123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161 |
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- # coding=utf-8
- import os
- import time
- import json
- from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
- from aliyunsdkcore.request import CommonRequest
- import threading
- import sys
- import nls # 引入阿里云语音识别库
- def gettoken ():
- ak_id = os.getenv('ALIYUN_AK_ID')
- ak_secret = os.getenv('ALIYUN_AK_SECRET')
- print(f"AK_ID: {ak_id}, AK_SECRET: {ak_secret}")
- # 创建AcsClient实例
- client = AcsClient(
- ak_id,
- ak_secret,
- "cn-shanghai"
- );
- # 创建request,并设置参数。
- request = CommonRequest()
- request.set_method('POST')
- request.set_domain('nls-meta.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com')
- request.set_version('2019-02-28')
- request.set_action_name('CreateToken')
- try:
- response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
- print(response)
- jss = json.loads(response)
- if 'Token' in jss and 'Id' in jss['Token']:
- token = jss['Token']['Id']
- expireTime = jss['Token']['ExpireTime']
- print("token = " + token)
- print("expireTime = " + str(expireTime))
- return token
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- # WebSocket服务地址,提供语音转写服务
- URL = "wss://nls-gateway-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/ws/v1"
- # 在实际使用中,需替换成你自己的TOKEN和APPKEY
- TOKEN = gettoken() # 参考https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/450255.html获取token
- print("token=" + TOKEN)
- APPKEY = "OKt6jogp6fRjHQVp" # 获取Appkey请前往控制台:https://nls-portal.console.aliyun.com/applist
- # 定义测试类,用于处理音频实时转写
- class TestSt:
- def __init__(self, tid, test_file):
- # 初始化测试线程
- self.__th = threading.Thread(target=self.__test_run)
- self.__id = tid # 线程ID
- self.__test_file = test_file # 测试音频文件路径
- def loadfile(self, filename):
- # 加载音频文件,读取成二进制数据
- with open(filename, "rb") as f:
- self.__data = f.read()
- def start(self):
- # 加载文件并启动线程
- self.loadfile(self.__test_file)
- self.__th.start()
- # 回调函数:句子开始时调用
- def test_on_sentence_begin(self, message, *args):
- print("test_on_sentence_begin:{}".format(message))
- # 回调函数:句子结束时调用
- def test_on_sentence_end(self, message, *args):
- print("test_on_sentence_end:{}".format(message))
- # 回调函数:任务开始时调用
- def test_on_start(self, message, *args):
- print("test_on_start:{}".format(message))
- # 回调函数:发生错误时调用
- def test_on_error(self, message, *args):
- print("on_error args=>{}".format(args))
- # 回调函数:任务关闭时调用
- def test_on_close(self, *args):
- print("on_close: args=>{}".format(args))
- # 回调函数:中间结果变化时调用
- def test_on_result_chg(self, message, *args):
- print("test_on_chg:{}".format(message))
- # 回调函数:任务完成时调用
- def test_on_completed(self, message, *args):
- print("on_completed:args=>{} message=>{}".format(args, message))
- # 私有方法:运行测试
- def __test_run(self):
- print("thread:{} start..".format(self.__id))
- # 初始化语音转写对象,绑定回调函数
- sr = nls.NlsSpeechTranscriber(
- url=URL,
- token=TOKEN,
- appkey=APPKEY,
- on_sentence_begin=self.test_on_sentence_begin,
- on_sentence_end=self.test_on_sentence_end,
- on_start=self.test_on_start,
- on_result_changed=self.test_on_result_chg,
- on_completed=self.test_on_completed,
- on_error=self.test_on_error,
- on_close=self.test_on_close,
- callback_args=[self.__id]
- )
- print("{}: session start".format(self.__id))
- # 启动转写会话,设置音频格式和相关选项
- r = sr.start(
- aformat="pcm",
- enable_intermediate_result=True,
- enable_punctuation_prediction=True,
- enable_inverse_text_normalization=True
- )
- # 每次读取640字节的音频数据并发送
- self.__slices = zip(*(iter(self.__data),) * 640)
- for i in self.__slices:
- sr.send_audio(bytes(i))
- time.sleep(0.01) # 模拟实时发送音频数据,避免数据过快发送
- # 控制传输,发送自定义的控制数据
- sr.ctrl(ex={"test": "tttt"})
- time.sleep(1) # 等待一段时间
- # 停止转写会话
- r = sr.stop()
- print("{}: sr stopped:{}".format(self.__id, r))
- time.sleep(1)
- # 多线程测试函数,默认创建500个线程
- def multiruntest(num=500):
- for i in range(0, num):
- name = "thread" + str(i) # 每个线程的名称
- t = TestSt(name, "./test111.wav") # 创建TestSt实例,指定音频文件路径
- t.start() # 启动线程
- # 禁用详细日志
- nls.enableTrace(False)
- # 运行测试,启动1个线程进行测试
- multiruntest(1)