6302\u65AD\u3002";
  2644. ExceptMessage["CTIRepeatLoginMsg"] = "\u5F53\u524D\u5750\u5E2D\u5DF2\u88AB\u5176\u4ED6\u7EC8\u7AEF\u66FF\u4EE3\u3002";
  2645. })(ExceptMessage || (ExceptMessage = {}));
  2646. const methodExceptMsgMap = {
  2647. checkIn: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2648. checkOut: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2649. setIdle: ExceptMessage.CustomNetworkErrorMsg,
  2650. setBusy: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2651. makeCall: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2652. answer: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2653. bye: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2654. loadAgentGroupData: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2655. listen: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  2656. setActiveService: ExceptMessage.CustomNetworkErrorMsg
  2657. };
  2658. const baseRequireParams = ['agent_id', 'saas_id',
  2659. // 'password',
  2660. 'env', 'scene'];
  2661. const monitorRequireParams = ['monitorScene'];
  2662. const allRequiredParams = [...baseRequireParams, ...monitorRequireParams];
  2663. class HsSocket extends EventEmitter {
  2664. constructor(socketOptions) {
  2665. super();
  2666. Object.defineProperty(this, "logger", {
  2667. enumerable: true,
  2668. configurable: true,
  2669. writable: true,
  2670. value: void 0
  2671. });
  2672. Object.defineProperty(this, "socket", {
  2673. enumerable: true,
  2674. configurable: true,
  2675. writable: true,
  2676. value: void 0
  2677. });
  2678. /** 初始化 socket 需要的参数 */
  2679. Object.defineProperty(this, "socketOptions", {
  2680. enumerable: true,
  2681. configurable: true,
  2682. writable: true,
  2683. value: void 0
  2684. });
  2685. /** 心跳延迟时间 */
  2686. Object.defineProperty(this, "heartBeatDelay", {
  2687. enumerable: true,
  2688. configurable: true,
  2689. writable: true,
  2690. value: void 0
  2691. });
  2692. /** 主动关闭链接时间 */
  2693. Object.defineProperty(this, "closeHeartBeatDelay", {
  2694. enumerable: true,
  2695. configurable: true,
  2696. writable: true,
  2697. value: void 0
  2698. });
  2699. /** 心跳检测定时器 */
  2700. Object.defineProperty(this, "heartBeatTimer", {
  2701. enumerable: true,
  2702. configurable: true,
  2703. writable: true,
  2704. value: void 0
  2705. });
  2706. /** 清空心跳检测定时器 */
  2707. Object.defineProperty(this, "closeHeartBeatTimer", {
  2708. enumerable: true,
  2709. configurable: true,
  2710. writable: true,
  2711. value: void 0
  2712. });
  2713. /** 超时次数 */
  2714. // private timeOutCount: number
  2715. /** 最大超时次数限制 */
  2716. Object.defineProperty(this, "imRetryCount", {
  2717. enumerable: true,
  2718. configurable: true,
  2719. writable: true,
  2720. value: void 0
  2721. });
  2722. /** 本次 socket 会话唯一 id */
  2723. Object.defineProperty(this, "sessionId", {
  2724. enumerable: true,
  2725. configurable: true,
  2726. writable: true,
  2727. value: void 0
  2728. });
  2729. /** 页面关闭时 关闭 socket */
  2730. window.addEventListener('onunload', this.closeSocket);
  2731. this.logger = new Logger(socketOptions.loggerLevel, 'HsSocket');
  2732. this.socket = undefined;
  2733. this.heartBeatTimer = null;
  2734. this.closeHeartBeatTimer = null;
  2735. // this.timeOutCount = 0
  2736. this.sessionId = '';
  2737. this.socketOptions = socketOptions;
  2738. this.heartBeatDelay = socketOptions.imHeartTime * 1000 || 3000;
  2739. this.closeHeartBeatDelay = socketOptions.imHeartTime * 1000 || 3000;
  2740. this.imRetryCount = socketOptions.imRetryCount || 10;
  2741. }
  2742. /** @public initSocket 初始化 Socket 连接 */
  2743. initSocket() {
  2744. /** 如果有未断开的连接先断开 */
  2745. this.closeSocket();
  2746. // 设置状态为连接中
  2747. this.emit(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, {
  2748. status: SocketStatus.Connecting
  2749. });
  2750. /** https://socket.io/docs/v2/client-api/#iourl */
  2751. this.socket = io(this.socketOptions.imWsServer, {
  2752. transports: ['websocket'],
  2753. reconnectionAttempts: this.imRetryCount,
  2754. reconnectionDelay: this.heartBeatDelay,
  2755. reconnectionDelayMax: this.heartBeatDelay + 1000,
  2756. timeout: this.heartBeatDelay,
  2757. reconnection: true
  2758. });
  2759. /** https://socket.io/docs/v2/client-api/#event-error */
  2760. this.socket.on('error', error => {
  2761. this.logger.error(`socket_error | ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
  2762. });
  2763. /** https://socket.io/docs/v2/client-api/#event-connect_error-1 */
  2764. this.socket.on('connect_error', error => {
  2765. const errorData = `socket_connect_error | ${JSON.stringify(error)}`;
  2766. this.logger.warn(errorData);
  2767. });
  2768. this.socket.on('reconnecting', res => {
  2769. this.logger.error(`socket_warn | socket_reconnecting | ${res}`);
  2770. this.emit(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, {
  2771. status: SocketStatus.ReTry
  2772. });
  2773. });
  2774. this.socket.on('reconnect', res => {
  2775. this.logger.error(`socket_warn | socket_reconnect | ${res}`);
  2776. this.emit(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, {
  2777. status: SocketStatus.Ready
  2778. });
  2779. });
  2780. this.socket.on('reconnect_failed', error => {
  2781. this.logger.error(`socket_warn | socket_reconnect_failed | ${error}`);
  2782. this.emit(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, {
  2783. status: SocketStatus.Terminated,
  2784. code: HskTerminatedCode.SocketOnReconnectFailed,
  2785. error: `${error}`
  2786. });
  2787. });
  2788. /** https://socket.io/docs/v2/client-api/#event-connect */
  2789. this.socket.on('connect', () => {
  2790. this.emit(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, {
  2791. status: SocketStatus.Connected
  2792. });
  2793. this.socketLogin();
  2794. });
  2795. /** https://socket.io/docs/v2/client-api/#event-disconnect */
  2796. this.socket.on('disconnect', reason => {
  2797. const errorMessage = `socket_disconnect | ${reason}`;
  2798. this.logger.warn(errorMessage);
  2799. });
  2800. /** 服务端下行事件 */
  2801. this.socket.on('common_down_data', e => {
  2802. console.log(e, 3434343434);
  2803. if (e && JSON.parse(e) && JSON.parse(e).data) {
  2804. this.emit(SocketEvent.SocketDownEvent, {
  2805. eventData: JSON.parse(JSON.parse(e).data)
  2806. });
  2807. }
  2808. });
  2809. /** 服务端下行指令 */
  2810. this.socket.on('common_down_cmd', e => {
  2811. const {
  2812. clientSessionId
  2813. } = JSON.parse(e);
  2814. console.log('dsdsdsdsdsds', clientSessionId);
  2815. if (clientSessionId === this.sessionId) {
  2816. this.logger.error(`socket status | ${SocketStatus.Terminated} | 坐席在其他页面重新初始化,本页面被踢出`);
  2817. this.emit(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, {
  2818. status: SocketStatus.Terminated,
  2819. code: HskTerminatedCode.SocketRepeatLogin,
  2820. error: '您已在其他页面签入,当前页面连接已断开'
  2821. });
  2822. }
  2823. });
  2824. }
  2825. /** @private socketLogin 客户端上行登录事件 */
  2826. socketLogin() {
  2827. const data = {
  2828. // appCode: this.socketOptions.appCode || '1111',
  2829. // token: this.socketOptions.token || '1111',
  2830. userId: this.socketOptions.agent_id
  2831. };
  2832. this.socket && this.socket.emit('login', data, sessionId => {
  2833. console.log(sessionId, '测试一下');
  2834. this.emit(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, {
  2835. status: SocketStatus.Ready
  2836. });
  2837. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  2838. socket_session_id: sessionId
  2839. });
  2840. this.sessionId = sessionId;
  2841. this.startHeartbeat();
  2842. });
  2843. }
  2844. /** @public closeSocket 关闭 socket 连接 */
  2845. closeSocket() {
  2846. if (this.socket) {
  2847. this.socket.io.opts.reconnection = false;
  2848. this.socket.close();
  2849. // 清除之前的监听事件
  2850. this.socket.removeAllListeners();
  2851. }
  2852. this.socket = undefined;
  2853. this.sessionId = '';
  2854. if (this.heartBeatTimer) {
  2855. window.clearTimeout(this.heartBeatTimer);
  2856. this.heartBeatTimer = null;
  2857. }
  2858. if (this.closeHeartBeatTimer) {
  2859. window.clearTimeout(this.closeHeartBeatTimer);
  2860. this.closeHeartBeatTimer = null;
  2861. }
  2862. }
  2863. /** @private startHeartbeat 开启心跳检测 */
  2864. startHeartbeat() {
  2865. if (this.heartBeatTimer) {
  2866. window.clearTimeout(this.heartBeatTimer);
  2867. this.heartBeatTimer = null;
  2868. }
  2869. if (this.closeHeartBeatTimer) {
  2870. window.clearTimeout(this.closeHeartBeatTimer);
  2871. this.closeHeartBeatTimer = null;
  2872. }
  2873. this.socket && this.heartbeatEvent();
  2874. }
  2875. /** @private heartbeatEvent websocket心跳检测 */
  2876. heartbeatEvent() {
  2877. this.heartBeatTimer = setTimeout(() => {
  2878. this.socket && this.sendHeartbeat();
  2879. /** 如果心跳检测一直没回应,则进行重连 */
  2880. this.closeHeartBeatTimer = setTimeout(() => {
  2881. this.logger.warn('socket_heart_beat | 心跳超时,即将重新连接');
  2882. this.initSocket();
  2883. }, this.closeHeartBeatDelay);
  2884. }, this.heartBeatDelay);
  2885. }
  2886. /** @private sendHeartbeat 客户端上行心跳事件 */
  2887. sendHeartbeat() {
  2888. this.socket && this.socket.emit('heartbeat', JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, this.socketOptions)), () => {
  2889. this.startHeartbeat();
  2890. });
  2891. }
  2892. }
  2893. const apiLogger = new Logger(window.ctiLoggerLevel || getBaseOption(BaseOption.LoggerLevel), 'HsApi');
  2894. const random16Hex = () => (0x10000 | Math.random() * 0x10000).toString(16).substr(1);
  2895. const random64Hex = () => random16Hex() + random16Hex() + random16Hex() + random16Hex();
  2896. function JPOST({
  2897. baseUrl,
  2898. url,
  2899. data
  2900. }) {
  2901. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  2902. const id = random64Hex();
  2903. const response = yield fetch(baseUrl + url, {
  2904. method: 'POST',
  2905. headers: {
  2906. 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  2907. 'X-B3-TraceId': id,
  2908. 'X-B3-SpanId': id
  2909. },
  2910. body: JSON.stringify(data)
  2911. });
  2912. if (!response.ok) {
  2913. apiLogger.error(`api response | ${url} | Request failed with status ${response.status}`);
  2914. }
  2915. return response.json();
  2916. });
  2917. }
  2918. const hsTrackJPOST = ({
  2919. baseUrl,
  2920. url = '',
  2921. data
  2922. }) => {
  2923. // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
  2924. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  2925. try {
  2926. const res = yield JPOST({
  2927. baseUrl,
  2928. url,
  2929. data
  2930. });
  2931. const {
  2932. code,
  2933. msg
  2934. } = res;
  2935. console.log(msg);
  2936. if (code === 0) {
  2937. apiLogger.log(`api response | ${url} | ${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
  2938. } else {
  2939. apiLogger.error(`api response | ${url} | ${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
  2940. }
  2941. resolve(res);
  2942. } catch (e) {
  2943. apiLogger.error(`api response | ${url} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
  2944. reject(e);
  2945. }
  2946. }));
  2947. };
  2948. // 获取初始化配置
  2949. const baseUrl = '';
  2950. const getInitConf = data => {
  2951. return hsTrackJPOST({
  2952. baseUrl,
  2953. url: '/open/agent/get-init-config',
  2954. data
  2955. });
  2956. };
  2957. // 坐席签入
  2958. const agentCheckIn = data => {
  2959. return hsTrackJPOST({
  2960. baseUrl,
  2961. url: '/open/agent/check-in',
  2962. data
  2963. });
  2964. };
  2965. // 坐席签出
  2966. const agentCheckOut = data => {
  2967. return hsTrackJPOST({
  2968. baseUrl,
  2969. url: '/open/agent/check-out',
  2970. data
  2971. });
  2972. };
  2973. // 坐席置闲
  2974. const agentSetIdle = data => {
  2975. return hsTrackJPOST({
  2976. baseUrl,
  2977. url: '/open/agent/idle',
  2978. data
  2979. });
  2980. };
  2981. // 坐席置忙
  2982. const agentSetBusy = data => {
  2983. return hsTrackJPOST({
  2984. baseUrl,
  2985. url: '/open/agent/busy',
  2986. data
  2987. });
  2988. };
  2989. // 获取坐席状态
  2990. const getAgentStatus = data => {
  2991. return hsTrackJPOST({
  2992. baseUrl,
  2993. url: '/open/agent/agent-state',
  2994. data
  2995. });
  2996. };
  2997. // 外呼
  2998. const manualCall = data => {
  2999. return hsTrackJPOST({
  3000. baseUrl,
  3001. url: '/open/agent/manual-call',
  3002. data
  3003. });
  3004. };
  3005. // 挂断
  3006. const manualHang = data => {
  3007. return hsTrackJPOST({
  3008. baseUrl,
  3009. url: '/open/agent/manual-hang',
  3010. data
  3011. });
  3012. };
  3013. // 发起监听
  3014. const listen = data => {
  3015. return hsTrackJPOST({
  3016. baseUrl,
  3017. url: '/open/agent/listen',
  3018. data
  3019. });
  3020. };
  3021. // 获取监控组成员信息
  3022. const loadAgentGroupData = data => {
  3023. return hsTrackJPOST({
  3024. baseUrl,
  3025. url: '/open/monitor/load-agent-group-data',
  3026. data
  3027. });
  3028. };
  3029. // 机器人外呼-签入人工组
  3030. const setActiveServiceTask = data => {
  3031. return hsTrackJPOST({
  3032. baseUrl,
  3033. url: '/open/human-service/member-active',
  3034. data
  3035. });
  3036. };
  3037. // 获取 cti 流程 ID
  3038. const getCtiFlowId = data => {
  3039. return hsTrackJPOST({
  3040. baseUrl,
  3041. url: '/open/num/generate',
  3042. data
  3043. });
  3044. };
  3045. /**
  3046. * @function getServerErrorType 根据服务端返回的 code 生成错误类型
  3047. * @param {number} code
  3048. * @returns {CTIErrorType}
  3049. */
  3050. function getServerErrorType(code) {
  3051. if (code >= 300001 && code <= 399999) return CTIErrorType.ServerTerminated;else return CTIErrorType.ServerError;
  3052. }
  3053. /** @function getUserMedia 获取媒体权限 */
  3054. function getUserMedia() {
  3055. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  3056. return function (_target, _methodName, descriptor) {
  3057. const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
  3058. descriptor.value = function (...args) {
  3059. if (navigator && navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
  3060. navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
  3061. audio: true,
  3062. video: false
  3063. }).then(() => {
  3064. this.logger.debug('media | getUserMedia | 获取浏览器媒体权限成功');
  3065. return originalMethod.apply(this, args);
  3066. }).catch(error => {
  3067. this.logger.error(`media | getUserMedia | ${error}`);
  3068. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, {
  3069. type: CTIErrorType.SdkTerminated,
  3070. code: HskTerminatedCode.GetUserMedia,
  3071. msg: error.name === 'NotAllowedError' ? '用户拒绝了获取麦克风权限!' : '获取麦克风权限失败',
  3072. method: 'getUserMedia'
  3073. }, {
  3074. source: TrackSource.FeMedia,
  3075. event_name: 'get_user_media_error',
  3076. error: error.name
  3077. });
  3078. });
  3079. } else {
  3080. this.logger.error('media | getUserMedia | 浏览器版本过低,不支持获取媒体权限');
  3081. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, {
  3082. type: CTIErrorType.SdkTerminated,
  3083. code: HskTerminatedCode.GetUserMedia,
  3084. msg: '浏览器版本过低,不支持获取媒体权限',
  3085. method: 'getUserMedia'
  3086. }, {
  3087. source: TrackSource.FeMedia,
  3088. event_name: 'get_user_media_not_support'
  3089. });
  3090. }
  3091. };
  3092. return descriptor;
  3093. };
  3094. }
  3095. /**
  3096. * @function checkCTIStatus 校验 cti 状态
  3097. * @param {string} msg
  3098. */
  3099. function checkCTIStatus(msg) {
  3100. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  3101. return function (_target, methodName, descriptor) {
  3102. const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
  3103. descriptor.value = function (...args) {
  3104. /** 调用 SDK method */
  3105. this.logger.log(`sdk method | ${methodName} | ${msg}`);
  3106. /** 校验 CTIStatus, 如果不是 Ready 状态,直接报错 */
  3107. if (this.getCTIStatus !== CTIStatus.Ready) {
  3108. const errorData = {
  3109. type: CTIErrorType.SdkTerminated,
  3110. code: HskTerminatedCode.CTITerminated,
  3111. msg: methodExceptMsgMap[methodName],
  3112. method: methodName,
  3113. terminated_source: this._terminatedStatusList
  3114. };
  3115. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, errorData);
  3116. return Promise.reject(errorData);
  3117. }
  3118. return originalMethod.apply(this, args);
  3119. };
  3120. return descriptor;
  3121. };
  3122. }
  3123. /** @function handleApiRes 统一处理服务端接口返回值 */
  3124. function handleApiRes() {
  3125. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  3126. return function (_target, methodName, descriptor) {
  3127. const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
  3128. descriptor.value = function (...args) {
  3129. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3130. try {
  3131. const res = yield originalMethod.apply(this, args);
  3132. const {
  3133. code,
  3134. msg
  3135. } = res;
  3136. if (code !== 0) {
  3137. const serverErrorType = getServerErrorType(code);
  3138. const errorData = {
  3139. type: serverErrorType,
  3140. code,
  3141. msg: msg,
  3142. method: methodName
  3143. };
  3144. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, errorData);
  3145. if (serverErrorType === CTIErrorType.ServerTerminated) {
  3146. this.setCTIStatus(CTIStatus.Terminated);
  3147. }
  3148. return Promise.reject(errorData);
  3149. } else {
  3150. return Promise.resolve(res);
  3151. }
  3152. } catch (error) {
  3153. const errorData = {
  3154. type: 'fetch_error',
  3155. code: SdkErrorCode.FetchError,
  3156. msg: JSON.stringify(error),
  3157. method: methodName
  3158. };
  3159. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, errorData);
  3160. return Promise.reject(errorData);
  3161. }
  3162. });
  3163. };
  3164. return descriptor;
  3165. };
  3166. }
  3167. function validateParams() {
  3168. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  3169. return function (_target, _methodName, descriptor) {
  3170. const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
  3171. descriptor.value = function (...args) {
  3172. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  3173. const currentParams = args[0];
  3174. let requireList = [];
  3175. if (currentParams.scene === Scene.Monitor) {
  3176. requireList = allRequiredParams;
  3177. } else {
  3178. requireList = baseRequireParams;
  3179. }
  3180. requireList.forEach(param => {
  3181. if (!currentParams[param]) {
  3182. throw `参数[${param}]为必填参数`;
  3183. }
  3184. });
  3185. return originalMethod.apply(this, args);
  3186. };
  3187. return descriptor;
  3188. };
  3189. }
  3190. function generateUniqueId() {
  3191. return 'id-' + Date.now() + '-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
  3192. }
  3193. /**
  3194. * 本地提示音
  3195. * _ringAudio 机器人外呼/监听,等待接起提示音
  3196. * _waitAudio 主动外呼,点击拨打时的等待音
  3197. * _byeAudio 结束通话提示音
  3198. */
  3199. const audioList = {
  3200. _ringAudio: 'http://static.fuxicarbon.com/hs-cti/ring.wav',
  3201. _waitAudio: 'http://static.fuxicarbon.com/hs-cti/manual.wav',
  3202. _byeAudio: 'http://static.fuxicarbon.com/hs-cti/bye.wav'
  3203. };
  3204. /** @class HsCTI 红杉外呼类 */
  3205. class HsCTI extends EventEmitter {
  3206. constructor(hsCTIInitOptions) {
  3207. const {
  3208. saas_id,
  3209. agent_id,
  3210. scene,
  3211. env,
  3212. loggerLevel
  3213. } = hsCTIInitOptions;
  3214. super();
  3215. Object.defineProperty(this, "logger", {
  3216. enumerable: true,
  3217. configurable: true,
  3218. writable: true,
  3219. value: void 0
  3220. });
  3221. Object.defineProperty(this, "loggerLevel", {
  3222. enumerable: true,
  3223. configurable: true,
  3224. writable: true,
  3225. value: void 0
  3226. });
  3227. Object.defineProperty(this, "scene", {
  3228. enumerable: true,
  3229. configurable: true,
  3230. writable: true,
  3231. value: void 0
  3232. });
  3233. Object.defineProperty(this, "agent_id", {
  3234. enumerable: true,
  3235. configurable: true,
  3236. writable: true,
  3237. value: void 0
  3238. });
  3239. Object.defineProperty(this, "saas_id", {
  3240. enumerable: true,
  3241. configurable: true,
  3242. writable: true,
  3243. value: void 0
  3244. });
  3245. /** 接口返回的初始化配置 */
  3246. Object.defineProperty(this, "_initOptions", {
  3247. enumerable: true,
  3248. configurable: true,
  3249. writable: true,
  3250. value: void 0
  3251. });
  3252. /** IM socket的实例 */
  3253. Object.defineProperty(this, "_socket", {
  3254. enumerable: true,
  3255. configurable: true,
  3256. writable: true,
  3257. value: void 0
  3258. });
  3259. /** sip.js UA实例 */
  3260. Object.defineProperty(this, "_sipUserAgent", {
  3261. enumerable: true,
  3262. configurable: true,
  3263. writable: true,
  3264. value: void 0
  3265. });
  3266. Object.defineProperty(this, "_callId", {
  3267. enumerable: true,
  3268. configurable: true,
  3269. writable: true,
  3270. value: void 0
  3271. });
  3272. Object.defineProperty(this, "_ctiFlowIdList", {
  3273. enumerable: true,
  3274. configurable: true,
  3275. writable: true,
  3276. value: void 0
  3277. });
  3278. /** 基本参数 */
  3279. Object.defineProperty(this, "_baseParams", {
  3280. enumerable: true,
  3281. configurable: true,
  3282. writable: true,
  3283. value: void 0
  3284. });
  3285. /** 等待提示音播放器 */
  3286. Object.defineProperty(this, "_waitAudio", {
  3287. enumerable: true,
  3288. configurable: true,
  3289. writable: true,
  3290. value: void 0
  3291. });
  3292. /** 振铃提示音播放器 */
  3293. Object.defineProperty(this, "_ringAudio", {
  3294. enumerable: true,
  3295. configurable: true,
  3296. writable: true,
  3297. value: void 0
  3298. });
  3299. /** 结束通话提示音 */
  3300. Object.defineProperty(this, "_byeAudio", {
  3301. enumerable: true,
  3302. configurable: true,
  3303. writable: true,
  3304. value: void 0
  3305. });
  3306. /** 远端音频流播放器 */
  3307. Object.defineProperty(this, "_remoteAudio", {
  3308. enumerable: true,
  3309. configurable: true,
  3310. writable: true,
  3311. value: void 0
  3312. });
  3313. /** CTI状态 */
  3314. Object.defineProperty(this, "_ctiStatus", {
  3315. enumerable: true,
  3316. configurable: true,
  3317. writable: true,
  3318. value: void 0
  3319. });
  3320. Object.defineProperty(this, "_ctiStatusList", {
  3321. enumerable: true,
  3322. configurable: true,
  3323. writable: true,
  3324. value: void 0
  3325. });
  3326. /** sip状态 */
  3327. Object.defineProperty(this, "_sipStatus", {
  3328. enumerable: true,
  3329. configurable: true,
  3330. writable: true,
  3331. value: void 0
  3332. });
  3333. Object.defineProperty(this, "_sipStatusList", {
  3334. enumerable: true,
  3335. configurable: true,
  3336. writable: true,
  3337. value: void 0
  3338. });
  3339. /** socket状态 */
  3340. Object.defineProperty(this, "_socketStatus", {
  3341. enumerable: true,
  3342. configurable: true,
  3343. writable: true,
  3344. value: void 0
  3345. });
  3346. Object.defineProperty(this, "_socketStatusList", {
  3347. enumerable: true,
  3348. configurable: true,
  3349. writable: true,
  3350. value: void 0
  3351. });
  3352. Object.defineProperty(this, "_callStatus", {
  3353. enumerable: true,
  3354. configurable: true,
  3355. writable: true,
  3356. value: void 0
  3357. });
  3358. Object.defineProperty(this, "_terminatedStatusList", {
  3359. enumerable: true,
  3360. configurable: true,
  3361. writable: true,
  3362. value: void 0
  3363. });
  3364. this.loggerLevel = window.ctiLoggerLevel || loggerLevel || LoggerLevels.log;
  3365. this.logger = new Logger(this.loggerLevel, 'HsCTI');
  3366. this._waitAudio = new Audio();
  3367. this._ringAudio = new Audio();
  3368. this._byeAudio = new Audio();
  3369. this._remoteAudio = new Audio();
  3370. this.saas_id = saas_id;
  3371. this.agent_id = agent_id;
  3372. this.scene = scene;
  3373. this._callId = '';
  3374. setBaseOption(BaseOption.ENV, env);
  3375. setBaseOption(BaseOption.LoggerLevel, this.loggerLevel);
  3376. this._baseParams = {
  3377. agent_id,
  3378. saas_id,
  3379. scene
  3380. };
  3381. const baseTrackParams = {
  3382. agent_id: agent_id,
  3383. vcc_id: saas_id,
  3384. scene
  3385. };
  3386. if (scene === Scene.Monitor) {
  3387. const {
  3388. monitorScene
  3389. } = hsCTIInitOptions;
  3390. this._baseParams = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._baseParams), {
  3391. monitorScene
  3392. });
  3393. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, baseTrackParams), {
  3394. monitor_scene: monitorScene
  3395. }), true);
  3396. } else {
  3397. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, baseTrackParams, true);
  3398. }
  3399. this.initInstanceOptions();
  3400. this.setCTIStatus(CTIStatus.Initial);
  3401. // 首次获取实例时,将外呼状态置为未开始
  3402. this._callStatus = CallStatus.Stopped;
  3403. this._terminatedStatusList = [];
  3404. }
  3405. get getCTIStatus() {
  3406. return this._ctiStatus;
  3407. }
  3408. get getSocketStatus() {
  3409. return this._socketStatus;
  3410. }
  3411. get getSIPStatus() {
  3412. return this._sipStatus;
  3413. }
  3414. static getInstance(hsCTIInitOptions) {
  3415. if (!HsCTI.instance) {
  3416. HsCTI.instance = new HsCTI(hsCTIInitOptions);
  3417. }
  3418. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  3419. clientId: getClientId()
  3420. });
  3421. return HsCTI.instance;
  3422. }
  3423. /** @private 重置实例 */
  3424. initInstanceOptions() {
  3425. this._ctiFlowIdList = [];
  3426. this._ctiStatusList = [];
  3427. this._sipStatusList = [];
  3428. this._socketStatusList = [];
  3429. HsCTI.instance = undefined;
  3430. this._initOptions = undefined;
  3431. resetBaseOption();
  3432. }
  3433. /** @private 优雅关闭 SIP 和 socket */
  3434. clearSocketAndSip() {
  3435. var _a, _b, _c;
  3436. (_a = this._socket) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.closeSocket();
  3437. (_b = this._sipUserAgent) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.unregister();
  3438. (_c = this._sipUserAgent) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.disconnect();
  3439. this._sipUserAgent = undefined;
  3440. }
  3441. /**
  3442. * @private 设置等待音 src
  3443. * @param {AudioName} audioName
  3444. * @param {boolean} loop
  3445. */
  3446. setAudioSrc(audioName, loop) {
  3447. this.logger.debug(`media | 设置等待音 src: ${audioList[audioName]}`);
  3448. this[audioName].src = audioList[audioName];
  3449. this[audioName].currentTime = 0;
  3450. this[audioName].autoplay = false;
  3451. this[audioName].loop = loop;
  3452. }
  3453. playAudio(audioName) {
  3454. this.logger.debug(`media | 播放音频:${audioName}`);
  3455. this[audioName].play();
  3456. }
  3457. stopLocalAudio() {
  3458. switch (this.scene) {
  3459. case Scene.Robot:
  3460. case Scene.Monitor:
  3461. this.stopAudio(AudioName.RingAudio, true);
  3462. break;
  3463. case Scene.Manual:
  3464. this.stopAudio(AudioName.WaitAudio, true);
  3465. break;
  3466. }
  3467. }
  3468. stopAudio(audioName, loop) {
  3469. this.logger.debug(`media | 停止音频播放:${audioName}`);
  3470. this[audioName].src = '';
  3471. setTimeout(() => {
  3472. this.setAudioSrc(audioName, loop);
  3473. }, 1000);
  3474. }
  3475. init() {
  3476. // 不允许重复初始化,必须在销毁sdk后才能重新初始化
  3477. const [lastStatus] = this._ctiStatusList.slice(-1);
  3478. if (lastStatus !== CTIStatus.Initial) return;
  3479. this.setAudioSrc(AudioName.ByeAudio, false);
  3480. this.setAudioSrc(AudioName.RingAudio, true);
  3481. this.setAudioSrc(AudioName.WaitAudio, true);
  3482. // switch (this.scene) {
  3483. // case Scene.Robot:
  3484. // case Scene.Monitor:
  3485. // this.setAudioSrc(AudioName.RingAudio, true)
  3486. // break
  3487. // case Scene.Manual:
  3488. // this.setAudioSrc(AudioName.WaitAudio, true)
  3489. // break
  3490. // }
  3491. this.getInitConfig();
  3492. }
  3493. getInitConfig() {
  3494. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3495. const res = yield getInitConf(this._baseParams);
  3496. const {
  3497. code,
  3498. data,
  3499. msg
  3500. } = res;
  3501. let initOptions = data;
  3502. /**
  3503. * 由于后端接口层面对于查询来说,查不到不代表异常,所以即使查不到也是正向流程
  3504. * 因此如果传入一个不存在的agent_id,后端也会返回code=0,但是data=null
  3505. * 这里需要根据code===0&&initOptions存在进行联合判断,只有两个条件都成立,才表示该坐席获取fs以及im等配置成功
  3506. */
  3507. initOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, initOptions), {
  3508. imHeartTime: 3,
  3509. // IM 重试次数
  3510. imRetryCount: 3,
  3511. // FS 心跳间隔
  3512. fsHeartTime: 60,
  3513. // FS 重试次数,
  3514. fsRetryCount: 3,
  3515. // FS 重试间隔时间
  3516. fsRetryTime: 60,
  3517. // FS 注册过期时间
  3518. fsRegisterExpireTime: 84000,
  3519. // 单次初始化唯一 ID
  3520. ctiSessionId: generateUniqueId(),
  3521. // IM websocket url
  3522. imWsServer: 'ws://',
  3523. // IM websocket path
  3524. imWsPath: 'ws/cs-im'
  3525. });
  3526. if (code === 0 && initOptions) {
  3527. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  3528. sip_server: initOptions.sipServer,
  3529. cti_session_id: initOptions.ctiSessionId
  3530. });
  3531. this._initOptions = initOptions;
  3532. this.initSocket(initOptions);
  3533. this.initSip(initOptions);
  3534. } else {
  3535. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, {
  3536. type: CTIErrorType.ServerTerminated,
  3537. code: HskTerminatedCode.GetInitConfig,
  3538. // 如果code===0并且initOptions不存在时,代表未查到对应坐席,此时接口返回的msg是空字符串,所以提示文案要特定处理
  3539. msg: code === 0 && !initOptions ? '未查到坐席' : msg,
  3540. method: 'getInitConfig',
  3541. res_code: code
  3542. });
  3543. }
  3544. });
  3545. }
  3546. initSocket(initOptions) {
  3547. this.setSocketStatus({
  3548. status: SocketStatus.Initial
  3549. });
  3550. this._socket = new HsSocket({
  3551. agent_id: this.agent_id,
  3552. saas_id: this.saas_id,
  3553. // appCode: initOptions.appCode,
  3554. imWsServer: initOptions.imWsServer,
  3555. imWsPath: initOptions.imWsPath,
  3556. imHeartTime: initOptions.imHeartTime,
  3557. imRetryCount: initOptions.imRetryCount,
  3558. ctiSessionId: initOptions.ctiSessionId,
  3559. loggerLevel: this.loggerLevel
  3560. });
  3561. this._socket.on(SocketEvent.SocketDownEvent, ({
  3562. eventData
  3563. }) => {
  3564. const {
  3565. eventName,
  3566. ext
  3567. } = eventData;
  3568. this.logger.log(`socket server down | ${eventName} | ${JSON.stringify(ext)}`);
  3569. this.handleSocketDownEvent({
  3570. eventName,
  3571. ext
  3572. });
  3573. });
  3574. this._socket.on(SocketEvent.SetSocketStatus, res => {
  3575. console.log(`set socket statussdsdsdsdsdsdds | ${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
  3576. this.setSocketStatus(res);
  3577. });
  3578. this._socket.initSocket();
  3579. }
  3580. handleSocketDownEvent({
  3581. eventName,
  3582. ext
  3583. }) {
  3584. const ctiFlowId = this._baseParams.ctiFlowId;
  3585. const extCtiFlowId = ext.ctiFlowId;
  3586. if ([Scene.Manual, Scene.Monitor].includes(this.scene) && ctiFlowId && extCtiFlowId && ctiFlowId !== extCtiFlowId) {
  3587. this.logger.error(`cti_flow_id | 不一致! fe: ${ctiFlowId}, server: ${extCtiFlowId}, eventName: ${eventName}`);
  3588. return;
  3589. }
  3590. this.serverEventEmit({
  3591. eventName,
  3592. ext
  3593. });
  3594. }
  3595. /** @private serverEventEmit 统一处理服务端推送的事件 */
  3596. serverEventEmit({
  3597. eventName,
  3598. ext
  3599. }) {
  3600. const NO_EMIT_EVENT_LIST = [CTIEvent.OnRingStart, CTIEvent.OnDetectedTone, CTIEvent.OnRingEnd];
  3601. switch (eventName) {
  3602. case CTIEvent.OnRingStart:
  3603. this.stopLocalAudio();
  3604. break;
  3605. case CTIEvent.OnDetectedTone:
  3606. this.stopLocalAudio();
  3607. break;
  3608. case CTIEvent.OnAgentWorkReport:
  3609. break;
  3610. case CTIEvent.OnCallEnd:
  3611. /** 通话结束:重置可拨打状态,清空本轮通话的CallId */
  3612. this._callStatus = CallStatus.Stopped;
  3613. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  3614. call_id: ''
  3615. });
  3616. break;
  3617. case CTIEvent.OnRingEnd:
  3618. /** TODO: 后 4 个事件未来服务端不再推送时删掉 */
  3619. break;
  3620. // do nothing
  3621. }
  3622. if (!NO_EMIT_EVENT_LIST.includes(eventName)) {
  3623. this.eventEmitAndTrack(eventName, ext);
  3624. }
  3625. }
  3626. initSip(initOptions) {
  3627. this.setSipStatus({
  3628. status: SIPStatus.Initial
  3629. });
  3630. const server = initOptions.wss_server;
  3631. const simpleUserPlusOptions = {
  3632. aor: initOptions.sip_server,
  3633. reconnectionAttempts: initOptions.fsRetryCount,
  3634. reconnectionDelay: initOptions.fsRetryTime,
  3635. optionsPingInterval: initOptions.fsHeartTime,
  3636. media: {
  3637. remote: {
  3638. audio: this._remoteAudio
  3639. }
  3640. },
  3641. userAgentOptions: {
  3642. gracefulShutdown: true,
  3643. authorizationPassword: initOptions.phone_pwd,
  3644. sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions: {
  3645. constraints: {
  3646. audio: {
  3647. echoCancellation: true,
  3648. noiseSuppression: true,
  3649. autoGainControl: true
  3650. },
  3651. video: false
  3652. },
  3653. peerConnectionConfiguration: {
  3654. // iceServers: []
  3655. iceServers: [{
  3656. urls: initOptions.ice_server
  3657. }]
  3658. }
  3659. }
  3660. }
  3661. };
  3662. simpleUserPlusOptions.delegate = this.sipDelegate();
  3663. this._sipUserAgent = new SimpleUserPlus(server, simpleUserPlusOptions);
  3664. this._sipUserAgent.connect().catch(error => {
  3665. const err = `SIP UserAgent 启动失败:${JSON.stringify(error)}`;
  3666. this.logger.error(err);
  3667. this.setSipStatus({
  3668. status: SIPStatus.Terminated,
  3669. code: HskTerminatedCode.SIPInitUserAgent,
  3670. error: err,
  3671. method: 'initSIPJS'
  3672. });
  3673. });
  3674. }
  3675. sipDelegate() {
  3676. return {
  3677. onServerConnect: () => {
  3678. this._sipUserAgent.register();
  3679. },
  3680. onServerDisconnect: () => {
  3681. // 正向关闭UA时会进入此回调
  3682. this.setSipStatus({
  3683. status: SIPStatus.Terminated
  3684. });
  3685. },
  3686. onReconnectStart: () => {
  3687. // 开始重连时将状态流转为ReTry
  3688. this.setSipStatus({
  3689. status: SIPStatus.ReTry
  3690. });
  3691. },
  3692. onReconnectFailed: () => {
  3693. // 重连失败时会进如此回调
  3694. this.setSipStatus({
  3695. status: SIPStatus.Terminated,
  3696. code: HskTerminatedCode.SIPOnDisconnect,
  3697. error: `超过重连次数,终止重连`,
  3698. method: 'onReconnectFailed'
  3699. });
  3700. this.setSipStatus({
  3701. status: SIPStatus.Terminated
  3702. });
  3703. },
  3704. onRegistered: () => {
  3705. this.setSipStatus({
  3706. status: SIPStatus.Ready
  3707. });
  3708. },
  3709. onUserAgentStateChange: state => {
  3710. switch (state) {
  3711. case UserAgentState.Started:
  3712. this.setSipStatus({
  3713. status: SIPStatus.Started
  3714. });
  3715. break;
  3716. case UserAgentState.Stopped:
  3717. this.setSipStatus({
  3718. status: SIPStatus.Terminated,
  3719. code: this._sipStatusList.includes(SIPStatus.Started) ? HskTerminatedCode.SIPUserAgentStateStopped : HskTerminatedCode.SIPInitUserAgent,
  3720. error: 'SIP UserAgentState 状态停止',
  3721. method: 'onUserAgentStateChange'
  3722. });
  3723. break;
  3724. }
  3725. },
  3726. onInvite: invitation => {
  3727. // this.scene = Scene.Robot
  3728. const callId = invitation.request.getHeader('P-LIBRA-CallId') || invitation.request.getHeader('P-LIBRA-Callid') || '';
  3729. console.log(callId, 2888888888);
  3730. // const ctiFlowId =
  3731. // invitation.request.getHeader('P-LIBRA-CtiFlowId') || ''
  3732. // if (ctiFlowId != this._baseParams.ctiFlowId) {
  3733. // this.logger.error(
  3734. // `cti_flow_id 不一致! fe: ${this._baseParams.ctiFlowId} | P-LIBRA-CtiFlowId: ${ctiFlowId}`
  3735. // )
  3736. // return
  3737. // }
  3738. this._callId = callId;
  3739. console.log(callId, 1888888888);
  3740. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  3741. call_id: callId
  3742. });
  3743. this.sessionStateChangeAndTrack(invitation.state);
  3744. if ([Scene.Robot, Scene.Monitor].includes(this.scene)) {
  3745. this.playAudio(AudioName.RingAudio);
  3746. console.log('playAudio', 1888888888);
  3747. }
  3748. if ([Scene.Manual].includes(this.scene)) {
  3749. this.answer();
  3750. console.log('answer', 1888888888);
  3751. }
  3752. invitation.delegate = {
  3753. onCancel: cancel => {
  3754. const error = `sip_invitation_on_cancel | ${JSON.stringify(cancel)}`;
  3755. this.logger.error(error);
  3756. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, {
  3757. type: CTIErrorType.SdkError,
  3758. code: SdkErrorCode.InvitationCancel,
  3759. msg: '当前通话已结束',
  3760. method: 'sipDelegate'
  3761. }, error);
  3762. }
  3763. };
  3764. invitation.stateChange.addListener(state => {
  3765. this.sessionStateChangeAndTrack(state);
  3766. switch (state) {
  3767. case SessionState.Initial:
  3768. case SessionState.Establishing:
  3769. break;
  3770. case SessionState.Established:
  3771. if ([Scene.Robot, Scene.Monitor].includes(this.scene)) {
  3772. this.stopLocalAudio();
  3773. }
  3774. break;
  3775. case SessionState.Terminating:
  3776. break;
  3777. case SessionState.Terminated:
  3778. this.playAudio(AudioName.ByeAudio);
  3779. setTimeout(() => {
  3780. this.stopAudio(AudioName.ByeAudio, false);
  3781. }, 1000);
  3782. this.stopLocalAudio();
  3783. // this._baseParams.scene = Scene.Manual
  3784. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  3785. call_id: ''
  3786. });
  3787. if (this.scene == Scene.Manual) {
  3788. this.scene = Scene.Robot;
  3789. this._baseParams.scene = Scene.Robot;
  3790. }
  3791. break;
  3792. }
  3793. });
  3794. }
  3795. };
  3796. }
  3797. sessionStateChangeAndTrack(status) {
  3798. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnSessionStatusChange, {
  3799. status
  3800. });
  3801. const trackName = `sip_session_state_${upperCamelToLowerSnake(status)}`;
  3802. this.logger.log(trackName);
  3803. }
  3804. /**
  3805. * @private setCTIStatus CTI 状态流转
  3806. * @param {CTIStatus} ctiStatus
  3807. */
  3808. setCTIStatus(ctiStatus) {
  3809. if (ctiStatus === this.getCTIStatus) return;
  3810. this._ctiStatus = ctiStatus;
  3811. this._ctiStatusList.push(ctiStatus);
  3812. const logInfo = `cti status | ${ctiStatus} | ${this._ctiStatusList}`;
  3813. if (ctiStatus === CTIStatus.Terminated) {
  3814. this.setSocketStatus({
  3815. status: SocketStatus.Terminated
  3816. });
  3817. this.setSipStatus({
  3818. status: SIPStatus.Terminated
  3819. });
  3820. this.stopLocalAudio();
  3821. this.logger.warn(logInfo);
  3822. } else {
  3823. this.logger.debug(logInfo);
  3824. }
  3825. if (ctiStatus === CTIStatus.Ready) {
  3826. this.setSocketStatus({
  3827. status: SocketStatus.Ready
  3828. });
  3829. this.setSipStatus({
  3830. status: SIPStatus.Ready
  3831. });
  3832. this._terminatedStatusList = [];
  3833. if (!this._ctiStatusList.includes(CTIStatus.ReTry)) {
  3834. this.checkIn();
  3835. }
  3836. }
  3837. }
  3838. /**
  3839. * @private setSocketStatus Socket 状态流转
  3840. * @param SocketStatusChangeParams Socket 状态流转参数及错误详情等
  3841. */
  3842. setSocketStatus({
  3843. status,
  3844. code,
  3845. error
  3846. }) {
  3847. if (status === this.getSocketStatus) return;
  3848. this._socketStatus = status;
  3849. this._socketStatusList.push(status);
  3850. const logInfo = `socket status | ${status} | ${this._socketStatusList}`;
  3851. status === SocketStatus.Terminated ? this.logger.warn(logInfo) : this.logger.debug(logInfo);
  3852. this.socketOrSipStatusChange(status, this.getSIPStatus);
  3853. if (error) {
  3854. this._terminatedStatusList.push(code);
  3855. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, {
  3856. type: CTIErrorType.SdkTerminated,
  3857. code,
  3858. msg: code === HskTerminatedCode.SocketRepeatLogin ? ExceptMessage.CTIRepeatLoginMsg : ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  3859. method: 'setSocketStatus'
  3860. }, {
  3861. error_msg: error,
  3862. socket_status_list: this._socketStatusList,
  3863. sip_status_list: this._sipStatusList,
  3864. cti_status_list: this._ctiStatusList
  3865. });
  3866. this.clearSocketAndSip();
  3867. }
  3868. }
  3869. /**
  3870. * @private setSipStatus SIP 状态流转
  3871. * @param SIPStatusChangeParams SIP 状态流转参数及错误详情等
  3872. */
  3873. setSipStatus({
  3874. status,
  3875. code,
  3876. error,
  3877. method
  3878. }) {
  3879. if (status === this.getSIPStatus) return;
  3880. this._sipStatus = status;
  3881. this._sipStatusList.push(status);
  3882. const logInfo = `sip status | ${status} | ${this._sipStatusList}`;
  3883. status === SIPStatus.Terminated ? this.logger.warn(logInfo) : this.logger.debug(logInfo);
  3884. this.socketOrSipStatusChange(this.getSocketStatus, status);
  3885. if (error) {
  3886. /** 抛出 SIP 类型的错误详情 */
  3887. this._terminatedStatusList.push(code);
  3888. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, {
  3889. type: CTIErrorType.SdkTerminated,
  3890. code,
  3891. msg: ExceptMessage.CommonNetworkErrorMsg,
  3892. method: method || 'setSipStatus'
  3893. }, {
  3894. error_msg: error,
  3895. socket_status_list: this._socketStatusList,
  3896. sip_status_list: this._sipStatusList,
  3897. cti_status_list: this._ctiStatusList
  3898. });
  3899. this.clearSocketAndSip();
  3900. }
  3901. }
  3902. /**
  3903. * @private socketOrSipStatusChange Socket 或 SIP 状态变化可能引起 CTI 状态变化
  3904. * @param {SocketStatus} socketStatus
  3905. * @param {SIPStatus} sipStatus
  3906. */
  3907. socketOrSipStatusChange(socketStatus, sipStatus) {
  3908. if (socketStatus === SocketStatus.Ready && sipStatus === SIPStatus.Ready) {
  3909. this.setCTIStatus(CTIStatus.Ready);
  3910. }
  3911. // if (socketStatus === SocketStatus.Ready) {
  3912. // this.setCTIStatus(CTIStatus.Ready)
  3913. // }
  3914. if (socketStatus === SocketStatus.ReTry || sipStatus === SIPStatus.ReTry) {
  3915. this.setCTIStatus(CTIStatus.ReTry);
  3916. }
  3917. if (socketStatus === SocketStatus.Terminated || sipStatus === SIPStatus.Terminated) {
  3918. this.setCTIStatus(CTIStatus.Terminated);
  3919. }
  3920. }
  3921. /**
  3922. * @private eventEmitAndTrack SDK 对外抛出事件并统一埋点
  3923. * @param {CTIEvent} eventName 事件名称
  3924. * @param {object} ext 事件参数
  3925. * @param { error } error 错误详情或错误辅助信息
  3926. */
  3927. eventEmitAndTrack(eventName, ext, error) {
  3928. this.logger.debug(`sdk emit | ${eventName} | ${JSON.stringify(ext)}`);
  3929. // 如果出现异常,则将通话状态置为结束
  3930. if (eventName === CTIEvent.OnCtiError) {
  3931. this._callStatus = CallStatus.Stopped;
  3932. }
  3933. try {
  3934. this.emit(eventName, ext);
  3935. console.log(error);
  3936. } catch (error) {
  3937. this.logger.error(`业务监听 ${eventName} 事件,处理回调时报错: ${error}`);
  3938. }
  3939. }
  3940. /** @private checkIn 服务端签入,CTIStatus Ready 时自动调用,坐席状态变更 */
  3941. checkIn() {
  3942. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3943. const res = yield agentCheckIn(this._baseParams);
  3944. if (res.code === 0) {
  3945. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnInitalSuccess, {
  3946. saas_id: this.saas_id,
  3947. agent_id: this.agent_id,
  3948. scene: this.scene,
  3949. phoneNum: this._initOptions.phone_num,
  3950. sipServer: this._initOptions.sip_server
  3951. });
  3952. }
  3953. return res;
  3954. });
  3955. }
  3956. /** @public checkOut 服务端签出, unInit 时自动调用,坐席状态变更 */
  3957. checkOut() {
  3958. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3959. return yield agentCheckOut(this._baseParams);
  3960. });
  3961. }
  3962. /** @private _getCtiFlowId 获取手动外呼场景需要的 ctiFlowId */
  3963. getCtiFlowId() {
  3964. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3965. const res = yield getCtiFlowId(this._baseParams);
  3966. const {
  3967. code,
  3968. data
  3969. } = res;
  3970. if (code === 0) {
  3971. this._baseParams.ctiFlowId = data;
  3972. this._ctiFlowIdList.push(data);
  3973. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  3974. cti_flow_id: data,
  3975. cti_flow_id_list: JSON.stringify(this._ctiFlowIdList)
  3976. });
  3977. }
  3978. return res;
  3979. });
  3980. }
  3981. /** @public setIdle 服务端置闲,坐席状态变更 */
  3982. setIdle() {
  3983. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3984. this.scene = Scene.Robot;
  3985. this._baseParams.scene = Scene.Robot;
  3986. return yield agentSetIdle(this._baseParams);
  3987. });
  3988. }
  3989. /** @public setBusy 服务端置忙,坐席状态变更 */
  3990. setBusy() {
  3991. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3992. return yield agentSetBusy(this._baseParams);
  3993. });
  3994. }
  3995. makeCall(params) {
  3996. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  3997. this.scene = Scene.Manual;
  3998. this._baseParams.scene = Scene.Manual;
  3999. // 如果当前通话状态处于外呼开始,则不允许再次调用此方法并上报埋点
  4000. if (this._callStatus === CallStatus.Started) {
  4001. return;
  4002. }
  4003. this._callStatus = CallStatus.Started;
  4004. yield this.getCtiFlowId();
  4005. this.playAudio(AudioName.WaitAudio);
  4006. return yield this.serverCall(params);
  4007. });
  4008. }
  4009. serverCall({
  4010. called,
  4011. caller,
  4012. ext
  4013. }) {
  4014. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4015. const params = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._baseParams), {
  4016. called,
  4017. caller
  4018. }), ext);
  4019. const res = yield manualCall(params);
  4020. const {
  4021. code,
  4022. data
  4023. } = res;
  4024. if (code === 0) {
  4025. if (this._callId === '' && data) {
  4026. this._callId = data;
  4027. setBaseOption(BaseOption.TrackParams, {
  4028. call_id: data
  4029. });
  4030. }
  4031. } else {
  4032. // 外呼接口调用失败将通话状态置为结束不阻碍下次外呼
  4033. this._callStatus = CallStatus.Stopped;
  4034. this.stopLocalAudio();
  4035. }
  4036. return res;
  4037. });
  4038. }
  4039. /** @public answer SDK SIP 接起 */
  4040. answer() {
  4041. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  4042. var _a;
  4043. (_a = this._sipUserAgent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.answer({
  4044. sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: {
  4045. constraints: {
  4046. audio: true,
  4047. video: false
  4048. }
  4049. }
  4050. }).then(() => {
  4051. resolve({
  4052. code: 0,
  4053. data: 'answer',
  4054. msg: 'SIP 接起电话成功'
  4055. });
  4056. this.logger.debug('sip_accept_success');
  4057. }).catch(err => {
  4058. const errorData = {
  4059. type: CTIErrorType.SdkError,
  4060. code: SdkErrorCode.Answer,
  4061. msg: this.scene === Scene.Manual ? ExceptMessage.ManualCallAnswerErrorMsg : ExceptMessage.RobotOrWeChatAnswerErrorMsg,
  4062. method: 'answer'
  4063. };
  4064. reject(errorData);
  4065. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, errorData, `${err}`);
  4066. this.logger.error(`${CTIEvent.OnCtiError} | ${err}`);
  4067. });
  4068. });
  4069. }
  4070. /** @public bye SDK SIP 挂断 */
  4071. bye() {
  4072. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  4073. var _a;
  4074. (_a = this._sipUserAgent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hangup().then(() => {
  4075. resolve({
  4076. code: 0,
  4077. data: 'bye',
  4078. msg: 'SIP 挂断电话成功'
  4079. });
  4080. this.logger.debug('sip_bye_success');
  4081. }).catch(err => {
  4082. const errorData = {
  4083. type: CTIErrorType.SdkError,
  4084. code: SdkErrorCode.Bye,
  4085. msg: ExceptMessage.SipByeErrorMsg,
  4086. method: 'bye'
  4087. };
  4088. reject(errorData);
  4089. if (err.message !== 'Session does not exist.') {
  4090. this.eventEmitAndTrack(CTIEvent.OnCtiError, errorData, `${err}`);
  4091. }
  4092. this.logger.error(`${CTIEvent.OnCtiError} | ${err}`);
  4093. });
  4094. });
  4095. }
  4096. /** @public serverBye 挂断且流转坐席状态 */
  4097. serverBye() {
  4098. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4099. try {
  4100. this.bye();
  4101. // 如果人工外呼场景下,没有flowId则不调用并上报埋点
  4102. // if (!this._baseParams.ctiFlowId && this.scene === Scene.Manual) {
  4103. // return
  4104. // }
  4105. const res = yield this.turnHang();
  4106. return Promise.resolve(res);
  4107. } catch (error) {
  4108. return Promise.reject(error);
  4109. }
  4110. });
  4111. }
  4112. /** @public turnHang 流转坐席状态-通话结束 */
  4113. turnHang() {
  4114. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4115. const res = yield manualHang(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._baseParams), {
  4116. call_id: this._callId
  4117. }));
  4118. this._callId = '';
  4119. return res;
  4120. });
  4121. }
  4122. /** @public getAgentStatus 获取坐席状态 */
  4123. getAgentStatus() {
  4124. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4125. return yield getAgentStatus(this._baseParams);
  4126. });
  4127. }
  4128. /**
  4129. * @public loadAgentGroupData 监听-根据监听组 ID 获取监听组成员
  4130. * @param {string[]} monitorIds
  4131. */
  4132. loadAgentGroupData(monitorIds) {
  4133. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4134. return yield loadAgentGroupData(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._baseParams), {
  4135. monitorIds
  4136. }));
  4137. });
  4138. }
  4139. /**
  4140. * @public listen 监听-服务端发起监听
  4141. * @param {string} monitoredAgNo
  4142. */
  4143. listen(monitoredAgNo) {
  4144. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4145. const flowIdRes = yield this.getCtiFlowId();
  4146. if (flowIdRes && flowIdRes.code !== 0) {
  4147. return flowIdRes;
  4148. }
  4149. return yield listen(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._baseParams), {
  4150. agent_id: monitoredAgNo,
  4151. leaderAgentId: this.agent_id
  4152. }));
  4153. });
  4154. }
  4155. /**
  4156. * @public setActiveService 机器人外呼-签入人工组
  4157. * @param {string} serviceId
  4158. */
  4159. setActiveService(serviceId) {
  4160. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4161. return yield setActiveServiceTask(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._baseParams), {
  4162. serviceId
  4163. }));
  4164. });
  4165. }
  4166. /** @public unInit 卸载 SDK,checkOut 成功后断开 socket 和 sip 连接,并销毁 SdCTI 实例 */
  4167. unInit() {
  4168. return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
  4169. yield this.checkOut();
  4170. this.setCTIStatus(CTIStatus.Terminated);
  4171. this.initInstanceOptions();
  4172. this.clearSocketAndSip();
  4173. this._callId = '';
  4174. });
  4175. }
  4176. }
  4177. __decorate([getUserMedia()], HsCTI.prototype, "init", null);
  4178. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('签入'), handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "checkIn", null);
  4179. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('签出'), handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "checkOut", null);
  4180. __decorate([handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "getCtiFlowId", null);
  4181. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('置闲'), handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "setIdle", null);
  4182. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('置忙'), handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "setBusy", null);
  4183. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('人工外呼')], HsCTI.prototype, "makeCall", null);
  4184. __decorate([handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "serverCall", null);
  4185. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('接起')], HsCTI.prototype, "answer", null);
  4186. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('挂断')], HsCTI.prototype, "bye", null);
  4187. __decorate([handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "turnHang", null);
  4188. __decorate([handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "getAgentStatus", null);
  4189. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('获取监听组成员'), handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "loadAgentGroupData", null);
  4190. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('坐席监听'), handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "listen", null);
  4191. __decorate([checkCTIStatus('签入人工组'), handleApiRes()], HsCTI.prototype, "setActiveService", null);
  4192. __decorate([validateParams()], HsCTI, "getInstance", null);
  4193. /**
  4194. * @function getInstance 获取 HsCTI 的实例
  4195. * @param HsCTIInitOptions 初始化 HsCTI 的配置
  4196. */
  4197. const getInstance = HsCTIInitOptions => HsCTI.getInstance(HsCTIInitOptions);
  4198. export { CTIErrorType, CTIEvent, CTIStatus, CallStatus, HskTerminatedCode, Logger, LoggerLevels, MonitorScene, SIPStatus, Scene, SdkErrorCode, SessionStatus, SocketStatus, getInstance };