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+  <path d="M15.774 24.037C18.4357 26.6987 21.6683 28.7525 24.3115 28.7525C25.4996 28.7525 26.5403 28.338 27.3784 27.417C27.8665 26.8737 28.1705 26.2382 28.1705 25.6119C28.1705 25.1514 27.9955 24.7094 27.5626 24.3962L24.7352 22.3885C24.3023 22.0938 23.9432 21.9464 23.6116 21.9464C23.1972 21.9464 22.8196 22.1859 22.3959 22.6003L21.742 23.245C21.6407 23.3463 21.5118 23.3924 21.392 23.3924C21.2539 23.3924 21.1157 23.3371 21.0236 23.291C20.4526 22.9871 19.4764 22.149 18.5646 21.2465C17.6621 20.3439 16.824 19.3677 16.5293 18.7967C16.4832 18.6954 16.4279 18.5664 16.4279 18.4283C16.4279 18.3085 16.4648 18.1888 16.5661 18.0875L17.22 17.4152C17.6252 16.9915 17.8739 16.6231 17.8739 16.1995C17.8739 15.8679 17.7173 15.5088 17.4134 15.0759L15.4333 12.2853C15.1109 11.8432 14.6597 11.6498 14.1623 11.6498C13.5545 11.6498 12.9282 11.9261 12.3848 12.4511C11.4915 13.3076 11.0955 14.3667 11.0955 15.5364C11.0955 18.1796 13.1124 21.3846 15.774 24.037Z" fill="white"/>

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<svg xmlns="" width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none">
+<rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="#DB4445"/>
+<path d="M19.7016 16.0879C15.7137 16.0879 11.9653 16.926 10.0957 18.7956C9.24843 19.6429 8.82478 20.6652 8.88004 21.8993C8.91688 22.6453 9.14712 23.3084 9.57998 23.7412C9.90233 24.0728 10.3536 24.257 10.8786 24.1741L14.2954 23.5939C14.8112 23.511 15.1703 23.3544 15.4006 23.115C15.7045 22.8203 15.7966 22.3782 15.7966 21.798V20.8678C15.7966 20.7204 15.8611 20.6099 15.9532 20.5178C16.0453 20.4073 16.1834 20.3612 16.2847 20.3336C16.911 20.1863 18.182 20.0481 19.7016 20.0481C21.2212 20.0481 22.4829 20.1586 23.1184 20.3428C23.2105 20.3705 23.3395 20.4257 23.4408 20.5178C23.5236 20.6099 23.5789 20.7112 23.5881 20.8586L23.5973 21.798C23.6065 22.3782 23.6986 22.8203 23.9933 23.115C24.2328 23.3544 24.592 23.511 25.1077 23.5939L28.4785 24.1649C29.0219 24.257 29.4824 24.0636 29.8416 23.7136C30.2744 23.29 30.5139 22.6361 30.5323 21.8901C30.5599 20.6467 30.081 19.6245 29.2522 18.7956C27.3826 16.926 23.6894 16.0879 19.7016 16.0879Z" fill="white"/>

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">
+  <path d="M7.99951 20H2.99951C2.44723 20 1.99951 19.5523 1.99951 19V5C1.99951 4.44771 2.44723 4 2.99951 4H20.9995C21.5518 4 21.9995 4.44771 21.9995 5V8" stroke="white" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
+  <path d="M20.9995 12H12.9995C12.4472 12 11.9995 12.4477 11.9995 13V19C11.9995 19.5523 12.4472 20 12.9995 20H20.9995C21.5518 20 21.9995 19.5523 21.9995 19V13C21.9995 12.4477 21.5518 12 20.9995 12Z" stroke="white" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round"/>

+ 2 - 1

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 @import './sidebar.scss';
 @import './btn.scss';
 @import './ruoyi.scss';
+// @import './reset.scss';
 body {
   height: 100%;
@@ -181,4 +182,4 @@ aside {
     vertical-align: middle;
     margin-bottom: 10px;

+ 139 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+body {
+  height: 100%;
+  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
+  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+  font-family: PingFang SC, Noto Sans SC, Hiragino Sans GB, Microsoft YaHei, Arial, sans-serif;
+  overflow-x: hidden;
+/* Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, */
+label {
+  font-weight: 700;
+html {
+  /* height: 100%; */
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+#app {
+  height: 100%;
+*:after {
+  box-sizing: inherit;
+td {
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+h6 {
+  font-size: 100%;
+var {
+  font-style: normal;
+ol {
+  list-style: none;
+a {
+  text-decoration: none;
+a:hover {
+  text-decoration: underline;
+sup {
+  vertical-align: text-top;
+sub {
+  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+legend {
+  color: #000;
+img {
+  border: 0;
+i {
+  font-style: normal;
+table {
+  border-collapse: collapse;
+  border-spacing: 0;
+video:focus {
+  outline: none;
+::-webkit-scrollbar {
+  width: 5px;
+::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
+  background-color: #f1f1f1;
+::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);
+  border-radius: 5px;
+::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
+::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
+  display: none;

+ 5 - 5

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   .main-container {
     height: 100%;
     transition: margin-left .28s;
-    margin-left: $base-sidebar-width;
+    // margin-left: $base-sidebar-width;
     position: relative;
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
     width: $base-sidebar-width !important;
     background-color: $base-menu-background;
     height: 100%;
-    position: fixed;
+    // position: fixed;
     font-size: 0px;
-    top: 0;
-    bottom: 0;
-    left: 0;
+    // top: 0;
+    // bottom: 0;
+    // left: 0;
     z-index: 1001;
     overflow: hidden;
     // -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 0 6px rgba(0,21,41,.35);

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@tailwind base;
+@tailwind components;
+@tailwind utilities;

+ 166 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<script setup>
+import iconCallOn from '@/assets/images/header/icon-call-on.svg';
+import iconCallOff from '@/assets/images/header/icon-call-off.svg';
+const popoverVisible = ref(false);
+const popoverNums = ref(null);
+const isPlay = ref(false);
+const num = ref(null);
+const boardNums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,'*', 0, '#']
+// 计算属性 - 切换状态图标
+const phoneIcon = computed(() => isPlay.value ? iconCallOff : iconCallOn);
+const handleMakingCall = () => {
+  isPlay.value = !isPlay.value;
+  popoverVisible.value = false;
+// 事件 - 输入电话号码
+const handleInpNumber = (num) => {
+  popoverNums.value = (popoverNums.value || '')  + num;
+// 时间 - 清除popover中的电话最后一位
+const handleCleanNums = () => {
+  popoverNums.value = popoverNums.value.substring(0, popoverNums.value.length - 1);
+  <div class="phone-inp-wrapper">
+    <div class="inp-left">
+      <el-input-number v-model="num" :step="1" class="reset-inp-number" placeholder="请输入外呼电话号码" step-strictly />
+    </div>
+    <div class="inp-right flex items-center">
+      <el-popover
+        trigger="click"
+        placement="bottom"
+        v-model:visible="popoverVisible"
+        :width="270"
+        :show-arrow="false"
+        :popper-style="{
+          height: '394px',
+          borderRadius: '16px',
+          padding: '22px 46px 26px 46px'
+        }"
+      >
+        <template #reference>
+          <div class="pointer">
+            <img src="@/assets/images/header/icon-tel-keyboard.svg" alt="">
+          </div>
+        </template>
+        <div class="h-full flex flex-col items-center justify-between">
+          <div class="flex items-center text-[#E0E0E0] text-[12px] text-center font-bold">
+            <el-input
+              v-model="popoverNums"
+              class="reset-inp-text"
+              placeholder="请点击外呼电话号码"
+              readonly
+            ></el-input>
+            <img src="@/assets/images/header/icon-clean-btn.svg" class="cursor-pointer" @click="handleCleanNums" v-show="popoverNums?.length">
+          </div>  
+          <ul class="popover-board-nums">
+            <li class="board-item" v-for="item in boardNums" @click="handleInpNumber(item)">{{ item }}</li>
+          </ul>
+          <div class="flex justify-center">
+            <img src="@/assets/images/header/icon-call-on.svg" alt=""  class="w-[50px] h-[50px] cursor-pointer" @click="handleMakingCall">
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </el-popover>
+      <div class="line"></div>
+      <div class="pointer">
+        <img src="@/assets/images/header/icon-call-on.svg" alt=""></img>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<style lang="scss" scoped> {
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  width: 218px;
+  height: 100%;
+  padding: 8px;
+  border-radius: 8px;
+  background: #fff;
+  .inp-right {
+    .line {
+      width: 1px;
+      height: 16px;
+      margin: 0 8px;
+      background: #EEEFF1;
+    }
+  }
+.reset-inp-number {
+  width: 126px;
+  height: 100%;
+  line-height: 20px;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  outline: none;
+  :deep(.el-input-number__decrease),
+  :deep(.el-input-number__increase) {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  :deep(.el-input__wrapper) {
+    padding: 0;
+    box-shadow: none;
+  }
+:deep(.reset-inp-text) {
+  .is-focus {
+    box-shadow: none;
+  }
+  .el-input__wrapper {
+    font-size: 16px;
+    list-style: normal;
+    box-shadow: none !important;
+  }
+  .el-input__inner::-webkit-input-placeholder {
+    font-size: 14px !important;
+  }
+.popover-board-nums {
+  display: grid;
+  grid-row-gap: 15px;
+  grid-column-gap: 10px;
+  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
+  .board-item {
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+    width: 50px;
+    height: 50px;
+    border-radius: 100%;
+    background: #E5E6EB;
+    font-size: 24px;
+    color: #1D2129;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    transition: all 0.3s;
+    &:nth-child(10) {
+      padding-top: 10px;
+    }
+    &:active {
+      background: #cfcfd0;
+    }
+  }

+ 185 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+<script setup>
+import { ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus';
+import TelCallBoard from './TelCallBoard.vue'
+import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user';
+const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance();
+const systemState = ref(false);
+const userStore = useUserStore();
+  {label: '置闲', state: true, icon: 'online-icon'},
+  {label: '置忙', state: false, icon: 'offline-icon'}
+const num = ref(null);
+// 修改在线状态
+const handlePopoverItem = ({ state, label }) => {
+  systemState.value = state;
+  proxy.$modal[state ? 'msgSuccess' : 'msgWarning']('当前系统状态: ' + label);
+const handleCommand = (command) => {
+  switch (command) {
+    case "logout":
+      logout();
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+const logout = () => {
+  ElMessageBox.confirm('确定注销并退出系统吗?', '提示', {
+    confirmButtonText: '确定',
+    cancelButtonText: '取消',
+    type: 'warning'
+  }).then(() => {
+    userStore.logOut().then(() => {
+      location.href = '/index';
+    })
+  }).catch(() => { });
+  <header class="header-container">
+    <div class="navbar-left flex items-center space-x-[8px]">
+      <img src="@/assets/images/logo/logo.png" alt="" class="w-[28px] h-[28px]">
+      <img src="@/assets/images/logo/logo-text.svg" alt="" class="w-[130px] h-[20px]">
+    </div>
+    <div class="navbar-right flex items-center space-x-[12px]">
+      <el-dropdown trigger="click" popper-class="custom-dropdown" size="small">
+        <div class="system-state-wrapper">
+          <div class="system-state-btn">
+            <p class="flex items-center space-x-[4px]">
+              <span :class="['icon', systemState ? 'online-icon' : 'offline-icon']"></span>
+              <span>{{ systemState ? '置闲' : '置忙' }}</span>
+            </p>
+            <el-icon size="10"><ArrowDown /></el-icon>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <template #dropdown>
+          <el-dropdown-menu>
+            <el-dropdown-item v-for="item in SYSTEM_STAT_ENUM" :key="item.label" @click="handlePopoverItem(item)">
+              <div class="system-state-btn">
+                <p class="flex items-center space-x-[4px]">
+                  <span :class="['icon', item.icon]"></span>
+                  <span>{{ item.label }}</span>
+                </p>
+              </div> 
+            </el-dropdown-item>
+          </el-dropdown-menu>
+        </template>
+      </el-dropdown>
+      <TelCallBoard />
+      <div class="avatar-wrapper flex items-center space-x-[4px]">
+        <div class="avatar-img">
+          <img :src="userStore.avatar" alt="" class="img">
+        </div>
+        <el-dropdown @command="handleCommand" class="right-menu-item hover-effect" trigger="click" size="small">
+          <div class="h-[36px] flex items-center space-x-[4px]">
+            <div class="user-name">{{ }}</div>
+            <el-icon><caret-bottom /></el-icon>
+          </div>
+          <template #dropdown>
+            <el-dropdown-menu>
+              <!-- <router-link to="/user/profile" >
+                <el-dropdown-item>
+                  <span >个人中心</span>
+                </el-dropdown-item>
+              </router-link> -->
+              <el-dropdown-item command="logout">
+                <span class="text-[#1D2129] text-[14px] py-[4px]">退出登录</span>
+              </el-dropdown-item>
+            </el-dropdown-menu>
+          </template>
+        </el-dropdown>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </header>
+<style lang="scss">
+.custom-dropdown {
+  width: 86px;
+  .el-dropdown-menu__item {
+    padding: 8px !important;
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.header-container {
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  height: 92px;
+  padding: 34px 20px 22px 20px;
+  .navbar-left, .navbar-right {
+    height: 100%;
+  }
+  .avatar-wrapper {
+    font-size: 14px;
+    color: #1D2129;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    .avatar-img {
+      flex-shrink: 0;
+      width: 36px;
+      height: 36px;
+      border-radius: 50%;
+      background: #fff;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      .img {
+        width: 100%;
+        height: 100%;
+        border-radius: 100%;
+      }
+    }
+    .user-name {
+      max-width: 100px;
+      overflow:hidden;
+      white-space: nowrap;
+      text-overflow: ellipsis;
+      -o-text-overflow:ellipsis;
+    }
+  }
+.system-state-wrapper {
+    width: 86px;
+    height: 36px;
+    padding: 9px 8px;
+    border-radius: 8px;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    background: #fff;
+  }
+.system-state-btn {
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  line-height: 18px;
+  text-align: center;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  color: #1D2129;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  .icon {
+    display: block;
+    width: 18px;
+    height: 18px;
+  }
+  .online-icon {
+    background: url('@/assets/images/header/icon-phone-online.svg') center center no-repeat;
+  }
+  .offline-icon {
+    background: url('@/assets/images/header/icon-phone-offline.svg') center center no-repeat;
+  }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const handleSelect = (key) => {
-  <div :style="{ backgroundColor: '#EFF1F8' }">
+  <div :style="{ backgroundColor: '#EFF1F8', paddingTop: '20px'}">
     <el-scrollbar :class="theme" wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper">
       <div style="padding: 0 20px;">

+ 149 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+<script setup>
+const isExists = ref(false);
+  <div class="tel-notice-bar_view flex items-center justify-between" :style="{ top: isExists ? '10px' : '-88px' }">
+    <div class="notice-left flex items-center justify-center">
+      <div class="avatar-box">
+        <div class="circle1"></div>
+        <div class="circle2"></div>
+        <div class="circle3"></div>
+        <div class="circle4">
+          <img src="@/assets/images/tools/icon-avatar-call.svg" alt="">
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <ul class="pl-[20px]">
+        <li class="text-[14px] text-[#7B7B7D] space-x-[4px]">
+          <span>黑龙江</span>
+          <span>牡丹江</span>
+        </li>
+        <li class="text-[18px] font-bold">
+          <span>18645683435</span>
+        </li>
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+    <div class="notice-right flex">
+      <ul class="flex items-center space-x-[12px]">
+        <li class="icon-off"></li>
+        <li class="icon-on"></li>
+        <li class="icon-toggle"></li>
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<style lang="scss" scoped> {
+  position: absolute;
+  left: 50%;
+  top: 10px;
+  transform: translateX(-50%);
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  width: 484px;
+  height: 88px;
+  padding: 0 24px;
+  background: #000;
+  z-index: 100;
+  border-radius: 8px;
+  color: #fff;
+  transition: top ease-out .5s;
+  .notice-left .avatar-box {
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+    width: 48px;
+    height: 48px;
+    border-radius: 100% 100%;
+    background: linear-gradient(180deg, #656565 0%, #2F2F2F 100%);
+    .circle1,
+    .circle2,
+    .circle3 {
+      position: absolute;
+      width: 30px;
+      height: 30px;
+      background: rgba(137, 142, 254, 0);
+      border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.60);
+      border-radius: 999px;
+    }
+    .circle1,
+    .circle2,
+    .circle3 {
+      animation-name: circleChange;
+      animation-duration: 3s;
+      animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+      animation-timing-function: linear;
+    }
+    .circle1 {
+      animation-delay: 0.5s;
+    }
+    .circle2 {
+      animation-delay: 1.5s;
+    }
+    .circle3 {
+      animation-delay: 2.5s;
+    }
+    @keyframes circleChange {
+      0% {
+        transform: scale(1.5);
+        opacity: 0.75;
+      }
+      100% {
+        transform: scale(2.5);
+        opacity: 0.05;
+      }
+    }
+    .circle4 {
+      position: relative;
+      display: flex;
+      align-items: center;
+      justify-content: center;
+      z-index: 11111;
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 100%;
+      border-radius: 100% 100%;
+      background: linear-gradient(180deg, #656565 0%, #2F2F2F 100%);
+    }
+  }
+  .notice-right {
+    .icon-off,
+    .icon-on {
+      width: 40px;
+      height: 40px;
+      border-radius: 50%;
+      cursor: pointer;
+    }
+    .icon-off {
+      background: url("@/assets/images/tools/icon-phone-on.svg") center center no-repeat;
+    }
+    .icon-on {
+      background: url("@/assets/images/tools/icon-phone-off.svg") center center no-repeat;
+    }
+    .icon-toggle {
+      width: 24px;
+      height: 24px;
+      background: url("@/assets/images/tools/icon-toggle.svg") center center no-repeat;
+      cursor: pointer;
+    }
+  }

+ 114 - 0
src/layout/index copy.vue

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+  <div :class="classObj" class="app-wrapper" :style="{ '--current-color': theme }">
+    <div v-if="device === 'mobile' && sidebar.opened" class="drawer-bg" @click="handleClickOutside"/>
+    <sidebar v-if="!sidebar.hide" class="sidebar-container" />
+    <div :class="{ hasTagsView: needTagsView, sidebarHide: sidebar.hide }" class="main-container">
+      <div :class="{ 'fixed-header': fixedHeader }">
+        <navbar @setLayout="setLayout" />
+        <tags-view v-if="needTagsView" />
+      </div>
+      <app-main />
+      <settings ref="settingRef" />
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<script setup>
+import { useWindowSize } from '@vueuse/core'
+import Sidebar from './components/Sidebar/index.vue'
+import { AppMain, Navbar, Settings, TagsView } from './components'
+import defaultSettings from '@/settings'
+import useAppStore from '@/store/modules/app'
+import useSettingsStore from '@/store/modules/settings'
+const settingsStore = useSettingsStore()
+const theme = computed(() => settingsStore.theme);
+const sideTheme = computed(() => settingsStore.sideTheme);
+const sidebar = computed(() => useAppStore().sidebar);
+const device = computed(() => useAppStore().device);
+const needTagsView = computed(() => settingsStore.tagsView);
+const fixedHeader = computed(() => settingsStore.fixedHeader);
+const classObj = computed(() => ({
+  // hideSidebar: !sidebar.value.opened,
+  // openSidebar: sidebar.value.opened,
+  withoutAnimation: sidebar.value.withoutAnimation,
+  mobile: device.value === 'mobile'
+const { width, height } = useWindowSize();
+const WIDTH = 992; // refer to Bootstrap's responsive design
+watch(() => device.value, () => {
+  if (device.value === 'mobile' && sidebar.value.opened) {
+    useAppStore().closeSideBar({ withoutAnimation: false })
+  }
+watchEffect(() => {
+  if (width.value - 1 < WIDTH) {
+    useAppStore().toggleDevice('mobile')
+    useAppStore().closeSideBar({ withoutAnimation: true })
+  } else {
+    useAppStore().toggleDevice('desktop')
+  }
+function handleClickOutside() {
+  useAppStore().closeSideBar({ withoutAnimation: false })
+const settingRef = ref(null);
+function setLayout() {
+  settingRef.value.openSetting();
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+  @import "@/assets/styles/mixin.scss";
+  @import "@/assets/styles/variables.module.scss";
+ {
+  @include clearfix;
+  position: relative;
+  height: 100%;
+  width: 100%;
+  &.mobile.openSidebar {
+    position: fixed;
+    top: 0;
+  }
+.drawer-bg {
+  background: #000;
+  opacity: 0.3;
+  width: 100%;
+  top: 0;
+  height: 100%;
+  position: absolute;
+  z-index: 999;
+.fixed-header {
+  position: fixed;
+  top: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  z-index: 9;
+  width: calc(100% - #{$base-sidebar-width});
+  transition: width 0.28s;
+.hideSidebar .fixed-header {
+  width: calc(100% - 54px);
+.sidebarHide .fixed-header {
+  width: 100%;
+ .fixed-header {
+  width: 100%;

+ 31 - 100

@@ -1,114 +1,45 @@
-  <div :class="classObj" class="app-wrapper" :style="{ '--current-color': theme }">
-    <div v-if="device === 'mobile' && sidebar.opened" class="drawer-bg" @click="handleClickOutside"/>
-    <sidebar v-if="!sidebar.hide" class="sidebar-container" />
-    <div :class="{ hasTagsView: needTagsView, sidebarHide: sidebar.hide }" class="main-container">
-      <div :class="{ 'fixed-header': fixedHeader }">
-        <navbar @setLayout="setLayout" />
-        <tags-view v-if="needTagsView" />
-      </div>
-      <app-main />
-      <settings ref="settingRef" />
-    </div>
-  </div>
 <script setup>
-import { useWindowSize } from '@vueuse/core'
-import Sidebar from './components/Sidebar/index.vue'
-import { AppMain, Navbar, Settings, TagsView } from './components'
-import defaultSettings from '@/settings'
-import useAppStore from '@/store/modules/app'
-import useSettingsStore from '@/store/modules/settings'
-const settingsStore = useSettingsStore()
-const theme = computed(() => settingsStore.theme);
-const sideTheme = computed(() => settingsStore.sideTheme);
-const sidebar = computed(() => useAppStore().sidebar);
-const device = computed(() => useAppStore().device);
-const needTagsView = computed(() => settingsStore.tagsView);
-const fixedHeader = computed(() => settingsStore.fixedHeader);
-const classObj = computed(() => ({
-  // hideSidebar: !sidebar.value.opened,
-  // openSidebar: sidebar.value.opened,
-  withoutAnimation: sidebar.value.withoutAnimation,
-  mobile: device.value === 'mobile'
+import HeaderGroup  from './components/HeaderGroup';
+import Sidebar from './components/Sidebar'
+import TelNoticeBar from './components/TelNoticeBar/index.vue'
+import { AppMain } from './components'
-const { width, height } = useWindowSize();
-const WIDTH = 992; // refer to Bootstrap's responsive design
-watch(() => device.value, () => {
-  if (device.value === 'mobile' && sidebar.value.opened) {
-    useAppStore().closeSideBar({ withoutAnimation: false })
-  }
-watchEffect(() => {
-  if (width.value - 1 < WIDTH) {
-    useAppStore().toggleDevice('mobile')
-    useAppStore().closeSideBar({ withoutAnimation: true })
-  } else {
-    useAppStore().toggleDevice('desktop')
-  }
-function handleClickOutside() {
-  useAppStore().closeSideBar({ withoutAnimation: false })
-const settingRef = ref(null);
-function setLayout() {
-  settingRef.value.openSetting();
+  <div class="app-wrapper">
+    <HeaderGroup></HeaderGroup>
+    <div class="main-wrapper">
+      <Sidebar class="sidebar-container" />
+      <AppMain class="main-container"/>
+    </div>
+    <TelNoticeBar></TelNoticeBar>
+  </div>
 <style lang="scss" scoped>
-  @import "@/assets/styles/mixin.scss";
-  @import "@/assets/styles/variables.module.scss";
+@import "@/assets/styles/mixin.scss";
+@import "@/assets/styles/variables.module.scss";
 .app-wrapper {
   @include clearfix;
   position: relative;
-  height: 100%;
-  width: 100%;
-  &.mobile.openSidebar {
-    position: fixed;
-    top: 0;
+  height: 100vh;
+  width: 100vw;
+  background: #EFF1F8;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  .main-wrapper {
+    display: flex;
+    height: calc(100vh - 92px);
+    .sidebar-container {
+      flex-shrink: 0;
+    }
-.drawer-bg {
-  background: #000;
-  opacity: 0.3;
-  width: 100%;
-  top: 0;
-  height: 100%;
-  position: absolute;
-  z-index: 999;
-.fixed-header {
-  position: fixed;
-  top: 0;
-  right: 0;
-  z-index: 9;
-  width: calc(100% - #{$base-sidebar-width});
-  transition: width 0.28s;
-.hideSidebar .fixed-header {
-  width: calc(100% - 54px);
-.sidebarHide .fixed-header {
-  width: 100%;
- .fixed-header {
-  width: 100%;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import 'element-plus/dist/index.css'
 import locale from 'element-plus/es/locale/lang/zh-cn'
 import '@/assets/styles/index.scss' // global css
+import '@/assets/styles/tailwind.css'
 import App from './App'
 import store from './store'

+ 13 - 13

@@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
     component: () => import('@/views/error/401'),
     hidden: true
-  // {
-  //   path: '',
-  //   component: Layout,
-  //   redirect: '/index',
-  //   children: [
-  //     {
-  //       path: '/index',
-  //       component: () => import('@/views/index'),
-  //       name: 'Index',
-  //       meta: { title: '首页', icon: 'dashboard', affix: true }
-  //     }
-  //   ]
-  // },
+  {
+    path: '',
+    // component: Layout,
+    redirect: '/workbench',
+    // children: [
+    //   {
+    //     path: '/index',
+    //     component: () => import('@/views/index'),
+    //     name: 'Index',
+    //     meta: { title: '首页', icon: 'dashboard', affix: true }
+    //   }
+    // ]
+  },
     path: '/user',
     component: Layout,

+ 121 - 101

@@ -1,66 +1,52 @@
   <div class="login">
-    <el-form ref="loginRef" :model="loginForm" :rules="loginRules" class="login-form">
-      <h3 class="title">若依后台管理系统</h3>
-      <el-form-item prop="username">
-        <el-input
-          v-model="loginForm.username"
-          type="text"
-          size="large"
-          auto-complete="off"
-          placeholder="账号"
-        >
-          <template #prefix><svg-icon icon-class="user" class="el-input__icon input-icon" /></template>
-        </el-input>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item prop="password">
-        <el-input
-          v-model="loginForm.password"
-          type="password"
-          size="large"
-          auto-complete="off"
-          placeholder="密码"
-          @keyup.enter="handleLogin"
-        >
-          <template #prefix><svg-icon icon-class="password" class="el-input__icon input-icon" /></template>
-        </el-input>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item prop="code" v-if="captchaEnabled">
-        <el-input
-          v-model="loginForm.code"
-          size="large"
-          auto-complete="off"
-          placeholder="验证码"
-          style="width: 63%"
-          @keyup.enter="handleLogin"
-        >
-          <template #prefix><svg-icon icon-class="validCode" class="el-input__icon input-icon" /></template>
-        </el-input>
-        <div class="login-code">
-          <img :src="codeUrl" @click="getCode" class="login-code-img"/>
-        </div>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-checkbox v-model="loginForm.rememberMe" style="margin:0px 0px 25px 0px;">记住密码</el-checkbox>
-      <el-form-item style="width:100%;">
-        <el-button
-          :loading="loading"
-          size="large"
-          type="primary"
-          style="width:100%;"
-          @click.prevent="handleLogin"
-        >
-          <span v-if="!loading">登 录</span>
-          <span v-else>登 录 中...</span>
-        </el-button>
-        <div style="float: right;" v-if="register">
-          <router-link class="link-type" :to="'/register'">立即注册</router-link>
-        </div>
-      </el-form-item>
+    <el-form ref="loginRef" :model="loginForm" class="login-form">
+      <h3 class="title">账号登录</h3>
+      <div class="main">
+        <el-form-item prop="username">
+          <el-input
+            v-model="loginForm.username"
+            type="text"
+            size="large"
+            auto-complete="off"
+            placeholder="请输入登录账号"
+          ></el-input>
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item prop="password">
+          <el-input
+            v-model="loginForm.password"
+            type="password"
+            size="large"
+            auto-complete="off"
+            placeholder="请输入登录密码"
+            @keyup.enter="handleLogin"
+          ></el-input>
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item style="width:100%;">
+          <div class="w-full h-[116px]">
+            <div class="error-tips space-x-[4px]" v-show="errorMsg">
+              <el-icon><Warning /></el-icon>
+              <span>{{ errorMsg }}</span>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <el-button
+            :loading="loading"
+            size="large"
+            type="primary"
+            style="width:100%;"
+            @click.prevent="handleLogin"
+          >
+            <span v-if="!loading">登 录</span>
+            <span v-else>登 录 中...</span>
+          </el-button>
+        </el-form-item>
+      </div>
-    <!--  底部  -->
+    <!--  底部  
     <div class="el-login-footer">
       <span>Copyright © 2018-2024 All Rights Reserved.</span>
+    -->
@@ -89,6 +75,8 @@ const loginRules = {
   code: [{ required: true, trigger: "change", message: "请输入验证码" }]
+const errorMsg = ref("");
 const codeUrl = ref("");
 const loading = ref(false);
 // 验证码开关
@@ -102,39 +90,35 @@ watch(route, (newRoute) => {
 }, { immediate: true });
 function handleLogin() {
-  proxy.$refs.loginRef.validate(valid => {
-    if (valid) {
-      loading.value = true;
-      // 勾选了需要记住密码设置在 cookie 中设置记住用户名和密码
-      if (loginForm.value.rememberMe) {
-        Cookies.set("username", loginForm.value.username, { expires: 30 });
-        Cookies.set("password", encrypt(loginForm.value.password), { expires: 30 });
-        Cookies.set("rememberMe", loginForm.value.rememberMe, { expires: 30 });
-      } else {
-        // 否则移除
-        Cookies.remove("username");
-        Cookies.remove("password");
-        Cookies.remove("rememberMe");
+  const { username, password } = unref(loginForm);
+  if (!username) {
+    return errorMsg.value = '请输入用户名称'
+  }
+  if (!password) {
+    return errorMsg.value = '请输入登录密码'
+  }
+  errorMsg.value = '';
+  loading.value = true;
+  // 调用action的登录方法
+  userStore.login(loginForm.value).then(() => {
+    const query = route.query;
+    const otherQueryParams = Object.keys(query).reduce((acc, cur) => {
+      if (cur !== "redirect") {
+        acc[cur] = query[cur];
-      // 调用action的登录方法
-      userStore.login(loginForm.value).then(() => {
-        const query = route.query;
-        const otherQueryParams = Object.keys(query).reduce((acc, cur) => {
-          if (cur !== "redirect") {
-            acc[cur] = query[cur];
-          }
-          return acc;
-        }, {});
-        router.push({ path: redirect.value || "/", query: otherQueryParams });
-      }).catch(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-        // 重新获取验证码
-        if (captchaEnabled.value) {
-          getCode();
-        }
-      });
-    }
+      return acc;
+    }, {});
+    // redirect.value
+    router.push({ path: "/workbench", query: otherQueryParams });
+  }).catch(() => {
+    loading.value = false;
 function getCode() {
@@ -165,27 +149,63 @@ getCookie();
 <style lang='scss' scoped>
 .login {
   display: flex;
-  justify-content: center;
+  justify-content: flex-end;
   align-items: center;
   height: 100%;
-  background-image: url("../assets/images/login-background.jpg");
+  background-image: url("../assets/images/login/bg-login-text.png");
   background-size: cover;
-.title {
-  margin: 0px auto 30px auto;
-  text-align: center;
-  color: #707070;
 .login-form {
-  border-radius: 6px;
-  background: #ffffff;
-  width: 400px;
-  padding: 25px 25px 5px 25px;
+  width: 440px;
+  margin-right: 100px;
+  border-radius: 12px;
+  border: 2px solid #FFF;
+  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
+  box-shadow: 0px 2px 80px 5px rgba(19, 29, 107, 0.06);
+  .title {
+    padding: 20px 0 20px 60px;
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #EDEFF2;
+    text-align: left;
+    font-size: 24px;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    color: #1D2129;
+  }
+  .main {
+    padding: 60px 60px 66px 60px;
+    :deep(.el-input__wrapper) {
+      border: 1px solid #F2F4F9;
+      border-radius: 8px;
+      box-shadow: none;
+    }
+    .error-tips {
+      display: flex;
+      align-items: center;
+      justify-content: center;
+      height: 32px;
+      border-radius: 8px;
+      background: #FFF1F0;
+      text-align: center;
+      font-size: 12px;
+      color: #FF7152;
+    }
+    .el-button {
+      height: 54px;
+      border-radius: 8px;
+      background: linear-gradient(91deg, #165DFF 0.41%, #00A6FF 97.92%);
+      font-size: 18px;
+    }
+  }
   .el-input {
-    height: 40px;
+    height: 54px;
     input {
-      height: 40px;
+      height: 54px;
   .input-icon {

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
+export default {
+  content: ['./index.html', './src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
+  theme: {
+    extend: {},
+  },
+  plugins: [],

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from 'vite'
 import path from 'path'
 import createVitePlugins from './vite/plugins'
+import tailwindcss from 'tailwindcss'
 export default defineConfig(({ mode, command }) => {
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ export default defineConfig(({ mode, command }) => {
     css: {
       postcss: {
         plugins: [
+          tailwindcss,
             postcssPlugin: 'internal:charset-removal',
             AtRule: {