123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- @Time : 2024/10/17 14:36
- @File : request_utils.py.py
- @Desc :
- """
- import re
- import os
- import shutil
- import json
- from config import get_logger
- import requests
- import base64
- from database import *
- from util import timetic, norm_community
- import uuid
- SERVE_HOST = os.environ.get("SERVE_HOST", "")
- VOICE_DIR = os.environ.get("VOICE_DIR","/root/aibot/dm/voice")
- logger = get_logger()
- def nlg_service(uid, bid, node_name, choose_speech):
- return ''
- def get_voice(content, is_local, silence_duration):
- # appid = "1226203350"
- # access_token = "mMPNJ4WbSVL6NHQKvn4qllYfwv1G4X5w"
- # 企业
- appid = "8661018433"
- access_token ="KkTVKPD9kY-i27Hr9gXtFQ4zqY7nrhJl"
- cluster = "volcano_tts"
- voice_type = "BV700_V2_streaming"
- host = "openspeech.bytedance.com"
- api_url = f"https://{host}/api/v1/tts"
- header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer;{access_token}"}
- rid = str(uuid.uuid4())
- request_json = {
- "app": {
- "appid": appid,
- "token": "access_token",
- "cluster": cluster
- },
- "user": {
- "uid": "388808087185088"
- },
- "audio": {
- "voice_type": voice_type,
- #"encoding": "mp3",
- "encoding": "wav",
- "rate": "16000",
- "speed_ratio": 0.9,
- "volume_ratio": 1.0,
- "pitch_ratio": 1.0,
- "emotion": "customer_service",
- "language": "zh"
- },
- "request": {
- "reqid": rid,
- "text": content,
- "text_type": "plain",
- "operation": "query",
- "with_frontend": 1,
- "frontend_type": "unitTson",
- "silence_duration":silence_duration
- }
- }
- try:
- resp = requests.post(api_url, json.dumps(request_json), headers=header)
- rfile =f"{rid}.wav"
- path, file=f"{VOICE_DIR}/{rfile}", f"../voice/{rfile}"
- if "data" in resp.json():
- data = resp.json()["data"]
- file_to_save = open(file, "wb")
- file_to_save.write(base64.b64decode(data))
- if is_local:
- if os.path.exists(file):
- logger.info(f"voice local file ::session_id={rid}, res={file}")
- return path
- else:
- files = {'file': open(file, 'rb')}
- response = requests.post(DEFAULT_FILE_UPLOAD_URL, files=files)
- if response.ok:
- result = json.loads(response.text)
- url = result.get('data')
- if os.path.exists(file):
- os.system(f"rm -fr {file}")
- logger.info(f"voice upload_plot::session_id={rid}, res={url}")
- return url
- except Exception as e:
- logger.info(f"voice generate 错误{e}")
- @timetic
- def voice_service(content, local=False, silence_duration="125"):
- encode_b = content.encode("utf-8")
- key = base64.b64encode(encode_b)
- name = "voice_url"
- retry,num =1,1
- while num <= retry:
- try:
- url = r.hget(name, key)
- #url=''
- if url and os.path.exists(url):
- logger.info(f"获取voice url成功:{content}")
- return url
- else:
- url = get_voice(content, local, silence_duration)
- r.hset(name, key, url)
- r.expire(name, 3600 * 24*7)
- return url
- except Exception as e:
- logger.info(f"get voice url {num}缓存错误{e}")
- num +=1
- @timetic
- def intent_service(node_name, asr, bid, code, uid, sessionid):
- param = json.dumps(dict(nodeId=code,
- userId=uid,
- sessionId=sessionid,
- taskId=bid,
- query=asr,
- nodeName = node_name
- ), ensure_ascii=False)
- try:
- #ip= ""
- res = requests.post(f"http://{SERVE_HOST}:50072/intention",
- param.encode("UTF-8"),
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'},
- timeout=8)
- content = json.loads(res.text)
- logger.info(f"intent service:{content}")
- return [content]
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"intent服务异常:query:{asr},uid:{uid},session:{sessionid}:{e}")
- return []
- @timetic
- def business_service(session_id, uid, code, tools, asr):
- def getContent(contents, tools):
- if tools in ["water_info", "water_loc_info"]:
- mess = '您查询的小区'
- neighbourhoodName = [item.get('neighbourhoodName') for item in contents]
- reason = [item.get('reason') for item in contents]
- timeBegin = ["于"+item.get('timeBegin') + "停水" for item in contents]
- timeEnd = [item.get('timeEnd') for item in contents]
- conclusions = [f"预计{time}恢复供水" if time is not None else "暂未确定恢复时间" for time in timeEnd]
- nums = len(neighbourhoodName)
- mess +=";".join([",".join(i) for i in zip(neighbourhoodName, reason, timeBegin, conclusions)])
- mess +=",是否已解决您的问题?"
- elif tools in ["fee_info", "fee_user_info"]:
- mess = "您账户截止"
- statisticsTime = [content.get("statisticsTime", '') for content in contents]
- waterFees = [round(float(content.get("waterFees", 0)), 2) for content in contents]
- meterAmount = [round(float(content.get("meterAmount", 0)), 2) for content in contents]
- mess = mess + statisticsTime[0] + "您的抄表表数为"+str(meterAmount[0]) +"欠费金额为" + str(waterFees[0])+ "元。如需详细查询缴费和水量情况可以登陆佳木斯供水公众号,如需人工查询请拨打824/--/777/--/6,还有什么可以帮你?."
- elif tools in ["user_info", "user_phone_info"]:
- neighbour, cardNo = [content.get("neighbourhoodName") for content in contents], [content.get("userNo") for content in contents]
- nums = len(neighbour)
- mess = f"根据您的手机号查询到{nums}个小区," + ";".join(map(lambda x: ",".join(x), zip(neighbour, ["户号是"]* nums, cardNo)))+ "。解决轻按1, 未解决请安2."
- elif tools in ["meter_owner_phone", "meter_owner_neighbour"]:
- loc_phone = [[content['neighbourhoodName'], content['meterReaderPhone']] for content in contents]
- mess = f"您查询的小区{loc_phone[0][0]},抄表员电话是{loc_phone[0][1]};抄表员电话是{loc_phone[0][1]}, 重听请说再说一次,是否已解决您的问题?"
- else:
- mess = ''
- return mess
- pattern = r'DTMF(.*?)DTMF'
- matches = re.findall(pattern, asr, re.DOTALL)
- if matches:
- asr = re.sub("[()]", "", matches[-1])
- else:
- asr = asr.split("###")[-1]
- asr = asr.strip(r""""$%&'()*+,,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~。??!""")
- if tools in ["water_loc_info", "fee_user_info", "user_phone_info", "meter_owner_neighbour"] and len(asr)==0:
- return [{"title": "NO", "isFaq": False, "faqContent": '', "asr": asr, "businessContent": ''}]
- # parse water_loc_info
- if tools in ["water_loc_info", "meter_owner_neighbour", "water_info", "meter_owner_phone"]:
- asr = norm_community(asr)
- if tools in ["water_info", "meter_owner_phone"]:
- newtools = "water_loc_info" if tools == "water_info" else "meter_owner_neighbour"
- param = json.dumps(dict(nodeId=code,
- userId=uid,
- sessionId=session_id,
- asrText=asr,
- method=newtools
- ), ensure_ascii=False)
- try:
- #
- res = requests.post(f"http://{SERVE_HOST}:8001/bigModel/queryBusinessInfo",
- param.encode("UTF-8"),
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'},
- timeout=30)
- resp = json.loads(res.text)
- logger.info(f"bussiness:{resp}, tools:{tools}, session:{session_id}")
- if resp['code'] == "0":
- content = resp['data'].get("contents")
- title = "NO" if content is None or len(content) == 0 else "YES"
- businessContent = getContent(content, tools) if title == "YES" else ''
- opt = [
- {"title": title, "isFaq": False, "faqContent": '', "asr": asr, "businessContent": businessContent}]
- logger.info(f"code:{code},uid:{uid}, tools:{tools},asr:{asr}, opt:{opt}")
- return opt
- except Exception as e:
- logger.info(f"bussion service服务异常:session:{session_id}, tools:{tools},uid:{uid}:{e}")
- param = json.dumps(dict(nodeId=code,
- userId=uid,
- sessionId=session_id,
- asrText=asr,
- method=tools
- ), ensure_ascii=False)
- try:
- #
- res = requests.post(f"http://{SERVE_HOST}:8001/bigModel/queryBusinessInfo",
- param.encode("UTF-8"),
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'},
- timeout=30)
- resp = json.loads(res.text)
- logger.info(f"bussiness:{resp}, tools:{tools}, session:{session_id}")
- if resp['code'] == "0":
- content = resp['data'].get("contents")
- title = "NO" if content is None or len(content)==0 else "YES"
- businessContent = getContent(content, tools) if title == "YES" else ''
- opt = [{"title": title, "isFaq": False, "faqContent": '', "asr": asr, "businessContent": businessContent}]
- logger.info(f"code:{code},uid:{uid}, tools:{tools},asr:{asr}, opt:{opt}")
- return opt
- else:
- return [{"title": "NO", "isFaq": False, "faqContent": '', "asr": asr, "businessContent": ''}]
- except Exception as e:
- logger.info(f"bussion service服务异常:session:{session_id}, tools:{tools},uid:{ uid}:{e}")
- return [{"title": "NO", "isFaq": False, "faqContent": '', "asr": asr, "businessContent":''}]
- @timetic
- def aibot_service(ip ="",port="40072", nodeId="start", userId='no', sessionId='1', taskId='10001', asrText='是', ext='', recordId=''):
- param = json.dumps(dict(nodeId=nodeId,
- userId=userId,
- sessionId=sessionId,
- taskId=taskId,
- asrText=asrText,
- ext=ext,
- recordId=recordId
- ), ensure_ascii=False)
- try:
- res = requests.post(f"http://{ip}:{port}/botservice",
- param.encode("UTF-8"),
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'},
- timeout=30)
- resp = json.loads(res.text)
- if resp['code'] == 0:
- content = resp['data']
- logger.info(f"aibot: {resp}")
- return resp
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Ai bot服务异常:{nodeId}, {taskId},{ userId}:{e}")
- return
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print(voice_service("欢迎致电“佳木斯龙江环保供水服务热线”。我们最新推出智能语音服务,说话就能查询业务, 抢先体验请按1, 传统服务请按2"))
- #intent_service("1", "没听清", "2200", "1", "10", "1")
- #aibot_service()